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Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: Fake war on womyn ()
Date: January 13, 2016 07:59PM

Hours before the General Assembly gaveled into session Wednesday, a group of Democratic lawmakers announced that they've signed on to a "statement of intent" in support of Virginia women. The statement was drafted by NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia and calls for expanded access to a full range of reproductive health care services for women, their partners and their families.

The title is a subtle jab at the "statement of intent" Virginia Republicans are asking voters to sign before casting ballots in the Commonwealth's presidential primary on Super Tuesday.

At the top of the agenda is repealing the controversial requirement that women undergo a transvaginal ultrasound before getting an abortion. That's the law mocked by The Daily Show and other comedy shows when it passed in 2012.

"It is medically unnecessary, and it's not intended to promote women's health or safety," says Sen. Mamie Locke (D-2). "It is a law designed to shame and judge a woman seeking an abortion."

NARAL organizers said they contacted every member of the General Assembly and asked them to support the statement of intent. Only Democrats responded to the email, though, and more than 50 Democrats signed the statement. No Republicans signed the statement.

"Virginia Republicans would never engage in any war on women," says David D'Onofrio, spokesman for the Republican Party of Virginia.

Organizers of the statement say the idea is that lawmakers who sign the document are demonstrating their support for policies that reaffirm women's constitutional rights and expand reproductive health care access. Tarina Keene, executive director for NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia, says the group also wants to see lawmakers move beyond the divisive politics of last year's election.

"After a year of hateful rhetoric, domestic terrorism at women's health centers and increasing attacks on women's health across the county, we are here today to take a bold stand in support of Virginia's women and families," says Keene.

NARAL supporters also plan to push for creation of a new pilot program that would give free contraception to women. Last week, in an appearance at Northern Virginia Community College in Alexandria, Democratic Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam announced his support for a bill that would do just that. Northam stood with lawmakers today at a press conference announcing the statement of intent.

"This is no offense to my fellow males in the room, but there is no excuse that a group of legislators — most of whom are men — should be telling women what they should or shouldn't be doing with their bodies," says Northam. "That needs to stop."

Other bills Democrats say they will support include one that would remove the prohibition against abortion coverage under the Affordable Care Act and another that would require health carriers to cover oral contraceptives.

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: What century is this? ()
Date: January 13, 2016 08:15PM

Women and the men who love them do not like VA Republicans, all of whom seem to be worthless throwback bible-thumping assholes.

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: NOVA NAMBLA Dems ()
Date: January 13, 2016 08:22PM

What century is this? Wrote:
> Women and the men who love them do not like VA
> Republicans, all of whom seem to be worthless
> throwback bible-thumping assholes.


Everyone knows that Dem men are fags.

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: January 13, 2016 08:24PM

The only assclownery here is by the Republican legislators who require women to undergo a procedure that there physicians deem medically unnecessary.

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: Abortion Is Murder ()
Date: January 13, 2016 08:26PM

That said, how I feel.. It does not matter. the law says its legal. Mans law Not Gods. and I will leave it at that.

On the issue of ultrasound on abortion..If its true what's being said, that its medically unneeded ..and why would it be?? I think it's just something to show a woman she is carrying a human life inside her and to make sure she knows that she's going to end that life..

Well .. Im sure women know that. That if they abort there ending a life, and without a medical need shown. Theres no need to subject women to this practice.

A form with their signature explaining the end of a life would be enough , A handbook would be good also to explain other options like adoption after giving birth, the handbook they can read it or toss it. No gory pics in it either.. My "vote" is to go along with the Dems on this one.. End the ultrasound requirement.

As far as Obama Care and abortion coverage.. No Way. The Feds/Govt need to stay the hell out of it. Women want to abort.. let them pay for it.. and birth control too.


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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: Tolerance ()
Date: January 13, 2016 08:37PM

Hey "what century is this", you've just demonstrated Democrat tolerance!

If someone disagrees with you, engage in personal attacks.

Why are the democrats the most intolerant people around?

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: January 13, 2016 09:02PM

Abortion Is Murder Wrote:
> As far as Obama Care and abortion coverage.. No
> Way. The Feds/Govt need to stay the hell out of
> it. Women want to abort.. let them pay for it..
> and birth control too.

In more reasonable times, a policy like this called the Hyde Amendment was followed. Abortion was legal and available, but not paid for by government funds except in the case of rape, incest or where the life of the mother was in danger. I see no reason why we couldn't follow this policy going forward, provided similar rules were applied to similar medical procedures. In other words no viagra coverage either.

Possible common ground?

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: Blowjobs don't get you pregnant ()
Date: January 13, 2016 09:23PM

I'm cool with making men pay for their own boners, I mean viagra if it means I don't have to pay for someone's pill.

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: Common Ground Yes ()
Date: January 13, 2016 10:16PM

>In other words no viagra coverage either.

>Possible common ground?

Yes I will agree, but if medical issues exist and a man or woman needs some operation to conceive I think that should be covered. But not to abort.

"I tried a blue pill.. It got stuck in my throat and I had a stiff neck 3 days.."

Ya Ya Ya.. We have heard that one.. Stand Up Comic ...Im Not..


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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: Hillary Clinton Pie ()
Date: January 13, 2016 11:38PM

We finally understand that Hillary Clinton leads the War on Women.

NARAL is funded by - surprise! - the abortion industry, meaning Planned Parenthood et al.

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: January 13, 2016 11:48PM

What century is this? Wrote:
> Women and the men who love them do not like VA
> Republicans, all of whom seem to be worthless
> throwback bible-thumping assholes.

That’s not true. Speak for your loathsome self. Baby-killer who wants everyone to be a killer just like him. What about those baby girls being thrown in the trash, Daddy? Where were you when she needed you? You sick Nazi.

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: ppotL ()
Date: January 14, 2016 01:03AM

People who promote abortion should have never been born.

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: Big Gay Republican ()
Date: January 14, 2016 07:40AM

> What century is this? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Women and the men who love them do not like VA
> > Republicans, all of whom seem to be worthless
> > throwback bible-thumping assholes.
> Ridiculous.
> Everyone knows that Dem men are fags.

Oh Really? Then why is always republicans caught trying to hook-up in public bathrooms and post ads in the gay sections on craigslist?

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: January 14, 2016 07:51AM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> The only assclownery here is by the Republican
> legislators who require women to undergo a
> procedure that there physicians deem medically
> unnecessary.

Physicians?! What we call physicians is nothing more than insurance companies’ legmen. They cannot think past their billing codes. But I digress,

In Virginia, the buyer beware. The law of disclose, disclose, disclose is prescribed by lawyers to all types of businesses which sell services to the public.
What pregnant women seeking abortions are receiving is disclosure. As the buyer, she needs to be informed of exactly what it is she is purchasing. Get it?

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: January 14, 2016 07:54AM

Big Gay Republican Wrote:
> NOVA NAMBLA Dems Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What century is this? Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Women and the men who love them do not like
> VA
> > > Republicans, all of whom seem to be worthless
> > > throwback bible-thumping assholes.
> >
> >
> > Ridiculous.
> >
> > Everyone knows that Dem men are fags.
> Oh Really? Then why is always republicans caught
> trying to hook-up in public bathrooms and post ads
> in the gay sections on craigslist?

Liberals lying again because they have no argument. So obvious. Give up.

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: January 14, 2016 07:58AM

Abortion Is Murder Wrote:
> That said, how I feel.. It does not matter. the
> law says its legal. Mans law Not Gods. and I will
> leave it at that.
> On the issue of ultrasound on abortion..If its
> true what's being said, that its medically
> unneeded ..and why would it be?? I think it's
> just something to show a woman she is carrying a
> human life inside her and to make sure she knows
> that she's going to end that life..
> Well .. Im sure women know that. That if they
> abort there ending a life, and without a medical
> need shown. Theres no need to subject women to
> this practice.
> A form with their signature explaining the end of
> a life would be enough , A handbook would be good
> also to explain other options like adoption after
> giving birth, the handbook they can read it or
> toss it. No gory pics in it either.. My "vote" is
> to go along with the Dems on this one.. End the
> ultrasound requirement.
> As far as Obama Care and abortion coverage.. No
> Way. The Feds/Govt need to stay the hell out of
> it. Women want to abort.. let them pay for it..
> and birth control too.

W A I T !!!!
help me.png

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: January 14, 2016 08:49AM

"This is no offense to my fellow males in the room, but there is no excuse that a group of legislators — most of whom are men — should be telling women what they should or shouldn't be doing with their bodies," says Northam. "That needs to stop.”

Obviously looking for applause. What an egotistical....[nevermind]

As a group of legislators - male, female or whatever - who represent the people of their state, they had damn well better do what the people want.

Further, as legislators charged with protecting the citizens of the state they represent, I would think a broader perspective is in order. Considering, that such a barbaric practice as slaughtering humans will certainly have a detrimental effect on our free and prosperous nation. Surely we don’t think a nation will survive when it conducts such heinous crimes against itself.

Please, don’t try to explain how the living being in a woman’s womb is not human. Even a child knows better. For that matter, every animal on the face of the planet would know a human baby if they saw one. But not us. We can’t even figure it out when it comes out of our own body. But then humans have an innate ability to deny fact.
heinous .png

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: January 14, 2016 09:00AM

and AJAX, if the truth hurts, FACE IT. Don’t turn away. That’s denial. DEAL WITH IT.

Also, will you roll over the same way when the law takes your guns? Just wondering.
will you be my mommi.png

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: Explain What Is The T. V. U ()
Date: January 14, 2016 03:08PM

And why do they do this in Virginia.

I thought it was a type of imageing to see the baby. Now if its something that will kill or hurt the baby Im against it.

If it is a safe image then what's the big deal and why do abortionists not want it so bad. After all it is preformed by a doctor and the woman has to have a doctor to do the abortion.So she has to go twice to a Dr. so what.

If its truly not needed they why was it required by law in Va.?

Many years ago I was in the middle on abortion, thats when the baby was created then aborted. I have come to see it all as murder . I also agree with the statement on the above picture of the baby with the cord. As Ive said Abortion is Murder.


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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: Big Gay Republican ()
Date: January 14, 2016 03:38PM

causeican Wrote:
> Big Gay Republican Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > NOVA NAMBLA Dems Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > What century is this? Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > Women and the men who love them do not like
> > VA
> > > > Republicans, all of whom seem to be
> worthless
> > > > throwback bible-thumping assholes.
> > >
> > >
> > > Ridiculous.
> > >
> > > Everyone knows that Dem men are fags.
> >
> > Oh Really? Then why is always republicans
> caught
> > trying to hook-up in public bathrooms and post
> ads
> > in the gay sections on craigslist?
> Liberals lying again because they have no
> argument. So obvious. Give up.

Liberals lying again? The only thing I was arguing was that all Dem men are gay. My point being that when a politician gets "outed" as being gay it's almost always a republican. Are you debating that Larry Craig and Randy Boehning got caught being gay? Look them both up. I assure you I am not lying.

It seems you are the one with no argument

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Re: Va. State Dems Making Assclowns of Themselves Again... *sigh*
Posted by: Science ()
Date: January 14, 2016 04:02PM

ppotL Wrote:
> People who promote abortion should have never been
> born.

When does one usually celebrate your first birthday?

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