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traffic jam causers!
Posted by: fed up w/ traffic ()
Date: December 19, 2005 03:34PM

Hey i got an idea... if everyone thought of others then themselves we could really get around here during rush hours a lot faster!... hear me out...
on the interstates (495, 66, 395, 95)...

Far left lane-for through traffic not gettting off for a while and people doing 10 over or so..and passing.. DONT STAY IN IT IF YOU CANT KEEP UP

second to right from the left lane.. people who are traveling along, their pace (hopefully quickly) and when the left fast lane is open they are in this lane until they need to pass...

third lane (next to slow right lane) this is for people who are going to be getting off in the next exit or so.. space yourself out dont tailgate and let people in when they enter the highway

right lane.. getting on and off next.. again space yourself out so you can get in and off smoothly...

If all of you read this and agree start a movement so we can get the friggin highways moving again...

learn the new strategy of driving.. live it, learn it, love it!

oh and on two lane roads... left is for passing.. move the F over if you are not going to drive!

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Price ()
Date: December 19, 2005 03:44PM

Not gonna work, because for many fellow drivers travelling on any lane they want is their Constitutional right, multiplied by "screw'em all" attitude.

Do not forget left exits like 495 -> 66 or 495 -> 267 that mess up everything.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: December 19, 2005 03:50PM

I like the idea fed up. It could actually work on the VA side but those PG drivers drive like folks need to bow to their aggressiveness. Awhile back I was driving over the speed limit in the far right line like you outline but was passed on the right side by one of the idiots there - yes, he had to actually get off the main lanes to pass on the right. I was on my bike not really watching that side (who would?) so scared the bejesus out of me.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: from the 757 ()
Date: December 19, 2005 07:09PM

I really hope you're just venting and realize nothing will come of that rant.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 20, 2005 08:10AM

i came up with a similar idea in the past. basically the most left lane would have a set speed of say 75MPh. this means, you must go exactly 75MPh. The second to right lane was ONLY for accellerating to get and out of the 75MPh lane. the real problem is that idiots cannot merge. too many times ive seen idiots come to a complete stop and then try to merge which takes forever because cars are going so much faster than their stupid ass sitting in the lane going nowhere. generally it's a big merging problem. if someone is going too slow in the static speed lane, you can pass them in the empty lane for speeding up and slowing down then call their slow ass into the cops with their plate number. too bad it will never happen.... i also blame MADD for using EVIL tactics until they had the speed lowered more and more.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: kit.car ()
Date: December 20, 2005 09:37AM

Price Wrote:
> Not gonna work, because for many fellow drivers
> travelling on any lane they want is their
> Constitutional right, multiplied by "screw'em all"
> attitude.
> Do not forget left exits like 495 -> 66 or 495
> -> 267 that mess up everything.

SEE Your part of the problem...read the signs... there are TWO exits for 66W from the inner loop, one on the left and one on the right...I hate those fuckers crossing 4 lanes of traffic from the 50 on-ramp to go 66W, when all they need to do is stay in the right fucking lane and in 500ft there is another ramp for 66W...

I agree with the ideas...but I learned it from my parents not in driving school. unfortunately they only teach the laws, not etiquette.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: CO ()
Date: December 20, 2005 10:03AM

fed up w/ traffic Wrote:

> Far left lane-for through traffic not gettting off
> for a while and people doing 10 over or so..and

I am with you on this one! there's a plethora of morons driving in this lane at the specified speed limit or sometimes even below it and i feel like smashing them in their rear..and i swear i would've done that had i got a couple of extra cars in my garage..

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: fed up w/ traffic ()
Date: December 20, 2005 12:07PM

well i am glad most of you see that there is hope... and for you that doubt it, you part of the problem.. not letting people like us in when we merge.. we know what the fuck we are doing.. we are getting over to the left so we dont have to deal with the fucks who dont know ... key phrase mentioned earlier by GRAVIS merging!

Yeah i dont expect to start a revolution .. From the 757.. Just hoping a few more people learn to drive like their parents taught them..

oh.. and stay back from the motorcycles... give them some room!

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: stinkypoon ()
Date: December 20, 2005 01:44PM

I gave my horn a good workout yesterday trying to get through Tysons. Everyone clogs up the intersections so when the signals change, nobody can get through. Someone described them as "being selfish", but I wouldn't give them that much credit. I think they are too stupid to comprehend that just because the light is green does not mean they should go. UNLESS they can clear the intersection.

Can we get some cops out on foot patrol around here? You know, the ones that waste all day setting up stings in the mall and sobriety checkpoints on the road. Get a few of those jerks out strolling the congested intersections, slapping tickets to every idiot that parks their Suburban in the middle of Gallows and 123.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: erik ()
Date: December 20, 2005 03:02PM

It's a nice idea and all. As stated above, it's impossible do to because of all the fucking idiots that are:

-Yammerin' their cell phones
-Puttin' on their makeup
-Gettin' Hannitized

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Justa idea ()
Date: December 20, 2005 05:23PM

How bout this. All lanes go the speed limit and maybe 5 - 10 under limit during rush hours. Keep proper distance say 5 - 6 car lendths between. Finally with that distance and reduced speed allow drivers to merge and exit safely which is easier with slower more spaced out traffic. Do the math if the speed limit is 60mph you are traveling a mile a minute if you reduce to50 mph you are roughly driving just under a mile a minute however with proper distance and slower speed people do not need to suddenly hit the brakes or cut cars off to get to their exit etc. thus allowing a stress free congested free drive. Try it and you'll like it..Who really needs to be somewhere at a certain time in this area..No need to rush and cause traffic jams..

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: December 20, 2005 05:37PM

Justa idea Wrote:
> How bout this. All lanes go the speed limit and
> maybe 5 - 10 under limit during rush hours. Keep
> proper distance say 5 - 6 car lendths between.
> Finally with that distance and reduced speed allow
> drivers to merge and exit safely which is easier
> with slower more spaced out traffic.

> with proper distance and slower speed people do
> not need to suddenly hit the brakes or cut cars
> off to get to their exit etc. thus allowing a
> stress free congested free drive. Try it and
> you'll like it..Who really needs to be somewhere
> at a certain time in this area..No need to rush
> and cause traffic jams..

How wonderfully simplified and this should work perfectly. All we need to do is prevent:

1) anyone from making a lane change, which could cause an accident or cause someone to slow down to let them in

2) anyone from having a medical emergency in a car, causing someone to swerve, or maybe change lanes to get over to a service lane

3) anyone from having an expired plate or any other reason that would cause a police officer to pull anyone over, causing mayhem for TWO cars to switch lanes over to a shoulder and cause everyone on the road to rubberneck

4) anyone from running out of gas

5) any emergency vehicles like ambulances or fire trucks from entering our highways. They just cause people to slow down, move over, etc

6) people from jumping, or threatening to jump, from the Wilson bridge

7) any road construction. If they would just stop repairing the roads we wouldn't have delays due to repaving

8) any traffic signals on arterials from turning red. During morning and evening rush this can cause traffic to back up on interchanges and impede highway throughput

9) anyone from using any lane that has to merge in with any other. The merging action can't happen with lots of cars at 60 mph because all the drivers are idiots and just won't keep going. Instead they slow down to make sure they don't hit another car

I guess that starts the list... I don't know why it isn't easy for people to all just go the same speed. Why didn't they think of that? So easy.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Price ()
Date: December 20, 2005 07:17PM

stinkypoon Wrote:
> Can we get some cops out on foot patrol around
> here? You know, the ones that waste all day
> setting up stings in the mall and sobriety
> checkpoints on the road. Get a few of those jerks
> out strolling the congested intersections,
> slapping tickets to every idiot that parks their
> Suburban in the middle of Gallows and 123.

Good point. You may lay down as many laws and rules as you want, but if they are not enforced, they won't be followed.

But overall, I think the #1 solution for DC metro area is a) widening the existing 2-lane roads like 7100, b) converting major local roads into highways like what they did to Route 28, and c) building new beltway (or semi-beltway) that would connect I-95 North and South in addition to 495.

I bet all above is much cheaper than what was spent in Iraq and would actually improve our lifes.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: face ()
Date: December 21, 2005 12:53AM

i have discussed this with many friends and tried to figure out the logistics of it.

instead of having highway cops nabbing people for speeding, have designated pace cars on 66 and other highways. speed limits should not be as rigid as they are. weather conditions, time of day, and other factors should all play in to what the speed limit is. if we had cars setting the pace things would go a lot smoother.

this doesn't help out the merging problem, which i think is the most serious issue. merging on/off ramps need to be much much longer (not just a couple hundred yards and then--bam, right into 2 lanes of 66). one of the problems associated with this, especially on 66 near route 7, is the proximity of 2 on ramps. this causes major congestion.

one day i would love to just get in a helicopter and move up and down 66 to watch and see exactly WHAT causes the backups. i'll probably find...nothing. no accident, nothing. just stupid drivers. !!!!

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: stinkypoon ()
Date: December 21, 2005 11:32AM

erik Wrote:
> It's a nice idea and all. As stated above, it's
> impossible do to because of all the fucking idiots
> that are:
> -Yammerin' their cell phones
> -Puttin' on their makeup
> -Gettin' Hannitized
> -Ricin'

hahahahahah that's awesome.

i am "Hannitized" during my awful evening commute home every day. listening to that stupid motherfucker gets my mind off the traffic.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Dirty Sanchez ()
Date: December 31, 2005 10:47PM

You have a few options:

Move closer to work.

Change your work hours.

Stay off the Interstates at all costs!

Take mass transit.

Other than that, you are just bitching and moaning about people who not only think just about themselves, but will continue to do so no matter how much you bitch and moan about it on the Internet.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 01, 2006 10:44AM

Great advice from Dirty Sanchez

> Move closer to work.
yeah... move to SE DC already!

> Change your work hours.
all businesses have the nightshift... oh wait, no.

> Stay off the Interstates at all costs!
just tear through all the neighborhoods around 495... hmm...

> Take mass transit.
even if it costs MORE (yes, it does) to take the metro than drive, forces you to sit with random people, takes away listening to the radio, has no A/C, makes you walk the extra distance and more often than not takes longer it's the smart thing to do. DUH!

> Other than that, you are just bitching and moaning
> about people who not only think just about
> themselves, but will continue to do so no matter
> how much you bitch and moan about it on the
> Internet.

by bitching an moaning that MAKES him read about it and then bitch and moan too!

clearly D.S. understands how the REAL world works.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Dirty Sanchez ()
Date: January 01, 2006 12:40PM

Gravis Wrote:
> Great advice from Dirty Sanchez
> > Move closer to work.
> yeah... move to SE DC already!
> > Change your work hours.
> all businesses have the nightshift... oh wait,
> no.
> > Stay off the Interstates at all costs!
> just tear through all the neighborhoods around
> 495... hmm...
> > Take mass transit.
> even if it costs MORE (yes, it does) to take the
> metro than drive, forces you to sit with random
> people, takes away listening to the radio, has no
> A/C, makes you walk the extra distance and more
> often than not takes longer it's the smart thing
> to do. DUH!
> > Other than that, you are just bitching and
> moaning
> > about people who not only think just about
> > themselves, but will continue to do so no
> matter
> > how much you bitch and moan about it on the
> > Internet.
> by bitching an moaning that MAKES him read about
> it and then bitch and moan too!
> clearly D.S. understands how the REAL world works.
> unfairfax adaptivetime com
> As of 11/15/05 13:44
> My Linux uptime: 65 days, 14 hours, 42 minutes
> Your Windows uptime: pushing two hours

1. If you don't like the DC area, move. Nobody is forcing people to live here.

2. Change your work hours - Find a job with flexible work hours. If not, see point 1.

3. Out of a 30 mile commute, I manage to only spend about three miles on the Interstate. It is not difficult to do.

4. Take mass transit - Yes. It is cheaper to take Metro than to pay for gas and parking in the DC area.

5. Apparently you are taking your own advice on bitching and moaning. And yes, I do know how the real world works. You need to solve your own problems because nobody else will solve them for you.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 01, 2006 06:48PM

1. If you don't like the DC area, move. Nobody is forcing people to live here.
who said i didnt like it here?

2. Change your work hours - Find a job with flexible work hours. If not, see point 1.
where do you work, McDonalds?! normal jobs (white collar) are 9am to 5pm... unless you work for the gov. which is functioning at the crack of dawn.

3. Out of a 30 mile commute, I manage to only spend about three miles on the Interstate. It is not difficult to do.
it all depends on where you work. while your McDonalds may have this wonderful route, lots of people dont work at that location.

4. Take mass transit - Yes. It is cheaper to take Metro than to pay for gas and parking in the DC area.
who pays for parking AT their job? i calculated it to be cheaper to take just the metro train (not including the bus to get to the train) would require the gas price to be $3.50 per gallon.

5. Apparently you are taking your own advice on bitching and moaning. And yes, I do know how the real world works. You need to solve your own problems because nobody else will solve them for you.
so it seems you dont understand the concept of mockery.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Dirty Sanchez ()
Date: January 01, 2006 07:41PM

People who make more than $25K a year pay for parking. Where do you work? JCPenney?

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: ben ()
Date: January 02, 2006 12:17AM

Dirty Sanchez Wrote:
> People who make more than $25K a year pay for
> parking. Where do you work? JCPenney?

And it's still cheaper than taking the metro.

Bus to Vienna $1.25
Metro from Vienna to Metro Center $3.55
Bus from Metro Center to wherever $1.25
Bus from wherever to Metro Center $1.25
Metro Center to Vienna $3.55
Bus from Vienna $1.25

Total cost, $12.10

Or you could park at Vienna, then it's $13.35.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Dirty Sanchez ()
Date: January 02, 2006 12:28AM

ben Wrote:
> Dirty Sanchez Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > People who make more than $25K a year pay
> for
> > parking. Where do you work? JCPenney?
> And it's still cheaper than taking the metro.
> Bus to Vienna $1.25
> Metro from Vienna to Metro Center $3.55
> Bus from Metro Center to wherever $1.25
> Bus from wherever to Metro Center $1.25
> Metro Center to Vienna $3.55
> Bus from Vienna $1.25
> Total cost, $12.10
> Or you could park at Vienna, then it's $13.35.
> don,t dream

Parking in DC is $15 a day. Then you have to figure gas.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: ben ()
Date: January 02, 2006 03:42AM

Dirty Sanchez Wrote:
> ben Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Dirty Sanchez Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > People who make more than $25K a year
> pay
> > for
> > > parking. Where do you work? JCPenney?
> >
> > And it's still cheaper than taking the
> metro.
> >
> > Bus to Vienna $1.25
> > Metro from Vienna to Metro Center $3.55
> > Bus from Metro Center to wherever $1.25
> > Bus from wherever to Metro Center $1.25
> > Metro Center to Vienna $3.55
> > Bus from Vienna $1.25
> >
> > Total cost, $12.10
> >
> > Or you could park at Vienna, then it's
> $13.35.
> >
> > don,t dream
> Parking in DC is $15 a day. Then you have to
> figure gas.

Unless your work pays for it, which many do.

This all assumes you're going into DC. If you live in Centreville and work in McLean, good luck getting there without driving.

Point is public transportation in this area is awful, and it's too expensive for a lot of people to move closer to work. The government needs to give WMATA a serious overhaul.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Dirty Sanchez ()
Date: January 02, 2006 09:48AM

Many places of work pay for public transportation, too.

As for commuting from Centreville to McLean, it sucks, but you can get there without taking an Interstate and also by avoiding 50 (one of my other suggestions that you seemed to have ignored). Highway 29 will get you most of the way there. Once you get on the other side of Falls Church, you have several options of making your way up to McLean. And, before you start bitching about the traffic on 29, it is a hell of a lot better than I-66 or the Beltway. I've used it many times to avoid those rush hour parking lots.

All I am saying is instead of bitching, find a way. Or, if you can't find a way, still stop the bitching.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 02, 2006 10:28AM

  im sure i speak for everyone when i say we are sorry we forced you to read our every word. we know how you cant ignore us, so sorry.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Dirty Sanchez ()
Date: January 02, 2006 10:35AM

Gravis Wrote:
> D.S.
>   im sure i speak for everyone when i
> say we are sorry we forced you to read our every
> word. we know how you cant ignore us, so sorry.
> unfairfax adaptivetime com
> As of 11/15/05 13:44
> My Linux uptime: 65 days, 14 hours, 42 minutes
> Your Windows uptime: pushing two hours

What can I say. Responding to your posts is like burning ants with a magnifying glass. Cruel but still entertaining.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: ben ()
Date: January 02, 2006 03:08PM

Dirty Sanchez Wrote:
> Many places of work pay for public transportation,
> too.
> As for commuting from Centreville to McLean, it
> sucks, but you can get there without taking an
> Interstate and also by avoiding 50 (one of my
> other suggestions that you seemed to have
> ignored). Highway 29 will get you most of the way
> there. Once you get on the other side of Falls
> Church, you have several options of making your
> way up to McLean. And, before you start bitching
> about the traffic on 29, it is a hell of a lot
> better than I-66 or the Beltway. I've used it many
> times to avoid those rush hour parking lots.
> All I am saying is instead of bitching, find a
> way. Or, if you can't find a way, still stop the
> bitching.

As someone that has commuted from Chantilly to McLean and back, I call bullshit. Taking 123 -> Jermantown -> 50 takes just as long as 495 -> 66 -> 50.

I'm not sure where you saw me complain. I just stated facts. We live in a commuter society. Public transportation around here it shite. If you don't think so, go to NYC, or Hong Kong, or Singapore, or any other major metropolitan city.

The roads are clogged. Housing is expensive. And "moving out to the country" isn't an option for people that actually want to enjoy their lives.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Dirty Sanchez ()
Date: January 02, 2006 03:56PM

> As someone that has commuted from Chantilly to
> McLean and back, I call bullshit. Taking 123
> -> Jermantown -> 50 takes just as long as
> 495 -> 66 -> 50.

I don't disagree that NYC has significantly better mass transit than DC. If it is so important to you, why not move to NYC?

As for your commute, part of your problem is your alternate routes. Out of the three, Jermantown is the only stretch that probably doesn't suck ass. If I were you I would cut through Penderbrook and come out on the backside of Oakton. You can then swing down to Chestnut, which runs along 123, and take that down to Gallows/International. From there you can swing around the outside of Tysons I and come up on 123 right by 495. I've done this many times and it is seriously easier than fucking with 66 and 495.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Dan O. ()
Date: January 02, 2006 04:45PM

> But overall, I think the #1 solution for DC metro area is a) widening the existing 2-lane roads like 7100, b) converting major local roads into highways like what they did to Route 28, and c) building new beltway (or semi-beltway) that would connect I-95 North and South in addition to 495.

All the road widening and building in the world won't accomplish jack shit if developers continue to squeeze shopping centers, houses, apts and condos onto every free square inch of land.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2006 04:46PM by Dan O..

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: ben ()
Date: January 02, 2006 07:34PM

Dirty Sanchez Wrote:
> > >
> >
> > As someone that has commuted from Chantilly
> to
> > McLean and back, I call bullshit. Taking
> 123
> > -> Jermantown -> 50 takes just as long
> as
> > 495 -> 66 -> 50.
> >
> >
> I don't disagree that NYC has significantly better
> mass transit than DC. If it is so important to
> you, why not move to NYC?
> As for your commute, part of your problem is your
> alternate routes. Out of the three, Jermantown is
> the only stretch that probably doesn't suck ass.
> If I were you I would cut through Penderbrook and
> come out on the backside of Oakton. You can then
> swing down to Chestnut, which runs along 123, and
> take that down to Gallows/International. From
> there you can swing around the outside of Tysons I
> and come up on 123 right by 495. I've done this
> many times and it is seriously easier than fucking
> with 66 and 495.

50 between 66 and Stringfellow isn't undrivable yet, but it will be with a few years of development.

I'll relocate out of the area as soon as possible, but NYC definitely isn't an option- I hate cold weather and I value not being worked to death.

I don't bitch about the situation here, but I'm sure disappointed in our leaders. For being the most affluent county in one of the (if not the) most "well run" state in the country, it's sure messed up around here.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: January 03, 2006 10:31AM

Pay to park at work? If I had to do that, I'd certainly negotiate the wage to compensate for the difference.

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Re: traffic jam causers!
Posted by: Da Bumper ()
Date: August 22, 2015 09:08AM


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