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Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Brutus ()
Date: March 30, 2009 12:10PM

A series of protests drawing attention to the deadly disciplinary polices of the FCPS Hearing Office is currently being organized. The discipline policies and procedures, you may be aware, recently resulted in the suicide of Langley/South County student Josh Anderson. Josh was a gentle, decent, good-natured kid who never harmed a person in his life. He was ruthlessly driven to suicidal despair by the Hearings Office.The first protest will be held at the Norfolk Waterside Mariott,in Norfolk Virginia on April 3. Two FCPS Hearings Officers will be speaking at a statewide education conference being held there April 2, thru April 4. It is altogether fitting and proper that they and their collegues be made acutely aware of the senseless pain and agony they have needlessly inflicted upon this good and decent family


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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: TomMadison ()
Date: March 30, 2009 12:59PM

Who are you people? I don't know Josh from a hole in the ground, but normal, mentally balanced and well adjusted teenagers don't go around committing suicide. Plus, which school did he attend, Langley or South County? You do not end up in this type of disciplinary situation in front of a hearing officer for violating a minor section in the SR&R.

Everyone's a victim...right...maybe Josh was just a fuck up and his parents either did not care or were too self-absorbed to notice.

Enjoy your protest!

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: MadisonTom ()
Date: March 30, 2009 01:06PM

Who the hell are? It's clear that you are utterly ignorant of the case, but normal, mentally balanced and well adjusted teenagers can easily be driven to desperation and despair by a band of cruel ruthless beaucrats. Plus, he attended both school, you uninformed ignoramus. You certainly do end up in this type of disciplinary situation in front of a hearing officer for violating a minor section in the SR&R, because the SR&R is a Potemkin Villgae farce.

Everyone's a victim...right...maybe the Hearings Officers are just a bunch of fuck ups and their parents either did not care or were too self-absorbed to notice theis when they grew up.

Enjoy your hibernation!

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: LOL ()
Date: March 30, 2009 01:28PM

Maybe Josh's parents should of controlled his drug problem rather than blaming the school system!

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Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: March 30, 2009 01:39PM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2010 10:56PM by inkahootz.

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: OLL ()
Date: March 30, 2009 01:55PM

Maybe the school system should have controlled their nazi henchmen rather than blaming the Josh's parents!

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Avant Garde' ()
Date: March 30, 2009 02:05PM

"deadly disciplinary polices"
"ruthlessly driven to suicidal despair"
"senseless pain and agony they have needlessly inflicted"

Have you actually read what you wrote? I grew up in Romania under Ceausescu, and you make it sound like the horrors I endured in my youth.

I know quite well of deadly disciplinary policies, resulting in a shot to the back of the head
I know quite well of people who "comitted suicide"
I know quite well of "pain and agony"

This qualifies as none of it.

How many students are in Fairfax County Schools? 150,000? 200,000? And only one kills himself? ONE? Out of 150,000?
That's 0.000667%

More people are killed by lightning strikes, falling off of ladders, and drowning in the bath-tub.

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Kathy ()
Date: March 30, 2009 02:22PM

OLL Wrote:
> Maybe the school system should have controlled
> their nazi henchmen rather than blaming the Josh's
> parents!

Yeah, why should parents be responsible for their kids actions?

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Propst ()
Date: March 30, 2009 02:23PM

I organizing a protest against this portest.

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: TomMadison ()
Date: March 30, 2009 02:46PM

MadisonTom Wrote:
> Who the hell are? It's clear that you are utterly
> ignorant of the case, but normal, mentally
> balanced and well adjusted teenagers can easily be
> driven to desperation and despair by a band of
> cruel ruthless beaucrats. Plus, he attended both
> school, you uninformed ignoramus. You certainly do
> end up in this type of disciplinary situation in
> front of a hearing officer for violating a minor
> section in the SR&R, because the SR&R is a
> Potemkin Villgae farce.
> Everyone's a victim...right...maybe the Hearings
> Officers are just a bunch of fuck ups and their
> parents either did not care or were too
> self-absorbed to notice theis when they grew up.
> Enjoy your hibernation!

Dude...did you run out of medication or something? There are two sides to every story and you and the tribute blog just paint one. Dozens, probably hundreds, of FCPS high school students go through the same thing each year and I have not heard about a chronic suicide problem as a result. I can name at least six students from Lake Braddock and Robinson over the past few years...NHS members, full IB candidates, SGA officers, and team captains...who accepted the punishment and moved on with their lives.

Stop blaming the system and encourage personal responsibility.

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Popsr ()
Date: March 30, 2009 03:02PM

inkahootz Wrote:
> According to the mom, he was just a user. However,
> I have read about allegations of dealing drugs.
> Which one is it, and what kind of 'drugs' are we
> talking about? Also, was this a first time
> violation? Just trying to be informed before
> taking an opinion on the matter.

Josh had been disciplined many times and refused to changed his actions. This wasn't just one incident but MANY that resulted in him being expelled.

His parents let him run around like a wild animal!

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Madison Tom ()
Date: March 30, 2009 03:19PM

Tm Madisn wroote:

"Dude...did you run out of medication or something? There are two sides to every story and you and the tribute blog just paint one. Dozens, probably hundreds, of FCPS high school students go through the same thing each year and I have not heard about a chronic suicide problem as a result. I can name at least six students from Lake Braddock and Robinson over the past few years...NHS members, full IB candidates, SGA officers, and team captains...who accepted the punishment and moved on with their lives.

Stop blaming the system and encourage personal responsibility.

Whoa, I mean duuuuude, it's so knarly. But Dude...did you run out of medication or something? There are two sides to every story and you and the other Stalinists blog just paint one. Dozens, probably hundreds, of FCPS high school students go through the same thing each year and I have heard about chronic abuses; suicide is the most dramatic extreme result of the abuses inflicted by these gooddamn nazi Hearings Officers. I can name at least thirty students from Lake Braddock and Robinson over the past few years...NHS members, full IB candidates, SGA officers, and team captains...who were cruelly brutalized by the hateful farcical system in place.

Stop blaming the helpless parents and encourage a system overhaul.

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Poppsr ()
Date: March 30, 2009 03:22PM

Josh had been disciplined many times for petty silly offenses (like smoking pot-sasme as mre than a few FCPS Principals did in their day). This wasn't just one incident of abuse my FCPS but MANY that resulted in students being needlessly abused

The nazi hearing officers behaved like a pack wild hyenas!

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Cathy ()
Date: March 30, 2009 03:24PM

Yeah, why should the FCPS be responsible for their employees actions?

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Propps ()
Date: March 30, 2009 03:26PM

I organizing a protest against this portest against the portest.

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Avante Dard ()
Date: March 30, 2009 03:28PM

How many students are in Fairfax County Schools? 150,000? 200,000? And only one kills himself? ONE? Out of 150,000?
That's 0.000667%

More people are killed by lightning strikes, falling off of ladders, and drowning in the bath-tub.

This qualifies nothing. Indeed, it's meaningless useless drivel.

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Nita ()
Date: March 30, 2009 03:42PM

Thanks for posting the link to the website his mother created in his memory. It is absolutely heartbreaking to read her blogs and see the photos. Tragedy beyond words.

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Avant Garde' ()
Date: March 30, 2009 05:13PM

Avante Dard Wrote:
> How many students are in Fairfax County Schools?
> 150,000? 200,000? And only one kills himself? ONE?
> Out of 150,000?
> That's 0.000667%
> More people are killed by lightning strikes,
> falling off of ladders, and drowning in the
> bath-tub.
> This qualifies nothing. Indeed, it's meaningless
> useless drivel.

It points out that if the "regime" was as brutal as you make it out to be, there would be a whole lot more dead students. But, since they're not tripping over corpses in the hallway, and the trees outside of the schools aren't full of bodies, then chances are, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

There is plenty of Meaning to this. But you're too busy making mountains out of molehills to notice.

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: KoreanThinkTank ()
Date: March 30, 2009 05:19PM

FCPS is retarded, especially the dumb ass teachers who teach the kids in there. No wonder why so many idiot students are becoming doctors and lawyers who don't know what they are doing.

Yes, idiot doctors and lawyers, this doesn't go for the ones who do know what they are doing, but the idiot ones. They should all burn and lose their jobs and their homes.

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 30, 2009 05:20PM

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: KoreanThinkTank ()
Date: March 30, 2009 05:30PM


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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Avanrt Dard ()
Date: March 30, 2009 08:18PM

"It points out that if the "regime" was as brutal as you make it out to be, there would be a whole lot more dead students. But, since they're not tripping over corpses in the hallway, and the trees outside of the schools aren't full of bodies, then chances are, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

There is plenty of Meaning to this. But you're too busy making mountains out of molehills to notice."

More vacuous, meaningless, incoherent, unintelligible, foolishly stupid prattle.

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: lbennett ()
Date: April 07, 2009 12:40PM

Josh was caught HIGH and in POSSESSION of DRUGS at school! Ofcourse there would be harsh discipline for this! Hello!
Josh should have been taken to inpatient rehab/counseling facility, not sent to his room to do whatever he felt...
The district did exactly what they should do - fight to keep there educational facility drug free!

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Loppy ()
Date: April 07, 2009 01:02PM

And that WAS NOT THE FIRST TIME he was caught high and with drugs in school.

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: ComicBookGuy ()
Date: April 07, 2009 01:31PM

This is awesome. Brutus keeps reversing everyone's statement and inserting nazi references into them. It's like he's the Sphinx from the movie Mystery Men.

To learn my teachings, I must first teach you how to learn

He who questions training only trains himself at asking questions

When you can balance a tack hammer on your head, you will head off your foes with a balanced attack

When you care what is outside, what is inside cares for you

Your temper is very quick, my friend. But until you learn to master your rage your rage will become your master

I never thought that being stoned and watching crap movies would ever pay off, but now it's finally doing something for me. So here's your response:

It's like the mystery men are nazi henchmen and should have warned the sphinx

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Ibennet ()
Date: April 07, 2009 01:31PM

Josh was caught HIGH and in POSSESSION of DRUGS at school just like Bill Clintoon and Al Gore used drugs in school! George Bish too! And High school Principals and Teachers used pot too! Ofcourse there would be harsh discipline for this!. Ya know, like becoming President of the United States. Hello!!

The district nazis did exactly what they should do - brutalize an terrorize a troubled and confused kid!

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Loopy ()
Date: April 07, 2009 01:32PM

And that WAS NOT THE FIRST TIME Clinton and Gore used pot in high school!

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: Poptart ()
Date: April 07, 2009 01:45PM

So what happened in Norfolk?

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: H ()
Date: April 07, 2009 02:37PM

Conference was cancelled

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: No More Logging ()
Date: April 07, 2009 03:15PM

Protesters got stoned and couldn't find the conference.

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Re: Norfolk Protest
Posted by: No Mo Logging ()
Date: April 07, 2009 04:25PM

Attendees and staff got stoned and couldn't find the conference.

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