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Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: Mrs. K ()
Date: November 17, 2008 07:26PM

So, I was on 234 this morning, creeping along in traffic, and I counted over 200 day laborers waiting for work in about a mile.

Which leads me to wonder, do they count these guys in our unemployment rates for FFX county? If they don't, doesn't that mean that the economy stats for FFX county are way off?

Mrs. K

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: tubby ()
Date: November 17, 2008 07:48PM

"Official" Government unemployment stats are complete bullshit...and not just because of illegal aliens.

Not counted are the people that have "given up" looking for work....
people whose unemployment checks have run out....and others who aren't counted (such as illegals").

Unemployment is always at least twice the "official" government figures.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 17, 2008 08:31PM

I can't think of even one place where 234 is in fairfax county, so I declare the original question to be pretty stupid and an obvious attempt to drum up a racist thread. Try again, moron.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: paddy ()
Date: November 17, 2008 08:33PM

no anyone standing on 234 is not even in fairfax county. good job

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: LegalizeIt ()
Date: November 17, 2008 08:39PM

RESton peace, I'm tiered of your far-left liberal bullshit. You're right about 234 not being in Fairfax County, but how is bringing up an issue about illegal immigration racist? This particular question was stupid, but not racist. I can't stand people like you who accuse people of being racist whenever they bring up an issue that involves non-whites and you disagree with their stance. Go look up racism in the dictionary.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: November 17, 2008 08:53PM

LegalizeIt Wrote:
>> I can't stand people like you who accuse people of being racist

It's an argument that attributes a self-perceived negative behavior (i.e. standing out in public; unemployment) with race. There is no way for the presenter to know the "legal" status of the ones in question, other than their ethnicity.

Go look up racism in the dictionary.

(mrs. k is nice though, i don't think she intended a "racist" thread)

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 17, 2008 08:54PM

Making assumptions that a person walking along the street looking for work is an illegal alien because of the color of their skin - THAT is racist. You should look it up in the dictionary, Legalizeit.

Drumming up fake "facts" to create a fake "story" so you can harp anonymously on the internet about "illegal aliens"... THAT is racist.

Calling me a far left liberal.... that's just too funny, especially coming from a person tagged as "legalizeit".

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/17/2008 08:56PM by RESton Peace.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: LegalizeIt ()
Date: November 17, 2008 09:05PM

People don't make those assumptions based on the color of their skin. I work with many Latinos and I don't assume that they are racist. People make those assumptions because they are standing around, loitering, in large groups. And illegal immigration is not a race issue. There are illegal immigrants of all races. It is a safety and economic issue. And finally, even though I may be for the legalization of marijuana, I am not a liberal nutjob like you. Democrats and Republicans are against the legalization of marijuana.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 17, 2008 09:08PM

100% chance that if you saw white people walking on 234, 236.. wherever, you wouldn't even bother to count them, much less know there are 200 of them. That's because you would not be assuming they are illegal.

Racist. Anyway, my racist friend, we can put our differences aside to smoke a bowl, right?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/17/2008 09:08PM by RESton Peace.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: November 17, 2008 09:09PM

LegalizeIt Wrote:
>>, even though I may be for the legalization of marijuana,

LOL, the "only liberal until it wears off" crowd has spoken.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: Margie ()
Date: November 17, 2008 09:15PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> Racist. Anyway, my racist friend, we can put our
> differences aside to smoke a bowl, right?

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: November 17, 2008 09:35PM

>> we can put our differences aside to smoke a bowl, right?

With a purple umb-r-ella and a fifty cent hat

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: Mrs. K ()
Date: November 17, 2008 09:50PM

This post was not about race-baiting. Did I name a race? No. Did I call them illegal aliens? No. I said they were day laborers.

Look, maybe I didn't name the road correctly -- I was leaving fairfax city, passed NOVA, went over the bridge and ta-da, that first stoplight is where I started to see the day laborers. I quit counting when traffic started really moving around the Duron Paints. I believe at least some of that area is Fairfax County, and if it's not, then moved the thread to off-topic.

My question came as a result of a conversation I had with my husband (who, for you racist jerks, actually IS bi-racial). We are worried about the incredible number of people looking for work. We wondered if/how much we were being lied to about the number of unemployed. This is an important question, because the # of unemployed is often presented to us as statistic that demonstrates the health of our county/state/US economy.

Mrs. K

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: paddy ()
Date: November 17, 2008 10:03PM

okay then you just misnamed the road. its 236. sounds like you were in annandale

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: Mrs. K ()
Date: November 17, 2008 10:18PM

Ok, I stand corrected -- it was 236.

It was really strange and sad to see all those guys waiting for work. It really reminded me of the pictures and movies we've seen about Depression, with all the men lined up for work.

I'm guess I'm just worried that things are worse than we're being told.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: LegalizeIt ()
Date: November 17, 2008 10:32PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> 100% chance that if you saw white people walking
> on 234, 236.. wherever, you wouldn't even bother
> to count them, much less know there are 200 of
> them. That's because you would not be assuming
> they are illegal.
> Racist. Anyway, my racist friend, we can put our
> differences aside to smoke a bowl, right?

Well I'm on probation, but hell yeah. Once I get off, we can definitely but our differences aside to smoke a bowl. If I've pissed you off, just know that everything I'm saying is coming from a political standpoint and it's nothing personal. I hang out with and used to (before I was on probation) toke up with liberals all the time. I really enjoy debating politics, but I realize that there are many things in life much more important than politics. I just wear my emotions on my sleeve when it comes to politics.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: November 18, 2008 12:18AM

Once again I told you...236...big problem, and they are all illegal Hispanics.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: Mrs. K ()
Date: November 18, 2008 11:35AM

Good Lord, can we please not make this about race, or illegal v. legal?

The question and the issue is the REAL number of unemployed/the percentage of unemployment, and how that is figured. What number is a tipping point for depression?

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: November 18, 2008 11:47AM

A depression is defined by a significant or prolonged decrease in GDP, not by the unemployment rate.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: Mrs. K ()
Date: November 18, 2008 12:09PM

Thank you for replying Meeper. I guess I need to learn more about economics.

Again, seeing all those men lined up for work seemed startling and surreal -- I couldn't believe what I was seeing, thus I began counting.

FYI, Mr. K works for the USPS, and they were told that 6,000 postal employees across the country are going to be let go in this first round of RIFs.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: November 18, 2008 12:34PM

Mrs. K Wrote:
> Thank you for replying Meeper. I guess I need to
> learn more about economics.
> Again, seeing all those men lined up for work
> seemed startling and surreal -- I couldn't believe
> what I was seeing, thus I began counting.
> FYI, Mr. K works for the USPS, and they were told
> that 6,000 postal employees across the country are
> going to be let go in this first round of RIFs.

Just what we need, 6000 deranged, unemployed postal workers on the loose. I'll bet high powered riflesales go wayyyy up.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: 70chip ()
Date: November 18, 2008 12:57PM

496 Wrote:
> Just what we need, 6000 deranged, unemployed
> postal workers on the loose. I'll bet high powered
> riflesales go wayyyy up.

Where have you been? Since Obama got elected you can't even purchase a high powered rifle because they're all sold out. Go into any gun store right now and you'll see baron shelves and a line at the register with people buying anything they can get their hand on. You can barely find ammo right now. Democratic wins are always a boon for the industry.

Btw - Labeling white people racist doesn't carry weight anymore. Last time I checked Obama won office for President of the United States of America. What more do you want? That argument is over.

As for the day laborers... the party is over for them. There isn't going to be any work for them for a long time. They are either going to starve this winter or come knocking on a door near you.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: November 18, 2008 01:58PM

Just in case anyone was wondering what baron shelves looked like:

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Date: November 18, 2008 02:08PM

If this guy is here legally, anyone could be...

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: Mrs. K ()
Date: November 18, 2008 02:12PM

HAHAHAHAHA! Genevieve, thanks for the cheer-up. :-)

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: November 18, 2008 11:58PM

FYI, the Illegal immigrant count is not counted in the unemployment figures and those who are no longer drawing benefits and not counted, so that figure is not accurate.

FYI, there are always that many illegals or more standing along 236 hoping and waiting for work everyday.

FYI, a stupid picture cheers you up? After knowing your spouse is looking at a RIF. I am assuming at his age (over 50) he'll have an impossible time getting new employment in this area.

FYI, I am not a racist, just a realist.

How long have you lived in this area and you don't know the roads you drive, especially one your spouse works off of? Based on this I am assuming you don't work, well you may need to start and I would start with some brain exercises immediately.

It's going to get awhole lot worse before it gets better.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: Mrs. K ()
Date: November 19, 2008 12:05AM

I must be your opposite. How wonderful for me and mine that I am!

Mrs. K

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: November 19, 2008 12:15AM

Mrs. K Wrote:
> Spunky,
> I must be your opposite. How wonderful for me and
> mine that I am!
> Mrs. K

Yes, how fortunate indeed!

I hope he doesn't end up once he's RIF'ed and with no job and no prospects blowing your head off or poisoning you for the insurance money when things get worse.

Judging from one post I read from you I don't believe you are everything you pretend to be...such is the focade of many Christian wannabes. Hard times will tell the real from the fake. I'm calling you out now!

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: November 19, 2008 12:21AM

Mrs. K Wrote:
> Spunky,
> I must be your opposite. How wonderful for me and
> mine that I am!
> Mrs. K

I gotta say this is a quote you have lifted as your own, I have seen it before

lots of times. You see you aren't original, you probably don't have an original

thought in your body, as you've been conditioned to accepting blindly...a zombie!

Good luck Mrs. K in finding YOUR voice, it's about time, don't you think?

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: Mrs. K ()
Date: November 19, 2008 11:52AM


If caring for my teminally ill child has taught me anything, it's that life is too short.

I don't care to spend one more minute thinking or responding to someone who so filled with hate.

Mrs. K

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: November 19, 2008 02:47PM

"It's going to get awhole lot worse before it gets better."

WORSE - Spunky continues to spew paranoid BS
BETTER - Spunky is banned from FFXU

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: Margie ()
Date: November 19, 2008 04:15PM

Spunky Wrote:
>I hope he doesn't end up once he's RIF'ed and with no job and no prospects >blowing your head off or poisoning you for the insurance money when things get worse.

Spunky... Even Mental illness is not an excuse for comments like that....You are Evil...Just down right EVIL!!!!!!

496 Wrote:
> WORSE - Spunky continues to spew paranoid BS
> BETTER - Spunky is banned from FFXU

Seriously … Spunky sounds more like Alias with each passing day.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: November 19, 2008 05:50PM

Grow up people, I haven't said anything more then you to me or others. If what I say is harsh, then maybe you should re-evaluate what you say as well!

I am not mental are you? I am not a hater either, I just see thinks getting alot worse. There's also a post where Mrs. K as sweet as she appears to be cussed me out, so don't be fooled, things aren't always as they appear.

I am a dripping sweet person, believe it or not.

Who did the google search on my computer 4 me? Are you nuzs?

It disrupted my classical music.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/19/2008 05:53PM by spunky.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: rotaredom ()
Date: November 19, 2008 06:51PM

Margie wrote:

Seriously … Spunky sounds more like Alias with each passing day.

Uhhhhhh………Seriously… wait till Alias wakes up…….You in heap big trouble. LOL

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: November 19, 2008 08:10PM

Mrs. K Wrote:
> Good Lord, can we please not make this about race,
> or illegal v. legal?
> The question and the issue is the REAL number of
> unemployed/the percentage of unemployment, and how
> that is figured. What number is a tipping point
> for depression?

Also, if your going to invoke God's name in this, then know that in the Bible

it's stated that the people should follow man's laws. Now we know man wrote the Bible for their own purposes at the time to support the Catholic church, but there are those who believe the Bible word for word. In this case, if you break a law, you are also disobeying God's will. So logically those Illegal immigrants who are here as a result of breaking our laws are going to hell. Plus anyone else who breaks a law unless they repent! Thank you Mrs. K for bringing God front and center.

On a further note...I am sorry that your child is terminally ill, but if a child is terminal wouldn't they be in a hospital rather then in your care. Seriously!
I am surprised you would have a child at your age, just how old is your child?

Because you and your husband go to Mclean Bible church, and no one's heard of a terminally ill child.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/19/2008 08:19PM by spunky.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: notloggedinrightnow ()
Date: November 19, 2008 08:34PM

Yeah, I don't think the number of day laborers lining the streets is a sound economic indicator. I drove through the same area in Annandale about a year ago and it was the same way then.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: November 19, 2008 08:37PM

FYI- I am not Colleen or Alias! I am just spunky.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: Margie ()
Date: November 19, 2008 09:31PM

spunky Wrote:
> FYI- I am not Colleen or Alias! I am just spunky.

hmm..thats interesting.

( Now that I figured out how to use the "Ignore" feature, I won't see anymore of your stupid post.....GOOD-BYE)

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: November 19, 2008 09:45PM

Margie Wrote:
> spunky Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > FYI- I am not Colleen or Alias! I am just
> spunky.
> hmm..thats interesting.
> ( Now that I figured out how to use the "Ignore"
> feature, I won't see anymore of your stupid
> post.....GOOD-BYE)

Margie...how long have you been posting on here and you just now figured out a feature? Well, well, well...I guess stupid is as stupid does!

So long but it's your loss.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: Mrs. K ()
Date: November 20, 2008 04:14PM

Hi Margie,
Would you please PM me the info about the "ignore" feature? Thanks! :-)

Mrs. K

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: Margie ()
Date: November 20, 2008 06:37PM

Yep...It's real easy to set up. (NO MORE TROLLS!!) I Love it. :))

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: November 21, 2008 08:38AM

{Cliff Clavin mode}
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports six measures of unemployment. The measure reported by the media is called the U-3. Perhaps a more accurate measure would be the U-6, which is defined as: "Total unemployed persons, plus all “marginally attached” workers, plus all persons employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all “marginally attached” workers."

This was introduced in 1994 by the Clinton administration in response to accusations that the Reagan administration was changing the definition of unemployment to make the rate appear lower.

Granted, this includes some people who are too emo to effectively look for jobs, but it includes Sally who works 25 hours a week at Wal-Mart and would like to work 40 (but everyone else is only offering 20-25 hours a week).

In October 2007, the unadjusted U-3 was 4.4 and the unadjusted U-6 was 7.9 (October is usually the lowest month as construction has not yet begun layoffs for winter and there's still a little action in the summer tourist areas.) The BLS tries to do some normalizing so month-by-month comparisons are possible, and the normalized numbers are what get reported.

In October 2008, the unadjusted U-3 was 6.0 and the unadjusted U-6 was 11.1.

The unadjusted U-6 is the highest it has ever been for October, smashing the previous October record (1994) by 1.4 points.

This fear is reflected in the decline of three-month Treasury yields to levels not seen since the London Blitz (they touched down at 0.02% in mid-September and are now back there with the fear of Citigroup imploding.)
{exiting Cliff Clavin mode}

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: November 21, 2008 07:21PM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> {Cliff Clavin mode}
> The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports six
> measures of unemployment. The measure reported by
> the media is called the U-3. Perhaps a more
> accurate measure would be the U-6, which is
> defined as: "Total unemployed persons, plus all
> “marginally attached” workers, plus all persons
> employed part time for economic reasons, as a
> percent of the civilian labor force plus all
> “marginally attached” workers."
> This was introduced in 1994 by the Clinton
> administration in response to accusations that the
> Reagan administration was changing the definition
> of unemployment to make the rate appear lower.
> Granted, this includes some people who are too emo
> to effectively look for jobs, but it includes
> Sally who works 25 hours a week at Wal-Mart and
> would like to work 40 (but everyone else is only
> offering 20-25 hours a week).
> In October 2007, the unadjusted U-3 was 4.4 and
> the unadjusted U-6 was 7.9 (October is usually the
> lowest month as construction has not yet begun
> layoffs for winter and there's still a little
> action in the summer tourist areas.) The BLS tries
> to do some normalizing so month-by-month
> comparisons are possible, and the normalized
> numbers are what get reported.
> In October 2008, the unadjusted U-3 was 6.0 and
> the unadjusted U-6 was 11.1.
> The unadjusted U-6 is the highest it has ever been
> for October, smashing the previous October record
> (1994) by 1.4 points.
> This fear is reflected in the decline of
> three-month Treasury yields to levels not seen
> since the London Blitz (they touched down at 0.02%
> in mid-September and are now back there with the
> fear of Citigroup imploding.)
> {exiting Cliff Clavin mode}

Thanks Formerhick, I wasn't aware of this and it's great information. You are a great wealth of information and definitely not a hick! Hope you and yours have a great Turkey day.

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Re: Day Laborers and FFX Co. unemployment rate
Posted by: beanaround ()
Date: November 25, 2008 08:27AM

yea now that the economy is in the dumper you can really see the uncounted and undocumented on every corner,centerville public library ,7-11 in annandale ,herndon .they are all competing for a dwindling supply of off the books employment,which is a strong case for the e-verify laws.

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