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A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Haunted in McLean ()
Date: May 30, 2013 07:33AM

I think there is a ghost in my house. I just moved in about a year ago and pretty much right after we moved in we started hearing things. We thought they were just sounds of pipes and things like that so we didn't worry at first.

But then one day my 4 year old daughter told us she has friend in her room. She says it's a woman that wants her to call her mommy. Is this something I should be worried about. Is this just a friendly ghost of someone who was unfortunate enough to die before her time or is it some kind of demon.

How do I know which it is?

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: spirit advisor ()
Date: May 30, 2013 10:04AM

Sleep in her room a few nights, see if there is a supernatural attempt on your life.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: May 30, 2013 10:04AM

Seek the professional services of Bleh, Dr. Chang, and Mr. Dunigan. They are experts on psychosis.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Two Cents ()
Date: May 30, 2013 10:23AM

Haunted in McLean Wrote:
> I think there is a ghost in my house. I just moved
> in about a year ago and pretty much right after we
> moved in we started hearing things. We thought
> they were just sounds of pipes and things like
> that so we didn't worry at first.
> But then one day my 4 year old daughter told us
> she has friend in her room. She says it's a woman
> that wants her to call her mommy. Is this
> something I should be worried about. Is this just
> a friendly ghost of someone who was unfortunate
> enough to die before her time or is it some kind
> of demon.
> How do I know which it is?

My advice would be to either move out and get a priest in there. Something like that would freak me out!

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Ghostwalker ()
Date: May 30, 2013 11:28AM

This seems more like a troll post to me, but what the hell If it is real then you have some REAL PROBLEMS. Here’s an article that I think you should read, and make sure to read the links. Some of those “Imaginary Friends” tried to kill the children….

Imaginary Friend - Imagination Or Ghost?

Do you know of a child who has an imaginary friend? Perhaps you yourself had an imaginary friend when you were young.

Is it possible for an imaginary friend to be a ghost? Most often an imaginary friend is a harmless product of a healthy, active imagination. However, there have been many cases where a child's relationship with an imaginary friend has proved to be problematic.

Perhaps you may remember a movie called Drop Dead Fred. This movie was a humorous look at the relationship between a young girl and her mischievous, trouble making imaginary friend. Although the movie was fiction the basic concept is actually true.

Here, on this page you will find various stories and articles about those cases when an imaginary friend was in reality much more than just a figment of the imagination.

If you, or a child you know, has problems associated with an imaginary friend our hope is that you will find help and advice here. Keep in mind that what you will be reading has been written by various authors, this way you will be able to take a look at the subject of children and imaginary friends from different perspectives

My Imaginary Friend Almost Killed Me
When I was around the age of 8, I remember that I used to talk to this little girl. I lived with my grandma and my mom. They just brushed it off as me having an imaginary friend...

A Doll And An Evil Imaginary Friend
It isn't unusual for a child to have an imaginary friend. There are many who would even say that it is good for the imagination, but what do you do when an imaginary friend turns out to be evil and it torments, disturbs and frightens the child?

My Daughter's Imaginary Friend Was an Evil Ghost
It's common for a child to have an imaginary friend. Here is one woman's story about her child's imaginary friend that was actually a ghost. She researched the history of her haunted home and proved that ghosts are real. Author's Comments on her Daughter's Imaginary Friend

My Childhood "Imaginary" Friend Turned Out to be a Ghost
Have you, or your children, ever had an imaginary friend? Here is a fascinating true ghost experience that started out with a young girl meeting an imaginary friend. This imaginary friend turned out to be a real ghost.

The Imaginary Friend - A Real Ghost Story
Read about this family's experience with their young child and his imaginary friend. Did this child see and communicate with a real ghost? You read the story and try to decide.

and more on this page:

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Dr. Phil Medicine Woman ()
Date: May 30, 2013 03:15PM

…Or I could recommend renting this movie from Netflix to do some “research”.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Ikea ()
Date: May 30, 2013 08:07PM

Watch out for the Homicidal Garden Gnomes...


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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Haunted in McLean ()
Date: June 01, 2013 06:58AM

TY for the links

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Insaniac ()
Date: June 01, 2013 11:09AM

Haunted in McLean Wrote:
> I think there is a ghost in my house. I just moved
> in about a year ago and pretty much right after we
> moved in we started hearing things. We thought
> they were just sounds of pipes and things like
> that so we didn't worry at first.
> But then one day my 4 year old daughter told us
> she has friend in her room. She says it's a woman
> that wants her to call her mommy. Is this
> something I should be worried about. Is this just
> a friendly ghost of someone who was unfortunate
> enough to die before her time or is it some kind
> of demon.
> How do I know which it is?


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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Investigator ()
Date: June 01, 2013 11:32AM

"Mommy" is most likely Edith Brennan, a mental asylum patient in the 1800s whose ghost is widely known throughout Northern Virginia.

She often appears to young children.

They call her "Mama".

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Steeplechase Sam ()
Date: June 01, 2013 06:20PM

You can do a few different things (I would do all three, just for the fun of it):

1. "Smudge" the house--that would involve going some some sort of hippy place and buying a "smudgestick", wich is basically sage, and burning it while walking through the house (you can get fancy and chant something if you want)

2. Get a Catholic Priest in there--they kick ass at blessing houses/giving it a good vibe. Most of them, especially if you're Catholic, would be more than happy to help (or at least humor you and splash some water around/burn some incense).

3. Have an electrician look at your wiring. This is really the most practical first step. Bad wiring has been a suspected cause of halucinations/site-specific depression/mood changes.

Either way--thanks, Obama!

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Rae ()
Date: June 02, 2013 05:19AM

Oh no that's too scary!

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Sorry I voted for Obama ()
Date: June 02, 2013 06:10AM

There's no such thing as ghosts.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Northern VA Dad ()
Date: June 02, 2013 10:39AM

Sorry I voted for Obama Wrote:
> There's no such thing as ghosts.

Oh, I beg to differ. Here it sounds like a ghost to me talking to the young child.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: CCSD ()
Date: June 02, 2013 10:57AM

Imaginary Friend, or Ghost?

To hear child psychologists tell it, it is not uncommon for a child to have an "imaginary friend". To hear a paranormal enthusiast or possibly even a medium tell it, your child's imaginary friend could quite possibly be a ghost!

Several years ago, when my oldest daughter was only 3, she developed an imaginary friend. As she walked through the house playing, she would often say, "Look Mama, my friend is following me". I'll admit, it was a little creepy, but I chalked it up to her fun imagination, and the fact that at the time, she was still an only child. It didn't strike me as too odd that she would "invent" someone to play with. Nevertheless, we did begin spending more time at the park after that so that she could play with real children, and before long, she stopped talking about her imaginary friend.

Fast forward 5 years, and we are now the proud parents of two children. My daughter is now 8, and our son is 2. We have just moved to a house located about five miles from Los Angeles International Airport, so that I could be closer to work, ditch my four hour per day commute, and have more time at home to spend with my children. When I say just moved, I mean just moved. As in, the night before. We pulled in with the moving truck about 9pm, and my daughter fell fast asleep in a sleeping bag in her new room soon after we arrived. Not much later, my husband, son, and I, all passed out on an air mattress in our empty bedroom.

Early the next morning, still half asleep, I heard the unmistakeable pitter-patter of toddler sized bare feet running on the carpet beside me, and then heading out the bedroom door. I jolted up, assuming of course that it had been my son. I didn't want him roaming around the house alone, as I hadn't had time yet to go through and put safety devices in the electrical outlets. Imagine my shock and confusion when I stood up and realized my son was still fast asleep on the air mattress! I checked on my daughter even though I knew those footsteps had been to little to be hers, and found her still sleeping, as well.

The reason I mentioned that little story was to give you an idea of what the following three years were like for us, living in that house. We had near daily occurrences of this sort, but that's a different story. What I really mean to tell you about, are the "friends" that my son spoke of while living there.

We had been living in that house for approximately six months before my son's vocabulary was developed enough for him to begin telling us about "the boys". He spoke of three boys, all brothers. He called them specific names, too, although it was tough to decipher what he was saying. One thing was clear, though, and that was that my son used the same last name with all of them. Over the next two and a half years, he often spoke of them. He acted as though they were sitting at the dining room table with him, he talked to them while playing in the bath, and mentioned sometimes that they had "come with us" in the car.

One time, I walked into my son's bedroom to check on him, and he was sitting on a little plastic chair, with another little chair, empty of course, positioned to face him. As I entered the room, I apparently "interrupted" a conversation my son was having with one of his little imaginary friends who was "sitting" in the chair opposite my son. Sometimes I would hear him giggling and laughing, chatting happily away with "someone", even though he was in the room alone.

As time passed, my son filled us in on even more details about these "boys". He said they were 4, 6, and 8 years old. He described their different hair colors and also described, in detail, what clothes they were "wearing". When we had lived there nearly 3 years, circumstances changed and we were planning another move. It was around this time, approximately 2 months before leaving this house, that my son decided to tell me an amazing story about these boys.

My son, 5 years old at this point in time, was not the type to make up stories,ever. He did not pretend to be running through castles battling knights and dragons, he did not pretend to be hiding from dinosaurs, or flying an airplane. He didn't really pretend, at all. Obviously, it would seem that he was pretending when speaking of these boys that nobody else could see, but due to the other unexplainable events that occurred almost every day in that house, I was beginning to wonder. Especially when he told me this story:

He said that the 3 brothers were afraid of the "bad man", who was dressed in "policeman's clothes". He then told me that the "bad man" had tricked the boys into going "into the trees" with him, and that he had killed them. Now, put on the brakes for a second. Rest assured that my son was not allowed to watch anything on TV more violent than Toy Story, and we did not discuss things like death and murder in front of him. I didn't even know before that moment that he understood that people sometimes took the lives of other people. Okay, back to the story.

When my son said the boys had been murdered, I said, "They're dead?"

He very matter of factly, replied "Yeah. They're ghosts, Mommy".

Not wanting to make him feel self conscious, I responded with a simple, "Oh".

He went on to say that the parents of the boys were also in our house. He said "The Mommy and the Daddy don't have any faces, and they are afraid of you and Daddy". Naturally, I asked why.

"Because they think you and Daddy are ghosts".

Now, again, due to the strange events our family had encountered in this house since moving in, I had questions of my own. You see, my husband, my daughter who was now 11, and I, had all actually seen a little boy running through our house on many occassions. When we would see this little boy, it was always in the hallway right next to my son's bedroom. And yes, each time we were able to confirm that it had not been my son who we had seen. T-shirt colors would be entirely different (we might see the "boy" in a red shirt, when my son was wearing a blue shirt), my son might be fast asleep when the sighting took place, or even sometimes completely across the house from where the sighting occurred. It is likely difficult for some of you to believe this, but I promise you, it is entirely true.

"There are 3 boys?" I asked.

"Yes", said my son.

"Then, which one is the one that I see?" I asked. My son giggled a little, as though he thought I was very silly.

"You've seen all of them, Mommy".

I persisted, "The one I see always looks the same. I think I only see one of them". He smiled at me sweetly, almost as though he felt sorry for his Mommy who was clearly so confused.

"No, Mommy. You've seen all of them. And one of them tried to talk to Daddy, but Daddy didn't hear him".

At that moment, the memory of a story my husband had told me came flooding back. Just a few days earlier, my husband, crouched in the hallway next to my son's bedroom door, trying to find something in the linen closet, distinctly heard a child whisper in his ear, "Daddy!". My husband had whipped around, thinking that my son who was still supposed to be napping had woken up early. There was nobody there in the hall with him. When he stood up and opened my son's bedroom door, he was, in fact, still asleep. So you can imagine that I was quite floored when my son said this statement to me.

That's when I decided, imaginary friends or not, I didn't want these "boys" coming with us to our new house! In the days leading up to our move, I explained to my son that the "boys" (I called them by the names he used for them), could not come with us when we moved to our new house. He was very distraught, crying in a panicked tone, begging me to let them come. I was quite taken aback by his response, I hadn't expected anything quite so dramatic. But I stood my ground, and just incase these "boys" weren't just imaginary, I addressed them on the issue, as well! On a day when my husband had taken my son to the store with him, I found myself in a quiet and almost empty house. Our new baby girl was sleeping, and my older daughter was at school. I went into my son's bedroom, not sure exactly of what I was going to do. I'll admit, I felt tremendously silly, but went ahead and said what I needed to say. It went something like this:

"I know you really like my son, and he likes you, too. But he needs to stop talking about people that nobody else can see or people are going to start thinking some not-so-nice things about him. We are leaving this place, and I'm sorry, but you may not come with us. You need to stay here."

We moved from there about a week later, and our new house was totally "quiet". We never had any unexplained occurrences during the two years that we lived there. My son seemed to forgot about the 3 boys from the previous house before long. However, we have moved again since then, and my son, now 9, mentioned seeing a boy standing in the doorway of the master bathroom one day. He seemed embarrassed to tell me about it, as though he were afraid I would think something was wrong with him. Instead of telling him he must be mistaken, I asked him a few questions about what he thought he had seen. Immediately, I recognized the description as perfectly matching the description of my husband's cousin, who died in a housefire in 1972, at the age of 6. My son has never seen a picture of my husband's cousin, whose name was David.

So, imaginary friend, or ghost? Personally, I am still on the fence. However far-fetched it may seem that what my son saw were ghosts, it actually seems more far-fetched to think that he could have come up with all of those details on his own. So the next time your child begins telling you about an "imaginary" friend, pay close attention to the details...you may find that there's more to their friend than you could have ever imagined!

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: tard detector ()
Date: June 02, 2013 12:21PM

Sorry I voted for Obama Wrote:
> There's no such thing as ghosts.


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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: any pics??? ()
Date: June 02, 2013 12:29PM

Do you have any pictures of this ghost or just strange things showing up in pictures?

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: gotterdammerung. ()
Date: June 02, 2013 12:47PM

how many fucking kids do you have? jesus christ...

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: funny@va ()
Date: June 02, 2013 03:36PM

gotterdammerung. Wrote:
> how many fucking kids do you have? jesus christ...

Do you mean actual children or do you want me to count ghost and imaginary children.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: So v v sorry I voted for Obama ()
Date: June 02, 2013 07:53PM

you're kidding, right?

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: ??????????????????? ()
Date: June 03, 2013 06:09AM

Better call a priest before something like this starts happening...

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: DAMN! ()
Date: June 03, 2013 09:18AM


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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: amber ()
Date: June 03, 2013 12:30PM

Hi my name is Amber and I have a lot of stories to tell, but this is my most favorite one. I was in kindergarden and I had an imaginary friend named girl. She looked like a real little girl and I did everything with her, like go to school. One day at gym class we were playing dodge ball, girl was on my team and when the other team threw the ball, one kid said "hey girl is out, she got hit!" and everyone started laughing. I looked at girl and she pulled out a knife and I told everyone "watch out! girl has a knife and is going to kill you!". Someone said "give it up amber, girl is an imaginary friend, she ain't real!". It was a ghost spirit that was my friend and I could only see her on saturday morning. Girl told me one day to jump off the roof so we could be best friends forever. I went on the roof and my mom saw me and I was finally off the roof, but she was holding me by my sleeve. She let go but thanks to my dad, I am still living because he caught me!

My mom went to the doctors and asked "why is it like this imaginary friend is real?". They said it's likely for all little boys and girls to have an imaginary friend. The next day my mom took me to the same doctor and I was in a room with him, in private, and I gave him a picture of a ghost. He asked "whom is this?". I responded "girl". Next, he asked "who gave it to you?". I said "girl". He said "very well" and told me to leave. He quickly called my mom in and showed her the picture. She asked what it was and he said it's from Amber and it is girl. "It seems as if she has an ghost friend". My mom said "what it's impossible, a ghost, why can't I see it?" He said "I don't really know, did you ever bless the house before?" She told him no. "Well all you have to do is go with your daughter and tell the spirit to leave!". Then later that night, my mom did that and all of a sudden, the lights went out, my mom saw a little girl's spirit and it ran outside. It really worked.

PS: I don't remember this at all, my mom told me this had happened to me.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: FD11 ()
Date: June 03, 2013 02:03PM

Simple solution. Install a hidden camera in her room to see if she's really talking to someone. See how she acts if/when she's doing it. There are plenty of cheap hidden cameras available these days.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Two Cents ()
Date: June 04, 2013 07:04AM

FD11 Wrote:
> Simple solution. Install a hidden camera in her
> room to see if she's really talking to someone.
> See how she acts if/when she's doing it. There
> are plenty of cheap hidden cameras available these
> days.

That's a great idea! I've seen small motion activated cameras at K-Mart on clearance for about $5 to $7 that should work. They're sports thrill cameras that guys put on their helmets.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Haunted in McLean ()
Date: June 04, 2013 12:40PM

Pictures don't come out in that room for some reason. Mostly there shady or look like someone's taken a picture of some kind of cloth with dark colors. We've decided to use the room for storage for a while and keep her in our bedroom.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: lkajdsfjsldfsdf ()
Date: June 05, 2013 07:12PM

The OP =

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: "G" ()
Date: June 06, 2013 01:52PM

Like a lot of kids, I had an imaginary friend until I was about 9 or 10. I don’t remember playing with him, but I do vaguely remember going to see a psychiatrist about him. I described him as looking like me (red hair, glasses) and having the same birthday as I do, and I called him G because my first name starts with a G, according to my mother. As I grew up, G faded away.

Fast forward to my 20th birthday. I came home from college for a dinner with my parents and younger siblings. We’re joking around about our childhoods when my sister mentions G. My dad gets quiet and my mom goes pale. She demands we drop the subject. The next day, after my siblings had gone, my parents sit me down and explain that I had a twin brother who died when we were about a year old; he had a congenital heart problem and passed away during surgery. They had elected not to tell me, although they couldn’t really explain why. My mom kept the letters G and I wrote to each other (mostly scribbles) and all the pictures I drew of he and I playing. She thinks I was with my brother.

TL;DR I had an imaginary friend who may have been my deceased brother.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Bee-Bub ()
Date: June 06, 2013 02:27PM

This reminds me of a so-called ‘real life spooky story’ I read in a pre-teen magazine when I was 11ish. The girl said her best mate used to have an imaginary friend when she was little, who’d tell her to jump out of the window or lay down in the road etc, and her mum would just manage to stop her doing these crazy things. She called the friend ‘Bee-Bub’.

Eventually she grew out of it as you do, until one day in R.E. class they were taught about the devil being known as ‘Beezlebub’ and this girl screamed, ran out of the class and was found crying somewhere saying that was what her imaginary friend had been called, she just hadn’t been able to pronounce his name.
Could be a load of rubbish, but the thought of it still sends shivers up my spine.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Mister Rand ()
Date: June 06, 2013 03:05PM

OK, backstory time. When I was a kid “Mr. Rand” used to come into my room 4 or 5 times a week. He’d talk to me and tell me about ‘stuff’ and how he was killed in WW2. See Ol’ mate Rand was a figment of my 4 year old imagination. Any way one day when I was 9 or so Mr. Rand stopped showing up.

Fast forward to about 3 years ago and my son, who is about 5 at the time, walks out of his room one night at about 11:30and says there’s a man in his room. I flip out And run in his room to find nobody to which he then says “Mr. Rand said you can’t see him anymore, but he’s ok!”. The kids got his own imaginary mate called Mr. Rand, but they only chat once or twice a year.

Mr. Rand died on 5th Feb 1942 – we both agree. Cats are the devils advocate(ammo’cap – is how my son said it), Mr. Rand said the same to me too, me and the young Lad both like cats. I’ll see if the young bloke wants to talk about it in the morning and ill let you know more.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: abelard ()
Date: June 06, 2013 03:13PM

You're raising kids in the same house you grew up in? That's pretty amazing.

What does Mister Rand look like? A normal guy? What is he wearing? Always the same thing?

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Greeder and Seeder ()
Date: June 07, 2013 06:33AM

I’ve mentioned this here before, but considering that it’s the topic I feel I can repeat myself

When my brother and I were little, we had two clown dolls that we named Greeder and Seeder. When I say we were little, I mean very young as in pre-kindergarten young, so there’s not a whole lot of detail I can now remember about these dolls now. If I had to describe them, I would say that if they looked like homemade knock offs of Raggedy Anne and Andy. One was a boy, the other a girl. One doll had yellow yarn hair, one was in overalls…very late 70s, early 80s style. When I asked my brother about them, he also remembered Greeder and Seeder.

Here’s the thing. All the grown ups in my family who’ve been asked –my parents, aunts and uncles– swear that my brother and I never owned clown rag dolls. However we’ve been told that Greeder and Seeder were the names of our imaginary friends.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: "Fishy" ()
Date: June 07, 2013 07:12AM

Psychosis or ghost story, I don’t know.

When I was little, probably about four or five years old, I had an imaginary “friend” (I think.) It was yellow and about four feet tall (taller than me at the time), bipedal, and had oversized eyes that always looked straight ahead otherwise, relatively human and naked. I called the thing “Fishy.” The wierdest thing, though, was it scared the hell out of me. I didn’t want anything to do with it, and I couldn’t imagine, as a child, that it was coming from inside my head.

It “walked” (more like skated along) on the walls in the rooms of our house, and apparently could not leave those surfaces. I knew that if I played outside, it could only follow me to the limits of the garage. It always followed me, too, even though I often told it not to. I had difficulty concentrating on drawing things or reading because Fishy was always standing somewhere on the wall, looking over my shoulder. It did not ever sit down, it didn’t have facial expressions, and it never made any noise.

The only times I ever interacted with Fishy were when I was sick in the middle of the night or when I woke up panicked from nightmares. Those times, if I looked at it intently, Fishy would methodically start drifting along the wall towards my parents’ bedroom; around the corner, out the door, and down the hall. As soon as he was out of sight, I’d start calling for Mom (as in: “Mooooom, I’m gonna barrrrrf…”) and she’d show up quickly (god bless ya, mom) to help me through it. Fishy would come back, though, as soon as I’d recovered. Then it would stare for the rest of the night, two days, or longer, in the direction of my parents’ room.

It finally vanished when my sister was born in 1992. I was almost 8 years old by then, and I’d been ignoring Fishy for about a year, but not so much that I didn’t notice it had learned to fly off the wall and visit the floor from time to time.
There was one instance, in the last two months of Fishy-ness when I saw it at someone else’s house; a new home that friends of mine, two sisters, were moving into. Their father walked into the room where we were playing with the moving boxes to give us another one, and in the darkened laundry room behind him, filling the entire doorway at many times it’s normal size, was Fishy, staring down the father’s back. It wasn’t scary, so much as irritating.

We moved away from there less than a year later.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: ourmet ()
Date: June 07, 2013 07:34AM

When I was about 8 I woke up one night (in a room I was sharing with 4 cousins) to see a doppelganger of my auntie in the room.

The color of the doppelganger’s skin and hair was just ever so slightly, like she was a little too blue (almost a pastal blue/purple/pink).

I watched it for a little while (maybe 5mins), before getting the courage to call out to it (using my aunt’s name). It certainly heard me as we made eye contact and she put a finger to her lips (like it/she wished I would shut up).
I used to see shit like this all the time as a kid.

My mother tells me about an ‘imaginary friend’ I had around the ages 3-4 called Susie who I insisted was some sort of family. The only thing I remember about her is her dress was all white and very old fasioned looking.

Turns out my mum’s grandmother was called Susie. She died 3 days after I was born.
We don’t talk about her because she was the leader of a spiritualist cult and a ‘psychic’ who could talk to and see ghosts. Most of my extended family is born again christain, so we all act like she never existed.

Another story about her (comming from my great aunt and 2 other relatives). Susie promised to send us a sign from the other side when she died. They think she achieved this, when her house burned down the night she died (she died overnight and was discoverd in the morning. The house was destroyed before her body was found).

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Herbert ()
Date: June 07, 2013 07:54AM

This is nothing to play with and here's why:

When I was very very young (around 4 or 5), I had an imaginary friend named Herbert (who was my age). Herbert was a very friendly imaginary friend but he liked to get into mischief sometimes. One time, Herbert broke a lamp when I wouldn’t let him watch CHiPs (awesome show, but Power Rangers was on). Herbert actually broke this lamp…I wasn’t just blaming it on him, but my parents didn’t believe me (obviously). That night, while I was lying in bed, Herbert came into my room. He looked scary and angry at me for something, probably because I ratted him out to my parents.

I didn’t say anything to him, I barely even acknowledged his presence in my room as I rolled over to go to sleep. Before finally falling asleep, I saw Herbert move to the foot of the bed and just stare at me. As my eyes grew heavier, I heard a faint whisper from my imaginary friend …

“You’ll regret that.”

From that day on, I didn’t see Herbert as much, though I knew he was around. All around me things would fall and break. Glass in the picture frames would crack for no reason and without being touched. Cars on the road would get into accidents when I walked down the street. I would lose things that I just set down somewhere. Homework had eraser marks on it and I would have to scramble in first period to finish it. This has gone on ever since Herbert left me alone…for almost 20 years now. Even to this day, things like this still occur and I just can’t help but think about Herbert.
Originally I had not planned to introduce this subject because my “incidences” with Herbert have begun to finally slow down (seemingly from not thinking/talking about him). But I feel like /r/NoSleep could use a few more recent stories about my childhood imaginary friend and his constant presence.

I have always kept a journal throughout my life (starting around 7 or 8 years of age) as a way to keep my memories to look back on in the future. These journals are mostly filled with things like “today I went fishing and caught a huge carp” from my younger years or “last night I got so wasted I pissed in a suitcase” from my trip to South Padre for spring break in college. There are, however, a few gems about Herbert and how he messes with me that may make for an interesting read. I am copying these mostly word-for-word out of my journal and only editing to make sense of my poor writing abilities in my younger years. This is not an entire collection of “The Herbert Chronicles,” but some of the stories are too short to be worth posting. Italicized text in brackets is not in my journal and was added to help explain things. Enjoy.

8/02/96 (10 years old) – Today Matt and I went down to the creek to check on the beaver’s house. There was a lot of rain and we want to make sure it didn’t get washed away. [The previous entry was all about this beaver dam we found while fishing up stream from the creek.] We couldn’t find the beavers so we decided to go down further and see if they moved. I saw Herbert on the other side of the water and told Matt we should try to go across the log that fell down, like a bridge. When I made it across, Herbert was back on the other side of the water so I told him to come over. When Matt was on the log, Herbert was trying to get past him and Matt fell in the water. He wasn’t happy about being all wet so we came home.

3/24/99 (13 years old) – I am not happy with my friend right now [reference to Herbert]. He always tries to get me into trouble and nobody believes me when I say it wasn’t me. My girlfriend Amber [next door neighbor girl] was over today and we were outside on our rollerblades. I was skating around Amber by my dad’s car when I felt Herbert push me. I was skating really fast and I couldn’t stop and I ran into dad’s car. He is still laughing about it but it isn’t funny. He just keeps saying “they think it was you” over and over again and he won’t leave me alone. My dad yelled at me for putting a mark on his car but it wasn’t my fault. I think next time Amber and I will go to the park to rollerblade…Herbert never follows us there.

7/02/05 (19 years old) – It has been a while since I have written about him but I have to write this down before I forget. I SAW HERBERT TODAY. I know, he isn’t real, let it go. It was the damnedest thing, I was sitting in my room watching tv trying to stay out of the heat when I saw something walk past my window. I thought maybe it was Matt coming by [Matt lived in the house behind me for years and we had known each other since we were little] so I went to the front door to let him in. Nobody was there when I opened the door though, so I went back to my room. I must have started dozing off from the bowl when out of nowhere I hear this loud banging on my window…scared me half to death. I sat up and saw him standing there looking in. I didn’t pay attention to him and just kept watching TV. He kept tapping on the window trying to get my attention so I got up and closed the blinds. I didn’t hear the tapping anymore after that. I started to get hungry so I decided to take a drive to McD and grab a Big Mac. I got to my car and I had a flat tire that looked like it had been slashed…I thought this shit was done.
[There was another entry a few days later about Herbert but all it said was "Fuckin Herbert, man" which is what I say to myself whenever something happens around or to me.]

4/02/09 (23 years old) – Unbelievable. Today, Stripey [my cat] was sitting in the doorway to my room just staring and meowing at something. I called him over but he wouldn’t even acknowledge me. Finally I decided to get up to see what was so fascinating and what did I see? Herbert was sitting at my computer playing a game! I hadn’t seen Herbert in years and while it was good to see an old friend, this shit needs to stop! He just looked over at me with his glazed eyes and shit-eating grin and giggled. What a creepy little kid. I told Brittany about it when she got home [college girlfriend...she believed my stories about Herbert] from class. She jested, asking if I said “hi” to him and chuckled a bit…I didn’t find it amusing. While we were eating dinner in the living room, we heard a loud crash in the bedroom and all I could think was “wtf is Herbert up to in there.” Sure enough, when I went into the bedroom, I saw her box of nail polish all over the floor, bottles cracked and spilled on the new carpet. She blamed the cat but he was in the kitchen…I knew who had done it.

That was the last entry about Herbert in my journal. I feel like a notebook is missing though since the last date in that one (on the bottom of the back of the last page) is 12/31/09 and I usually start a new notebook every year. The first date on my current one is 1/05/10 so either I lost a notebook or I didn’t write anything. The other day though, Herbert made a brief appearance. I didn’t write it down but I could have sworn I saw him when I pulled into the driveway after work…but it was dark so I can’t be certain. One important thing I should mention about my dear friend Herbert is that he doesn’t age. He is perpetually 6 years old, which compounds on the freak out factor when I do see him. So do any of you have or have any of you had an imaginary friend?

EDIT – Specifics about Herbert:
He is of typical stature for a 6 year old. He has semi-long, straight dark hair. He isn’t fat but you wouldn’t call him skinny. He always has the same clothes on. They look sort of like a dark brown or black suit with a sport coat, button up shirt, slacks, and dress shoes. He has piercing grey eyes, like slabs of granite with tiny little jet black pupils in the center. He is almost always smiling, even when causing trouble (I would say especially when getting into mischief), the kind of off-putting smile though, that seems to grow more to one side of his face in a smirk. When he is angry (which is increasingly rare), he gets this sinister scowl on his face and his brow wrinkles, like a kid that doesn’t get his was. But this is different. His eyes go almost jet black and his face seems to hide in shadow. Funny, as I’m typing this up at work I keep hearing a slight noise coming from near or under my desk, but no matter. I have learned that if you ignore him, he pouts but eventually leaves (though not before causing some sort of problem). I will try to find a picture to better show what his face looks like on the internet in a minute here. Update to follow.

EDIT – Here is almost exactly what he looks like. His eyes are only black when he is angry. He’s here now. I can feel him messing with my shoelaces under my desk. I knew talking/thinking about him again was not a good idea but I couldn’t help but share.

Here is almost exactly what he looks like. His eyes are only black when he is angry. He’s here now. I can feel him messing with my shoelaces under my desk. I knew talking/thinking about him again was not a good idea but I couldn’t help but share.

EDIT 2 – Some strange occurences have been happening to myself and my girlfriend. We just moved to a new apartment in June and we have been hearing noises and have misplaced items. I am thinking some investigation may be at hand.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Mister Rand ()
Date: June 07, 2013 10:12AM

abelard Wrote:
> You're raising kids in the same house you grew up
> in? That's pretty amazing.
> What does Mister Rand look like? A normal guy?
> What is he wearing? Always the same thing?

He looks like a normal guy and always wears the same clothes old 40's style clothing from that era. Mr. Rand woke me up one night I swear to you I saw him clear as if he was real. Standing beside my bed. I reached out to touch him and got naught but the cold night air in my bedroom. He hung out almost every night for ages, then one night nothing. I remember we spoke about death one night, that was a strange conversation.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: abelard ()
Date: June 07, 2013 04:16PM

>He looks like a normal guy and always wears the same clothes old 40's style
>clothing from that era. Mr. Rand woke me up one night I swear to you I saw him
>clear as if he was real.

Any chance this was a hypnagogic experience? Waking from sleep can be a prolonged experience and disorienting and it can be hard to tell where the dreams ended and reality began. Cards on the table: I'm always suspicious of experiences where folks were recently asleep, and there are many - ghosts, old hag, alien abduction, voices.

I've had a few of these in my life and some I still remember, years later. When I was a teenager, I woke up once absolutely sure that I'd killed someone and buried the body, I knew exactly where it was, and somehow I knew it was about to be found so I had to move it. I was so certain until I tried to think where the body was (my memory of it seemed to be a mishmash of two different places I know well), when this had happened, who it was, and how I knew it was about to be discovered. Unable to link any of this up with any other memories, I realized that this was a dream, but it sure didn't feel like one. I still remember the panic I felt when I woke up, sure I was about to be caught.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: who ya gonna call? ()
Date: June 07, 2013 04:27PM

Haunted in McLean Wrote:
> But then one day my 4 year old daughter told us
> she has friend in her room. She says it's a woman
> that wants her to call her mommy. Is this
> something I should be worried about. Is this just
> a friendly ghost of someone who was unfortunate
> enough to die before her time or is it some kind
> of demon.

Call an exorcist to have the demonic squatter, otherwise known as Alias, evicted from your house.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: June 07, 2013 04:58PM

Yes, call a priest to stay in the room with your child overnight. By the next morning, your kid will never be haunted by the ghost anymore, but he will have a very sore asshole and might need all the semen in his stomach pumped out.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Mister Rand ()
Date: June 08, 2013 07:37AM

abelard Wrote:
> >He looks like a normal guy and always wears the
> same clothes old 40's style
> >clothing from that era. Mr. Rand woke me up one
> night I swear to you I saw him
> >clear as if he was real.
> Any chance this was a hypnagogic experience?
> Waking from sleep can be a prolonged experience
> and disorienting and it can be hard to tell where
> the dreams ended and reality began. Cards on the
> table: I'm always suspicious of experiences where
> folks were recently asleep, and there are many -
> ghosts, old hag, alien abduction, voices.
> I've had a few of these in my life and some I
> still remember, years later. When I was a
> teenager, I woke up once absolutely sure that I'd
> killed someone and buried the body, I knew exactly
> where it was, and somehow I knew it was about to
> be found so I had to move it. I was so certain
> until I tried to think where the body was (my
> memory of it seemed to be a mishmash of two
> different places I know well), when this had
> happened, who it was, and how I knew it was about
> to be discovered. Unable to link any of this up
> with any other memories, I realized that this was
> a dream, but it sure didn't feel like one. I
> still remember the panic I felt when I woke up,
> sure I was about to be caught.

Not always asleep, but most of the time. My son also had similiar but more experiences. Most of it seems tied to that room.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Poop Man ()
Date: June 08, 2013 06:29PM

I don't know if there are such things as ghosts, I'm not going to say there aren't if I don't personally know that there aren't.

Interesting post OP and interesting replies. That 4 foot tall Yellow "Imaginary Friend" posted about is kinda freaky. Kind of curious to hear more.

Was it "Humanoid" or was it completelyf unlike a person except for standing "upright?" on the wall?

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: EHtj3 ()
Date: June 08, 2013 06:51PM

Tell the ghost to call 1-800 collect and save a buck or 2.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: "Fishy" ()
Date: June 08, 2013 07:13PM

Poop Man Wrote:
> I don't know if there are such things as ghosts,
> I'm not going to say there aren't if I don't
> personally know that there aren't.
> Interesting post OP and interesting replies. That
> 4 foot tall Yellow "Imaginary Friend" posted about
> is kinda freaky. Kind of curious to hear more.
> Was it "Humanoid" or was it completelyf unlike a
> person except for standing "upright?" on the wall?

"Fishy" was an ugly color yellow and about 4 feet tall. It had two legs and big, big eyes. It was like a weird naked boy with strange skin that reminded me of a fish in some ways. Weird and scary the way it looked at me and my parents. I went to a psychologist and later a child psychiatrist who speculated at what might be wrong with me. They even gave me some meds for it, but nothing helped. When my sister was born in 1992, he disappeared all together, but by then he had learned to move off the walls and onto the floor. He also could alter his size to about 6 feet or more. Not really scary, but more annoying/irritating. Does that make sense?

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: iggy ()
Date: June 08, 2013 08:58PM

In a sense, an Imaginary Friend is a ghost because even though you cannot see them, they are there, (figuratively speaking of course.) Most children "create" an imaginary friend when they want to play with someone or talk to someone, and while they aren't visible to anyone, the child can still see and communicate with their Imaginary Friend, (even though it's all in their head.) However, it's pretty hard to determine whether an Imaginary Friend is an actual ghost or just a figment of the imagination because only the person who "created" the friend can see them, and most of the time the person will deny that their friend is fake and will try to provide evidence that their friend is real. Of course they cannot do that, but if they truly believe that their Imaginary Friend is there, (meaning it's a Ghost,) then there is no way to disprove them since there is [currently] no way to prove or disprove a Ghost.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: pinky ()
Date: June 08, 2013 09:05PM

I think children who have imaginery friends are actually seeing demonic spirits. What happens is that the demons pretend to be children (sometimes even dead children) in order to interact with the child. The demons ultimate goal in doing this is to destroy the child and seperate him from his family and in so doing eventually being able to destroy the family unit. Demons also love to trick and deceive people including children to become fascinated with the occult. This is because demons know that the occult is dangerous and can destroy people.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Chloe in Falls Church ()
Date: June 08, 2013 09:06PM

Haunted in McLean Wrote:
> I think there is a ghost in my house. I just moved
> in about a year ago and pretty much right after we
> moved in we started hearing things. We thought
> they were just sounds of pipes and things like
> that so we didn't worry at first.
> But then one day my 4 year old daughter told us
> she has friend in her room. She says it's a woman
> that wants her to call her mommy. Is this
> something I should be worried about. Is this just
> a friendly ghost of someone who was unfortunate
> enough to die before her time or is it some kind
> of demon.
> How do I know which it is?

It really depends on how old the child is, kids loose their imaginary friends and around the age of seven unless they have some type of depression or if the child is going the a traumatic time, the imaginary friend may come back to support him/her through the hard time nd then leave again. If it's not like this the child is probably phycic. Children who are believed to be phycic are called Cyrstal Children. Cyrstal children are very in tune with there phycic ability at a very young age. You can tell if a child is a Crystal child is if they have very big eyes as if they're staring into your soul, they can keep themselves oocupied in their room for a long time, and they are very calm around the ghost and don't get frightned (unless it was a bad ghost) if you are certain it was a bad ghost simply tell the child to tell the ghost " that I don't want you here, go away"
Hope this was helpful

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Poop Man ()
Date: June 08, 2013 11:33PM

"Fishy" Wrote:
> Poop Man Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I don't know if there are such things as
> ghosts,
> > I'm not going to say there aren't if I don't
> > personally know that there aren't.
> >
> > Interesting post OP and interesting replies.
> That
> > 4 foot tall Yellow "Imaginary Friend" posted
> about
> > is kinda freaky. Kind of curious to hear more.
> >
> > Was it "Humanoid" or was it completelyf unlike
> a
> > person except for standing "upright?" on the
> wall?
> "Fishy" was an ugly color yellow and about 4 feet
> tall. It had two legs and big, big eyes. It was
> like a weird naked boy with strange skin that
> reminded me of a fish in some ways. Weird and
> scary the way it looked at me and my parents. I
> went to a psychologist and later a child
> psychiatrist who speculated at what might be wrong
> with me. They even gave me some meds for it, but
> nothing helped. When my sister was born in 1992,
> he disappeared all together, but by then he had
> learned to move off the walls and onto the floor.
> He also could alter his size to about 6 feet or
> more. Not really scary, but more
> annoying/irritating. Does that make sense?

An interesting entity that seems somehow vaguely familiar based on your descriptions but I can't honestly say why it seems vaguely familiar. Not sure if it's a picture or image or something that I'd seen in the past that I'm just bringing up.

Whether it's an internal or external ghost is besides the point. I can't prove that ghosts, as defined by popular culture, exist or not. I am not tryig to prove whether they do or don't. I'm more interested in what each entity represents. Not from a psychological point of view, strictly speaking, but as a back story and motivation.

Lets face it, if you're seeing something that you've been told can't exist, it kind of unnerves you whether it's a "Ghost" or something the mind is projecting. Doesn't make any difference as the result is the same. By that same standard these things don't just pop out of nowhere and whether it's a ghost, a demon, your imagination, or something yet unmentioned the result is pretty much the same.

I find it interesting that "Fishy" went away once another child was born into your family. I'm not psychoanalyzing you I'm just stating that I find it interesting.

Whether internal or external, "Fishy" is an interesting entity. I certainly wouldn't presume to advise you to try to remember more about something that may have been created by your own psyche as it could be harmful to you to do so but at the same hand it could turn into the next "Hollywood Blockbuster" once you sell the film rights. Never can tell about these things.

It's interesting and it's very different from the standard "ghost" story. Almost like something far more primal. For lack of a better term, based on descriptions, it almost sounds like something that one might find in the form of a "Spirit Mask" in the Smithsonian. Some archaic "entity" that one tribe of whatever continent might have carved into wood.

Might want to look at some of those types of things online. You might just stumble across "Fishy." Or not.


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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: "Fishy" ()
Date: June 09, 2013 08:18AM

Fishy looks more like something that someone might find on the Sci-Fi channel nowadays. I recently saw a picture of a man that had drowned during a flood in the midwest. The weird discolorization of the skin reminded me of Fishy except his color is yellowish and not so bloated. Another thing that reminds me of Fishy is that guy from the "Sin City" movie. Some of my friends think that Fishy has some connection to a young boy that disappeared in my neighborhood about 10-years before. Unfortunately there are so few facts to follow-up on and with no more sightings I really don't want to disturb the calm I've enjoyed for the past several years.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Single Mom ()
Date: June 09, 2013 02:40PM

I also had a similiar experience and yes you should definitely worry.

To start my story you need to know about my family. I have a son who is 4 years old and unfortunately, I am a single mother. My mom is very in touch with paranormal entities, spirits ect. I however have not recieved this "trait" but I am starting to assume my son is capable of seeing such... Things.

Now, I will just state that the following events are very full on, and that before this I did NOT believe in such capabilities of something that isn't human. That is why I was so hesitant at first.

Now, it was the middle of summer and we were just having a lazy day at home. We had the television on but pretty much on mute. Jayden (my son) was playing with some of his toys. When he started talking to someone. Saying things like 'C'mon Jack! You're the bad guy!" I just assumed that it was in association to the toys he was playing with. So I, like many others would, brushed it off.

Not a week later, I was just talking to Jayden about this dream he had the night before. It was him going away with a "friend". When I asked what the friend's name was he answered 'Jack'. But, being me I brushed it off as one of his toys. He kept mentioning this Jack person through the next few weeks, and after a while I just snapped and asked him who Jack was. He lifted his arm up and pointed behind me. He said something that made me jump; "Why don't you just ask him yourself?". This freaked me out, but I assumed it was just an imaginary friend.

The next day I had a friend over for lunch, and we were just talking when Jayden walked out. He was generally talking, or playing, but it was with "someone". My friend Tess asked him who he was talking to. He replied with "Jack". I was asking Tess if her daughter Alicia, who was now 14, ever had an imaginary friend and she told me she didn't but her sister's son had one that she thought was a spirit. From then on I was on the edge about this "Jack".

A week later Jayden was in his room yelling. So I ran upstairs, scared someone was in the house, with a knife in hand. When I got to Jayden's room there were blocks, toys, books and clothes everywhere. Jayden was in a horrible mood. I started asking him why he had messed his room up and he just sat there in silence. So I yelled "Clean it up. NOW!" and walked out. Jayden then yelled, "IT WAS JACK". I stormed right back into his room and screamed at him "It's wasn't Jack, because there is NO JACK."

Two days after the incident I walked upstairs to put Jayden's clothes in his drawers and found him standing on top of his cupboard. His cupboard is about a metre and a half high, so I was astounded he climbed up there. In a panic I yelled at him. "What are you doing? Get down!" He said to me, "Jack told me to jump. I have to be nice to Jack or he will hurt me."

It was that point that I realised maybe Jack wasn't so imaginary. I decided to put in a baby monitor, and if that failed I decided I'd put in a camera. I kept the monitor in the kitchen so I could hear it from a distance. I was at the dinner table when I heard the monitor start buzzing. Almost static, white noise. I could hear Jayden talk and then static would start, but every few seconds I could hear a voice. It was unclear and I couldn't understand what it was saying, but obviously Jayden could. I rushed upstairs and of course, he was playing with Jack. So I set up my camera and had the baby monitor running. I was going to find out what this was.

I was in the kitchen watching Jayden play, and saw blocks, toys and books all moving by themselves. I was frozen in fear, watching in panick. Jayden stood up and said "NO JACK. NO!". Jack must have been yelling because all of a sudden I heard a big booming voice over the monitor yell "I WILL HURT YOU."

Out of nowhere I heard a loud thud. This caused me to run. I sprinted up the stairs, yelling for my son. I found him crying on the floor of my bedroom, he was laying in pain in front of my cupboard. I comforted him and rushed to the car, I drove him down to the hospital where they found he had a broken rib and sprained wrist. After he had calmed down I asked him what happened.

He just told me, "Jack pushed me off of your cupboard."

That week I called the priest in to cleanse the house, and Jayden really seemed different, of course in a good way. He seemed to be very light in a way, and he also seemed not to be afraid of the house. 3 months later and he still hasn't mentioned Jack.

(I know it's hard to believe in this, but after talking to my mother, she seemed positive Jack was there, and she told me that there are demons looking to hurt people.)

Thank your for reading my story. Any help to if he returns? Any suggestion to what Jack was?

Also be careful if your child has any imaginary friends, make sure they check out.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Fishy ()
Date: June 09, 2013 02:49PM

Single Mom Wrote:
> I also had a similiar experience and yes you
> should definitely worry.
> To start my story you need to know about my
> family. I have a son who is 4 years old and
> unfortunately, I am a single mother. My mom is
> very in touch with paranormal entities, spirits
> ect. I however have not recieved this "trait" but
> I am starting to assume my son is capable of
> seeing such... Things
> ...

Dangerous Imaginary Friend

By jetaimeteamo (2 stories) (4 posts) (the author is a young adult)
Date: 2011-10-03
Country: United States
State: Florida
Paranormal Category: Children Who See Spirits

To start my story you need to know about my family. I have a son who is 4 years old and unfortunately, I am a single mother. My mom is very in touch with paranormal entities, spirits ect. I however have not recieved this "trait" but I am starting to assume my son is capable of seeing such... Things.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Poop Man ()
Date: June 09, 2013 05:22PM

"Fishy" Wrote:
> Fishy looks more like something that someone might
> find on the Sci-Fi channel nowadays. I recently
> saw a picture of a man that had drowned during a
> flood in the midwest. The weird discolorization of
> the skin reminded me of Fishy except his color is
> yellowish and not so bloated. Another thing that
> reminds me of Fishy is that guy from the "Sin
> City" movie. Some of my friends think that Fishy
> has some connection to a young boy that
> disappeared in my neighborhood about 10-years
> before. Unfortunately there are so few facts to
> follow-up on and with no more sightings I really
> don't want to disturb the calm I've enjoyed for
> the past several years.

Like I said, I wouldn't presume to suggest that you explore something of this nature as it may cause you unpleasantness or even harm. Be it external or interal to you, the fact remains that it could cause psychological harm which could manifest itself in tons of ways and restart a chain of events you've since put to bed.

The coloring you attribute to "Fishy" is interesting as is the name you atribute to it.

Have you ever had any issues with your liver? Could be an illness or it could be a physical trauma to the organ. The color yellow, as Vincent van Gogh has clearly illustrated, can often be atributed to liver illness or disorder or even an injury. I'm not suggesting that you did or still have any issues with your liver but the color yellow that you mention is interesting.

A "missing child" doesn't strike me as likely because why would a missing kid (we're presuming here that "Fishy" is an external spirit rather than something psychological) than why would this spirit attempt to be "annoying?"

A missing child doesn't explain also why "Fishy" was "wall bound" for such a long time.

I'm not saying that it is or isn't a missing child any more than I'm saying that this is or isn't a manifestation of your mind.

Even if it was a manifestation that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with that either. If that were the case than it was your growing up process and it eventually went away.

Nevertheless it's an interesting entity.

Feel free to entirely ignore all or any part of this but I would like to ask you if "Fishy" had always been there from your earliest memory or if "Fishy" came along at some point?

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: No Socks & Miss Pissasam ()
Date: June 10, 2013 06:26AM

Chloe in Falls Church Wrote:
> Haunted in McLean Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I think there is a ghost in my house. I just
> moved
> > in about a year ago and pretty much right after
> we
> > moved in we started hearing things. We thought
> > they were just sounds of pipes and things like
> > that so we didn't worry at first.
> >
> > But then one day my 4 year old daughter told us
> > she has friend in her room. She says it's a
> woman
> > that wants her to call her mommy. Is this
> > something I should be worried about. Is this
> just
> > a friendly ghost of someone who was unfortunate
> > enough to die before her time or is it some
> kind
> > of demon.
> >
> > How do I know which it is?
> It really depends on how old the child is, kids
> loose their imaginary friends and around the age
> of seven unless they have some type of depression
> or if the child is going the a traumatic time, the
> imaginary friend may come back to support him/her
> through the hard time nd then leave again. If it's
> not like this the child is probably phycic.
> Children who are believed to be phycic are called
> Cyrstal Children. Cyrstal children are very in
> tune with there phycic ability at a very young
> age. You can tell if a child is a Crystal child is
> if they have very big eyes as if they're staring
> into your soul, they can keep themselves oocupied
> in their room for a long time, and they are very
> calm around the ghost and don't get frightned
> (unless it was a bad ghost) if you are certain it
> was a bad ghost simply tell the child to tell the
> ghost " that I don't want you here, go away"
> Hope this was helpful

When I was little I had (2) imaginary friends. There names were No Socks & Miss Pissasam

No Socks was an orphan girl about my age. She and I did everything together. We lived out in the country and there were no other kids around, so No Socks and I were best buddies. The other imaginary friend was Miss Pissasam. She ran the orphanage where No Socks went when she wasn't with me. You can tell by her name, she wasn't a very nice person. She didn't feed No Socks and didn't give her any clothes, so I had to sneak my things out to her and she sat beside me at the dinner table and shared my food.

I never blamed anything on either No Socks of Miss Pissasam, but I talked about them a lot and caused my parents to worry that I wasn't right in the head, as they said.

I had these friends for several years. I think they went away when I started to school and met other kids.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: gloria ()
Date: June 10, 2013 08:50AM

I can’t remember my imaginary friend, but my mom has told me all kinds of stories about it. I was pretty small, not quite three, when I invented my friend Biggles. According to my mom, Biggles's main role in my life was to take credit for things I didn't want to get into trouble for. If my mom asked me to pick up my toys but then came into my room a while later to see that it was still messy, I'd say, "I did clean my room, but Biggles came over and messed it up again!" If my mom or dad came into a room and found something spilled or something out that I wasn't supposed to play with, I'd blame Biggles. Biggles was pretty smart though, and always went home right before she could get caught!

Biggles wasn't all bad. My mom said I used to have pretend tea parties with her, or talk to her when I was alone in my room. I wasn't one of those kids whose imaginary friend stuck around when others were in the room. We didn't have to set a place at the table for her or keep room for her in the car. I guess I figured that everyone would know Biggles wasn't real if I insisted she was around when she wasn't, and that would make it harder to blame her for things like leaving my room messy or spilling milk all over the kitchen floor! When I was three and a half, we moved to a new city and I quickly became best friends with the little boy next door. In our old city, there hadn't been any kids around for me to play with regularly. Once I had my best friend, plus some other kids from down the street to play with, Biggles ceased to be necessary. Also by that time, I had a little brother who was starting to get big enough to blame things on but couldn't talk yet to defend himself! I wonder if I was a smart kid, or just a brat. :)

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Doc Ock ()
Date: June 10, 2013 10:09AM

It is entirely possible that your childhood "friend" was a disembodied Soul. There are several reasons for a person who dies to be held in a sub-Astral region [the next "inner" region from this physical plane[ until some "attachment" is loosened, or some time occurs. All suicides are held in this space until the allotted time of their death arrives, at which time they go before the "judge" and must answer for their interference in their Fate Karma [if interested read "Karma" in the sources].

If you saw such a person, it was not your physical eyes that saw him, you were using your Astral vision, which is part of your Astral body, the lower half of your MIND realm. Many children can use their Astral vision, especially babies. But as the brain develops, and ones "attention" is applied to more and more physical phenomena, one losses ones Astral vision.

This is not uncommon, and it is perfectly normal.... it's just that modern mental health is populated with people who are locked into their brains, and incapable of accessing the faculty of intuition, which is the hallway to the subtle dimensions within oneself.

Proper meditation is one way people with "psychic" ability [which is simply evidence of ones Spiritual Evolution], can increase their Astral vision, which isn't so much "seeing" as "Knowing" things.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: matt 703 ()
Date: June 10, 2013 10:17AM

Wow- that is intense!

"G" Wrote:
> Like a lot of kids, I had an imaginary friend
> until I was about 9 or 10. I don’t remember
> playing with him, but I do vaguely remember going
> to see a psychiatrist about him. I described him
> as looking like me (red hair, glasses) and having
> the same birthday as I do, and I called him G
> because my first name starts with a G, according
> to my mother. As I grew up, G faded away.
> Fast forward to my 20th birthday. I came home from
> college for a dinner with my parents and younger
> siblings. We’re joking around about our
> childhoods when my sister mentions G. My dad gets
> quiet and my mom goes pale. She demands we drop
> the subject. The next day, after my siblings had
> gone, my parents sit me down and explain that I
> had a twin brother who died when we were about a
> year old; he had a congenital heart problem and
> passed away during surgery. They had elected not
> to tell me, although they couldn’t really
> explain why. My mom kept the letters G and I wrote
> to each other (mostly scribbles) and all the
> pictures I drew of he and I playing. She thinks I
> was with my brother.
> TL;DR I had an imaginary friend who may have been
> my deceased brother.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: morighann ()
Date: June 10, 2013 12:19PM

Haunted in McLean Wrote:
> I think there is a ghost in my house. I just moved
> in about a year ago and pretty much right after we
> moved in we started hearing things. We thought
> they were just sounds of pipes and things like
> that so we didn't worry at first.
> But then one day my 4 year old daughter told us
> she has friend in her room. She says it's a woman
> that wants her to call her mommy. Is this
> something I should be worried about. Is this just
> a friendly ghost of someone who was unfortunate
> enough to die before her time or is it some kind
> of demon.
> How do I know which it is?

There's really not a test you can do. Honestly, no one could tell you for sure at this point. A few questions.... How old is she? Does she have any medical problems? There are several medical conditions that can cause this, and the VA is not well known for doing a good job, in my professional opinion. If you were to provide more information, I could probably give you a better idea of what might be going on.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: rayona ()
Date: June 10, 2013 08:15PM

I've been wondering lately if most kids who supposedly have imaginary friends are really just talking with ghosts? It happened with my cousin's daughter last year and now I'm seeing it with my daughter.

A month or so ago, my 2 year old started saying 'hi' and then talking gibberish to the ceiling, every once in awhile when I was putting her to bed. It always started spontaneously whether we were talking, reading a story or singing. One night, it happened and then a few hours later I heard her whimper a bit and then very clearly and loudly (we still use a baby monitor) say, "No, no, no!" When I went into her room she was sitting up scowling and talking with someone.

Fast forward. On Friday night she did the same thing again, only this time she said, "Hi Brian! Hi Brian!" It was very clear and audible. I work with someone named Brian so I dismissed it to myself and chalked it up to her practicing the name. Then the next day, we were out in the backyard, she was swinging and started saying, "Hi Brian" again. Still didn't think much. Then last night, putting her to bed and again she says, smiling and looking up at the ceiling, "Hi Brian! Hi Brian! Night night Brian. Night night Ga Ga..."

And then it hit me. I don't think it is the Brian I work with she is talking about.

#1) Let me first explain that my niece and nephew always called my grandfather "ga ga". He has been dead for several years now. He died before my daughter was born. When I show her pictures, I call him "Grandpa" because we call my dad (her grandfather) "Papa" so there really isn't any confusion. My niece and nephew are older now - my nephew no longer refers to him as "ga ga", but my niece still does because she is autistic with a speech impairment and that is easier to say. They have both insisted they have seen him since he passed away. At Christmas this year, all of the photographs taken here in my house were filled with white orbs, and the largest ones were clustered mostly around my grandmother, "ga ga's" widow.

#2) Early last week, a close friend and coworker had her 30 year old son, Brian, commit suicide. Since then, things have been horrible for her of course, so I have been working a lot and doing everything I can to cover for her at work, as well as talking with her family a lot, making food, buying groceries, putting his obituary in the paper, getting her in touch with another friend whose daughter also committed suicide last year, etc.

So when I put #1 and #2 together, I got goose bumps. I asked my daughter why she told Brian and Ga Ga night night and she just giggled.

The obituary and cards from the funeral home (both with his photographs) have been laying around my house for a few days now. When the babysitter saw me pick up one of the cards, show it to my daughter this morning and say, "Who is this?" to see if she would say, "Brian," the babysitter told me 1) She had started saying "Hi Brian" out of nowhere the other day while outside swinging (babysitter also assumed she was just practicing the name of the person I work with) and 2) Had been carrying around the cards and obit all week and saying "Brian. Brian..."

This never seems to happen when my husband is around, but he completely believes me. He however thinks the Brian part is implausible because his spirit would be too confused to come here to visit after just committing suicide. Keep in mind I don't know Brian - have only met him once since he lived out of state. But my thought is that if it is him, he might be here because he knows how hard I have been working to help his mom deal and help his family in any way I can.

He was bipolar, but from what I have been told, was a very loving, gregarious, yet gentle soul. He was very much into music, nature, loved his dogs, loved his family and friends with unparalleled passion, etc. Maybe he wants to thank me? Wants to let his mom know he's ok? She doesn't have any other family or close friends who have children as young as my daughter at home so maybe this was the easiest way to get close to her?

Any thoughts? Should I do anything to help them move on if that's who they are? Should I feel concerned? Comforted? Should I ever try to share this with Brian's mom? (I would never share it now while she is so unstable, but I'm wondering if it might be of some comfort to her down the road if she doesn't think I'm crazy.)

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Jewelz ()
Date: June 11, 2013 05:05AM

My 4 y.o. ds has an imaginary friend (a first for him) who he describes as quite scary. He has an anxiety d/o and has long been afraid of the dark and being alone. But now he is describing a scary guy who lives in a house with no windows and is very powerful and strong, also lurks underwater, who once visited him here at our house at night in his room. Yesterday we drove by an abandoned house and he said that is where the scary guy lives and has been talking about that house a lot since then.
I know my son has not been abused, I am with him all the time. I wonder if he is just creating something with his 4 yr old imagination to describe the fears he has felt for the dark and being alone?

Maybe this isn't an SN kid issue, I don't know, but thought I'd post here and see if anyone had any suggestions. I had imaginary friends as a child but they were more like playmates, not scary and I just feel bad for him being so afraid. Should I help him with this in some way, if so, how? Or just listen when he talks about it? It seems the more questions we ask, the more elaborate the scary guy gets so I don't know if that is making it worse???? Maybe just listening is better. Any other ideas/perspectives appreciated.


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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Concerned Parents ()
Date: June 11, 2013 06:20AM

Haunted in McLean Wrote:
> I think there is a ghost in my house. I just moved
> in about a year ago and pretty much right after we
> moved in we started hearing things. We thought
> they were just sounds of pipes and things like
> that so we didn't worry at first.
> But then one day my 4 year old daughter told us
> she has friend in her room. She says it's a woman
> that wants her to call her mommy. Is this
> something I should be worried about. Is this just
> a friendly ghost of someone who was unfortunate
> enough to die before her time or is it some kind
> of demon.
> How do I know which it is?

The thought of an Imaginary friend telling a little girl to call it “Mother” and taking the appearance of a creepy old woman is enough evidence for me to put that house up for sale and the move out!

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: quixoticqt ()
Date: June 11, 2013 07:47AM

I could only imagine how nerve racking this experience was. I have a daughter age 5 almost 6 and she used to see some gentle spirits when she was younger and those made my heart skip a beat. Ones that she use to wave to and blow kisses. She no longer does it any more.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: well... ()
Date: June 11, 2013 11:58AM

Haunted in McLean Wrote:
> I think there is a ghost in my house. I just moved
> in about a year ago and pretty much right after we
> moved in we started hearing things. We thought
> they were just sounds of pipes and things like
> that so we didn't worry at first.
> But then one day my 4 year old daughter told us
> she has friend in her room. She says it's a woman
> that wants her to call her mommy. Is this
> something I should be worried about. Is this just
> a friendly ghost of someone who was unfortunate
> enough to die before her time or is it some kind
> of demon.
> How do I know which it is?

If the "Imaginary Friend" looks like this, then it might be a problem...!

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: asddfcbc ()
Date: June 13, 2013 06:08PM

Wow Momma's been drinking the malt liquor again.

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Imaginary Friend, or Ghost?
Posted by: You might find this interesting ()
Date: November 01, 2013 12:08PM

Imaginary Friend, or Ghost?

To hear child psychologists tell it, it is not uncommon for a child to have an "imaginary friend". To hear a paranormal enthusiast or possibly even a medium tell it, your child's imaginary friend could quite possibly be a ghost!
Several years ago, when my oldest daughter was only 3, she developed an imaginary friend. As she walked through the house playing, she would often say, "Look Mama, my friend is following me". I'll admit, it was a little creepy, but I chalked it up to her fun imagination, and the fact that at the time, she was still an only child. It didn't strike me as too odd that she would "invent" someone to play with. Nevertheless, we did begin spending more time at the park after that so that she could play with real children, and before long, she stopped talking about her imaginary friend.

Fast forward 5 years, and we are now the proud parents of two children. My daughter is now 8, and our son is 2. We have just moved to a house located about five miles from Los Angeles International Airport, so that I could be closer to work, ditch my four hour per day commute, and have more time at home to spend with my children. When I say just moved, I mean just moved. As in, the night before. We pulled in with the moving truck about 9pm, and my daughter fell fast asleep in a sleeping bag in her new room soon after we arrived. Not much later, my husband, son, and I, all passed out on an air mattress in our empty bedroom.

Early the next morning, still half asleep, I heard the unmistakeable pitter-patter of toddler sized bare feet running on the carpet beside me, and then heading out the bedroom door. I jolted up, assuming of course that it had been my son. I didn't want him roaming around the house alone, as I hadn't had time yet to go through and put safety devices in the electrical outlets. Imagine my shock and confusion when I stood up and realized my son was still fast asleep on the air mattress! I checked on my daughter even though I knew those footsteps had been to little to be hers, and found her still sleeping, as well.

The reason I mentioned that little story was to give you an idea of what the following three years were like for us, living in that house. We had near daily occurrences of this sort, but that's a different story. What I really mean to tell you about, are the "friends" that my son spoke of while living there.

We had been living in that house for approximately six months before my son's vocabulary was developed enough for him to begin telling us about "the boys". He spoke of three boys, all brothers. He called them specific names, too, although it was tough to decipher what he was saying. One thing was clear, though, and that was that my son used the same last name with all of them. Over the next two and a half years, he often spoke of them. He acted as though they were sitting at the dining room table with him, he talked to them while playing in the bath, and mentioned sometimes that they had "come with us" in the car.

One time, I walked into my son's bedroom to check on him, and he was sitting on a little plastic chair, with another little chair, empty of course, positioned to face him. As I entered the room, I apparently "interrupted" a conversation my son was having with one of his little imaginary friends who was "sitting" in the chair opposite my son. Sometimes I would hear him giggling and laughing, chatting happily away with "someone", even though he was in the room alone.

As time passed, my son filled us in on even more details about these "boys". He said they were 4, 6, and 8 years old. He described their different hair colors and also described, in detail, what clothes they were "wearing". When we had lived there nearly 3 years, circumstances changed and we were planning another move. It was around this time, approximately 2 months before leaving this house, that my son decided to tell me an amazing story about these boys.

My son, 5 years old at this point in time, was not the type to make up stories,ever. He did not pretend to be running through castles battling knights and dragons, he did not pretend to be hiding from dinosaurs, or flying an airplane. He didn't really pretend, at all. Obviously, it would seem that he was pretending when speaking of these boys that nobody else could see, but due to the other unexplainable events that occurred almost every day in that house, I was beginning to wonder. Especially when he told me this story:

He said that the 3 brothers were afraid of the "bad man", who was dressed in "policeman's clothes". He then told me that the "bad man" had tricked the boys into going "into the trees" with him, and that he had killed them. Now, put on the brakes for a second. Rest assured that my son was not allowed to watch anything on TV more violent than Toy Story, and we did not discuss things like death and murder in front of him. I didn't even know before that moment that he understood that people sometimes took the lives of other people. Okay, back to the story.

When my son said the boys had been murdered, I said, "They're dead?"

He very matter of factly, replied "Yeah. They're ghosts, Mommy".

Not wanting to make him feel self conscious, I responded with a simple, "Oh".

He went on to say that the parents of the boys were also in our house. He said "The Mommy and the Daddy don't have any faces, and they are afraid of you and Daddy". Naturally, I asked why.

"Because they think you and Daddy are ghosts".

Now, again, due to the strange events our family had encountered in this house since moving in, I had questions of my own. You see, my husband, my daughter who was now 11, and I, had all actually seen a little boy running through our house on many occassions. When we would see this little boy, it was always in the hallway right next to my son's bedroom. And yes, each time we were able to confirm that it had not been my son who we had seen. T-shirt colors would be entirely different (we might see the "boy" in a red shirt, when my son was wearing a blue shirt), my son might be fast asleep when the sighting took place, or even sometimes completely across the house from where the sighting occurred. It is likely difficult for some of you to believe this, but I promise you, it is entirely true.

"There are 3 boys?" I asked.

"Yes", said my son.

"Then, which one is the one that I see?" I asked. My son giggled a little, as though he thought I was very silly.

"You've seen all of them, Mommy".

I persisted, "The one I see always looks the same. I think I only see one of them". He smiled at me sweetly, almost as though he felt sorry for his Mommy who was clearly so confused.

"No, Mommy. You've seen all of them. And one of them tried to talk to Daddy, but Daddy didn't hear him".

At that moment, the memory of a story my husband had told me came flooding back. Just a few days earlier, my husband, crouched in the hallway next to my son's bedroom door, trying to find something in the linen closet, distinctly heard a child whisper in his ear, "Daddy!". My husband had whipped around, thinking that my son who was still supposed to be napping had woken up early. There was nobody there in the hall with him. When he stood up and opened my son's bedroom door, he was, in fact, still asleep. So you can imagine that I was quite floored when my son said this statement to me.

That's when I decided, imaginary friends or not, I didn't want these "boys" coming with us to our new house! In the days leading up to our move, I explained to my son that the "boys" (I called them by the names he used for them), could not come with us when we moved to our new house. He was very distraught, crying in a panicked tone, begging me to let them come. I was quite taken aback by his response, I hadn't expected anything quite so dramatic. But I stood my ground, and just incase these "boys" weren't just imaginary, I addressed them on the issue, as well! On a day when my husband had taken my son to the store with him, I found myself in a quiet and almost empty house. Our new baby girl was sleeping, and my older daughter was at school. I went into my son's bedroom, not sure exactly of what I was going to do. I'll admit, I felt tremendously silly, but went ahead and said what I needed to say. It went something like this:

"I know you really like my son, and he likes you, too. But he needs to stop talking about people that nobody else can see or people are going to start thinking some not-so-nice things about him. We are leaving this place, and I'm sorry, but you may not come with us. You need to stay here."

We moved from there about a week later, and our new house was totally "quiet". We never had any unexplained occurrences during the two years that we lived there. My son seemed to forgot about the 3 boys from the previous house before long. However, we have moved again since then, and my son, now 9, mentioned seeing a boy standing in the doorway of the master bathroom one day. He seemed embarrassed to tell me about it, as though he were afraid I would think something was wrong with him. Instead of telling him he must be mistaken, I asked him a few questions about what he thought he had seen. Immediately, I recognized the description as perfectly matching the description of my husband's cousin, who died in a housefire in 1972, at the age of 6. My son has never seen a picture of my husband's cousin, whose name was David.

So, imaginary friend, or ghost? Personally, I am still on the fence. However far-fetched it may seem that what my son saw were ghosts, it actually seems more far-fetched to think that he could have come up with all of those details on his own. So the next time your child begins telling you about an "imaginary" friend, pay close attention to the details...you may find that there's more to their friend than you could have ever imagined!
imaginary friend.jpg

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Re: Imaginary Friend, or Ghost?
Posted by: jetaimeteamo ()
Date: November 03, 2013 08:42PM

Before I start my story you need to know about my family. I have a son who is 4 years old and unfortunately, I am a single mother. Now, I will just state that the following events are very full on, and that before this I did NOT believe in such capabilities of something that isn't human. That is why I was so hesitant at first.

Now, it was the middle of summer and we were just having a lazy day at home. We had the television on but pretty much on mute. Jayden (my son) was playing with some of his toys. When he started talking to someone. Saying things like 'C'mon Jack! You're the bad guy!" I just assumed that it was in association to the toys he was playing with. So I, like many others would, brushed it off.

Not a week later, I was just talking to Jayden about this dream he had the night before. It was him going away with a "friend". When I asked what the friend's name was he answered 'Jack'. But, being me I brushed it off as one of his toys. He kept mentioning this Jack person through the next few weeks, and after a while I just snapped and asked him who Jack was. He lifted his arm up and pointed behind me. He said something that made me jump; "Why don't you just ask him yourself?". This freaked me out, but I assumed it was just an imaginary friend.

The next day I had a friend over for lunch, and we were just talking when Jayden walked out. He was generally talking, or playing, but it was with "someone". My friend Tess asked him who he was talking to. He replied with "Jack". I was asking Tess if her daughter Alicia, who was now 14, ever had an imaginary friend and she told me she didn't but her sister's son had one that she thought was a spirit. From then on I was on the edge about this "Jack".

A week later Jayden was in his room yelling. So I ran upstairs, scared someone was in the house, with a knife in hand. When I got to Jayden's room there were blocks, toys, books and clothes everywhere. Jayden was in a horrible mood. I started asking him why he had messed his room up and he just sat there in silence. So I yelled "Clean it up. NOW!" and walked out. Jayden then yelled, "IT WAS JACK". I stormed right back into his room and screamed at him "It's wasn't Jack, because there is NO JACK."

Two days after the incident I walked upstairs to put Jayden's clothes in his drawers and found him standing on top of his cupboard. His cupboard is about a metre and a half high, so I was astounded he climbed up there. In a panic I yelled at him. "What are you doing? Get down!" He said to me, "Jack told me to jump. I have to be nice to Jack or he will hurt me."

It was that point that I realised maybe Jack wasn't so imaginary. I decided to put in a baby monitor, and if that failed I decided I'd put in a camera. I kept the monitor in the kitchen so I could hear it from a distance. I was at the dinner table when I heard the monitor start buzzing. Almost static, white noise. I could hear Jayden talk and then static would start, but every few seconds I could hear a voice. It was unclear and I couldn't understand what it was saying, but obviously Jayden could. I rushed upstairs and of course, he was playing with Jack. So I set up my camera and had the baby monitor running. I was going to find out what this was.

I was in the kitchen watching Jayden play, and saw blocks, toys and books all moving by themselves. I was frozen in fear, watching in panick. Jayden stood up and said "NO JACK. NO!". Jack must have been yelling because all of a sudden I heard a big booming voice over the monitor yell "I WILL HURT YOU."

Out of nowhere I heard a loud thud. This caused me to run. I sprinted up the stairs, yelling for my son. I found him crying on the floor of my bedroom, he was laying in pain in front of my cupboard. I comforted him and rushed to the car, I drove him down to the hospital where they found he had a broken rib and sprained wrist. After he had calmed down I asked him what happened.

He just told me, "Jack pushed me off of your cupboard."

That week I called the priest in to cleanse the house, and Jayden really seemed different, of course in a good way. He seemed to be very light in a way, and he also seemed not to be afraid of the house. 3 months later and he still hasn't mentioned Jack.

(I know it's hard to believe in this, but after talking to my mother, she seemed positive Jack was there, and she told me that there are demons looking to hurt people.)

Thank your for reading my story. Any help to if he returns? Any suggestion to what Jack was?

Also be careful if your child has any imaginary friends, make sure they check out.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Drop Dead Fred ()
Date: November 04, 2013 01:45PM

My advice is to buy "Drop Dead Fred" on DVD, and take notes...

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Pablito ()
Date: November 04, 2013 05:42PM

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Pablito ()
Date: November 04, 2013 05:47PM

Pablito Wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTi0S1ZUYF0

No such thing, eh? Explain this one then...

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Deport Pablito ()
Date: November 06, 2013 06:49AM

Pablito Wrote:
> Pablito Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTi0S1ZUYF0
> No such thing, eh? Explain this one then...

Very Lame Pablito

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Re: Imaginary Friend, or Ghost?
Posted by: Marine Corps Dad ()
Date: November 06, 2013 07:10AM

Our two-year old son believes someone lives in his room, and he is terrified to sleep in his room by himself. He has never been exposed to scary movies. The other day, my wife and he left the house for over an hour and then I heard footsteps running upstairs in his room. At first, I thought ''maybe I am just hearing things. '' However, our bulldog got up, growled, creeped slowly to the stoop of the bottom of the steps, and looked up to the top of the stairs. He then began to growl even deeper and louder. I went upstairs to conduct room clearing procedures, and the dog followed and sat down facing our son's room as if to indicate that was where the sound came from.

I searched all the rooms upstairs and our son's room and found nothing. A few weeks prior to that, I was leaning over next to the dresser drawer and plugging in his night light, a snow globe flew from the shelf of the dresser drawer and almost hit me in the head. At first, I thought my son threw it at me, but then I realized it was on the dresser drawer just seconds ago, and my son was already lying in bed across the opposite side of the room. He actually said, ''Daddy, the snow globe almost hit you. '' His room has crosses in it, and one is actually a crucifix. I wouldn't think there would be something like this with crosses or crucifixes. Another thing was that when our son began talking, he started pointing at the cross and crucifix saying ''Jesus. '' He was less than a year old at the time, and he still doesn't understand who Jesus is. Should we be worried?

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Re: Imaginary Friend, or Ghost?
Posted by: Concerned Parents ()
Date: December 12, 2013 08:33AM

Marine Corps Dad Wrote:
> Our two-year old son believes someone lives in his
> room, and he is terrified to sleep in his room by
> himself. He has never been exposed to scary
> movies. The other day, my wife and he left the
> house for over an hour and then I heard footsteps
> running upstairs in his room. At first, I thought
> ''maybe I am just hearing things. '' However, our
> bulldog got up, growled, creeped slowly to the
> stoop of the bottom of the steps, and looked up to
> the top of the stairs. He then began to growl even
> deeper and louder. I went upstairs to conduct room
> clearing procedures, and the dog followed and sat
> down facing our son's room as if to indicate that
> was where the sound came from.
> I searched all the rooms upstairs and our son's
> room and found nothing. A few weeks prior to that,
> I was leaning over next to the dresser drawer and
> plugging in his night light, a snow globe flew
> from the shelf of the dresser drawer and almost
> hit me in the head. At first, I thought my son
> threw it at me, but then I realized it was on the
> dresser drawer just seconds ago, and my son was
> already lying in bed across the opposite side of
> the room. He actually said, ''Daddy, the snow
> globe almost hit you. '' His room has crosses in
> it, and one is actually a crucifix. I wouldn't
> think there would be something like this with
> crosses or crucifixes. Another thing was that when
> our son began talking, he started pointing at the
> cross and crucifix saying ''Jesus. '' He was less
> than a year old at the time, and he still doesn't
> understand who Jesus is. Should we be worried?

I would be very, very worried.

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: scarey imaginary friend ()
Date: February 13, 2014 11:24AM

My parents told me this story but now i am gonna tell it to you.

A little after i was born, my sister Julia had an imaginary friend named Jessica. She was Julia’s friend for a long time, when things started to get a little weird. At first my parents shrugged it off as a normal occurrence, but after a while they began to believe that our house was haunted .One night as my parents put me (about one years old) to sleep, i begin to cry and point at the corner, my mom was still in there and began to try to comfort me, but i continued to cry and point at the same corner. All of the sudden, my sister walks into my room and points at the corner and yells “Jessica stop it”!

Immediately i stop crying and Julia says like it is completely normal that “Sometimes Jessica likes to put on scary masks and scare people”. My mom who was understandably freaked out stammers to my sister “Tell Jessica that if she cant play nice, she cant play here at all”.

A couple weeks go by and Julia tells my Mom that “Her eyes turn green when she is mad and her voice gets deeper”. My Mom didn’t know how to respond to this and just said “ok….”

Eventually Julia outgrows her “imaginary” friend and stops playing with her.

A year and a half later my little sister Abbey begins to talk, she then goes on to tell us about her friend that no one else can see. She then tells my mom about how her eyes turn green when she is upset. I remember this distinctly because she dropped a pan and it scared me. She asked Abbey what her name was and she said


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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: Like any thing ()
Date: February 15, 2014 01:47AM

Blech and amonia mix and stay a way for 1 week air out. If it a mouse it be gone

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Re: A Haunting in McLean
Posted by: XFEhy ()
Date: February 16, 2014 05:04AM

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