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My stupid coach
Posted by: RGKnee ()
Date: January 06, 2013 08:56PM

Mike Shanahan should be fired. What an idiot. I won't last 5 yrs in the NFL. Enjoy watching me while I last.

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Re: My stupid coach
Posted by: two fer ()
Date: January 06, 2013 08:57PM

Might want to rent an apartment with Michael Vick, you are both washed up now.

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Re: My stupid coach
Posted by: nostradamus ()
Date: January 06, 2013 10:03PM

It sure seems like Shanahan doesn't care if RG3's career is cut short. He was still calling running plays for him when RG3 couldn't even plant his bad leg. What the fuck?

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Re: My stupid coach
Posted by: their coaches suck ()
Date: January 06, 2013 10:10PM

nostradamus Wrote:
> It sure seems like Shanahan doesn't care if RG3's
> career is cut short. He was still calling running
> plays for him when RG3 couldn't even plant his bad
> leg. What the fuck?

Because Shanahan doesnt plan on coaching for another 10 years. While the franchise/fans may care about RG3s long term career it means little to Shanahan what the team is doing in 5 years.

It is interesting though to see how DC is outraged RG3 was allowed to play or wasnt benched but was equally as outraged that Strasburg was shut down. If anything the area owes the Nats an apology

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Re: My stupid coach
Posted by: Lex ()
Date: January 06, 2013 10:35PM

That Strasburg comparison doesn't fly. RG3 was given a shot and he clearly showed he needed to be taken out of the game. Meanwhile, Strasburg wasn't given a shot to show he could play. If the team trotted him out there and he looked like crap THEN they should've pulled the plug on his season. Give him a shot.

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Re: My stupid coach
Posted by: the big difference ()
Date: January 06, 2013 10:42PM

is Strasburg was pulled without being injured.

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Re: My stupid coach
Posted by: their coaches suck ()
Date: January 07, 2013 12:22AM

Lex Wrote:
> That Strasburg comparison doesn't fly. RG3 was
> given a shot and he clearly showed he needed to be
> taken out of the game. Meanwhile, Strasburg wasn't
> given a shot to show he could play. If the team
> trotted him out there and he looked like crap THEN
> they should've pulled the plug on his season. Give
> him a shot.

Like was mentioned the big difference was Strasburg was never allowed to go out and blow out his arm. And if you watched any of their games in september he wasnt the same guy.

James Andrews is on record hinting as much as you can that he didnt like that RG3 was playing. Like stras if he was in his 30s you let him go, young 20s phenom you play it safe. Unless of your you want to start the qb debacle of the last 10 years again and have super stars like John Beck at the helm.

He may come back strong but he likely will never be as fast and agile as he was before. He didnt even get hit and blew out his knee that should have said enough there, not even getting into the fact they were calling bootlegs as he limped down the field

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Re: My stupid coach
Posted by: Really...talent ()
Date: January 07, 2013 05:25AM

If Dr Andrews had this to say why didn't he say it weeks ago against Philly or Dallas? This is nobody's fault injuries happen in football. You think rg3 didn't want to play, if your star says he's fine you believe him. Seattle adjusted on both sides the skins didn't. After going up 14 the skins became complacent on offense and Seattle made changes to become faster and changed the scheme to stop the skins.

Bottom line - typical DC fan bs. If they won everybody would be praising and going nuts. They lost so you must find a blame. Guess what they are just not that good. They got hot and lucky all at the same time. They are still at least 6 starters away from being very good.

And the Strasburg argument does make sense because after the Dallas win if rg3 was shut down for the playoff game all you people would be complain about the same thing

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Re: My stupid coach
Posted by: not Shanahan fan ()
Date: January 07, 2013 07:42AM

RGIII was clearely ineffective towards the end of the 2nd quarter and by the 3rd quarter everyone knew he was ineffective. It was obvious that he was going to get hurt. Cousings should have been brought in to not only give us a chance to stay in the game but to preserve RG's career. Shanahan is an idiot.

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Re: My stupid coach
Posted by: Bil ()
Date: January 07, 2013 07:44AM

All you people SUCK!
You bitch when things happen, if the opposite happens you find something to bitch about that.
You must have such shitty lives. It sucks to be you doesn't it?

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Re: My stupid coach
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: January 07, 2013 09:54AM

RG3 is just as stupid as Shanahan is. Pull yourself out of the game if you can't be effective and let the backup play.

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there's a reason why the beltway is shaped like a circle - it's cause we like going round and round instead of MOVING FORWARD
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: January 07, 2013 11:42AM

@Bil - what's REALLY hilarious?

all the same ppl bitching now about Griff and Shanny are the EXACT SAME PEOPLE who ONLY FIVE MONTHS AGO were bitching about Strasburg being pulled out too soon................. and you damn well know the SAME EXACT ppl would have crucified him had Shanny pulled Griff out anygame before now, and we had lost

(if it had been during the Dallas game (shanny pulls Griff out due to injury, thinking of RG3's future and we lose), these SAME ppl would also have burnt this city to the GOTDAMN GROUND LoLz)

if Cousins had been put into the game, we'd still have lost and there's also the chance we would have ended up with BOTH good QBs injured.

Seattle brought a wall with them to town to protect their 3. And we didnt have a wall to protect either our 10 OR our 12. That's what we need to focus on FROM THIS POINT FORWARD, not waste time bitching about the whatifs and whatevers. Game is over. Better team won it, plain and simple. And we need to get our QB a wall like they had for next year.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/07/2013 11:47AM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: My stupid coach
Posted by: their coaches suck ()
Date: January 07, 2013 12:40PM

Really...talent Wrote:
> If Dr Andrews had this to say why didn't he say it
> weeks ago against Philly or Dallas?

He said it day one, he wasnt happy and was very reluctant to allow him back on the field this season saying he was a nervous wreck about it.

>This is
> nobody's fault injuries happen in football. You
> think rg3 didn't want to play, if your star says
> he's fine you believe him. Seattle adjusted on
> both sides the skins didn't. After going up 14 the
> skins became complacent on offense and Seattle
> made changes to become faster and changed the
> scheme to stop the skins.

Clearly you dont understand sports. Of course he wanted to play its his job to want to play its a coaches job to say no. Shanahan is coach Kilmer from Varsity Blues.

> Bottom line - typical DC fan bs. If they won
> everybody would be praising and going nuts. They
> lost so you must find a blame. Guess what they are
> just not that good. They got hot and lucky all at
> the same time. They are still at least 6 starters
> away from being very good.

Im not even a skins fan but your right it is DC BS. Strasburg benched everyone outraged. RG3 plays and gets hurt everyone outraged he was allowed to be out there.

> And the Strasburg argument does make sense because
> after the Dallas win if rg3 was shut down for the
> playoff game all you people would be complain
> about the same thing

The strasburg comparison does makes perfect sense. DC fans being outraged at how both Strasburg and RG3 were handled doesnt make sense. If you were outraged with Strasburg you have to be fine with the fact RG3 played

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Re: My stupid coach
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: January 07, 2013 12:50PM

Really...talent Wrote:
> If Dr Andrews had this to say why didn't he say it
> weeks ago against Philly or Dallas?

Because he wasn't promoting a book then. Now he is.

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Re: My stupid coach
Posted by: DH ()
Date: January 07, 2013 12:58PM

I might be crazy, but I think I would accept not playing Griffin and letting his knee heal, taking yesterdays lost, ending the season as NFC East Champs and look forward to next season with Griffin healed and ready to go.
There was no way the Skins were going to the Super Bowl this year. Why not accept more than we expected when they were 3-6 and look forward to next season?

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