there's a reason why the beltway is shaped like a circle - it's cause we like going round and round instead of MOVING FORWARD
Posted by:
Gordon Blvd
Date: January 07, 2013 11:42AM
@Bil - what's REALLY hilarious?
all the same ppl bitching now about Griff and Shanny are the EXACT SAME PEOPLE who ONLY FIVE MONTHS AGO were bitching about Strasburg being pulled out too soon................. and you damn well know the SAME EXACT ppl would have crucified him had Shanny pulled Griff out anygame before now, and we had lost
(if it had been during the Dallas game (shanny pulls Griff out due to injury, thinking of RG3's future and we lose), these SAME ppl would also have burnt this city to the GOTDAMN GROUND LoLz)
if Cousins had been put into the game, we'd still have lost and there's also the chance we would have ended up with BOTH good QBs injured.
Seattle brought a wall with them to town to protect their 3. And we didnt have a wall to protect either our 10 OR our 12. That's what we need to focus on FROM THIS POINT FORWARD, not waste time bitching about the whatifs and whatevers. Game is over. Better team won it, plain and simple. And we need to get our QB a wall like they had for next year.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/07/2013 11:47AM by Gordon Blvd.