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Posted by: Dinosaur ()
Date: October 03, 2018 01:53PM

I live in an older neighborhood in Annandale. My street is heavily populated by boarders who cram a lot of people into 3-4 bedroom houses. Ethnicity is Hispanic, Asian, and middle eastern. The Muslim men are so lazy they force the women to mow the lawn and don't lift a finger taking care of the property. A neighborhood that was noteworthy for well-kept yards neatly landscaped and manicured is now unkempt with cars parked all over the grass, which gets muddy at times. These people have no care or regard for how the outside of the house looks, of course no telling how the inside looks and smells - I don't plan to inspect. Whenever I call the county about it, they say there is nothing they can do about it. They will not investigate a house that has 12 cars on the property of a 4 bedroom house. It disgusts me to see things degenerate but there was no such thing as HOAs back in the day when these neighborhoods were established. Annandale is very convenient to DC and other hot areas of Northern Virginia -- why does it attract such trash? Anyone else have this problem?

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Re: Boarders
Posted by: Strange activity ()
Date: December 11, 2018 10:54AM

Not as trashy on the outside, but many cars and clearly breaking code by having more than 4 unrelated adults in the house.
7 cars on a regular basis. Some of them only enter through the back door walking around the house EVERY TIME they arrive.


This is not in Annandale but in Springfield.

They park their cars across the street in front of my house probably because they know they know they are breaking code and want to hide that fact.

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