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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: March 15, 2005 02:16PM

I'm not from Annandale so I can't say much, but I know like 5 people that have gotten their cars stolen by MS-13. Wtf is up with that?

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Re: annandale
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: March 16, 2005 02:33PM

Just a guess as to "what's up wit' dat"

MS-13 are a bunch of stupid punk bitches.

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Re: annandale
Date: March 16, 2005 03:49PM

Not trying to seem racist or anything, but does it seem like more and more of the stores and stuff in annandale are owned by asians. Last time I drove through there most of the store signs had both english and asian characters.

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Re: annandale
Posted by: ben ()
Date: March 16, 2005 05:37PM

There's a reason that the main stretch of road through Annandale is called Koreatown!

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Re: annandale
Posted by: rebel yell ()
Date: March 09, 2006 09:20PM

Yay Annandale ^__^

Seoul Plaza pretty much makes the middle of Annandale Asiandale.

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Re: annandale
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: May 09, 2006 12:52AM

It really is Asian ville. And so many asian churches on Braddock Road.

We got Grand Mart (Asian Mart) here in Centreville, but...

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Re: annandale
Posted by: Cha Cha ()
Date: November 08, 2006 09:57PM

You white people always blame things on hispanic people. You think we are all members of MS 13. You say the stores are all changing, well thats because Annandale is open minded. We love everybody-even mean gringos

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Re: annandale
Posted by: blackchild ()
Date: August 27, 2007 07:51AM

I would really call it Aliendale because of the massive herds of mexicans who gather along two dirty dix and flag down koreans in hope of cashola. I see some of them tricking out as mexican male prositutes and flag down latino johns. These and the Gay Labor Force from south da border.

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Re: annandale
Posted by: Anonymous ()
Date: November 01, 2007 03:36AM

Honestly, I've lived here all my life. 19 of 21 years right next to fairfax hospital. Honestly, crime around here isn't that bad. Isolated incidents happen, but honestly, those happen everywhere.

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Re: annandale
Posted by: jhey ()
Date: November 02, 2007 02:09PM

Anonymous Wrote:
> Honestly, I've lived here all my life. 19 of 21
> years right next to fairfax hospital. Honestly,
> crime around here isn't that bad. Isolated
> incidents happen, but honestly, those happen
> everywhere.


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Re: annandale
Posted by: cha cha ()
Date: November 08, 2007 12:51AM

you just mad because we chicanos and our asian blood brother run your black butts out, you cry too much, we work hard-while you people use food stamps.

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Re: annandale
Posted by: blackchild ()
Date: November 10, 2007 07:25PM

Put your big ass taco stained lips around my giant african wang and suck the enchilla dry you spickaesen b---------otch

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Re: annandale
Posted by: cha cha ()
Date: March 10, 2008 01:07AM

That would be hard I think, I thought you were a woman?

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Re: annandale
Posted by: RedBullBalls ()
Date: January 16, 2009 02:46PM

Fuck MS - 13. WTF that stand for anyway? Mango Sucker. Mexi - Spic. Monkey Semen. I dunno. Who gives a fuck. The gov. should issue a BOUNTY/REWARD program for those worthless SOB's. What's a fair price ? 5 peso per hide ?
Maybe a sizeable tax deduction. How about a round o' drinks for you and your buddies at the local pub after a long day of hunting down the Mindless Spineless vermin ? Now that's justice!

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Re: annandale
Posted by: Im420 ()
Date: January 18, 2009 09:01PM

around where the fuddruckers is are a load of asain marts and shops and stuff they overprice everything!

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Re: annandale
Posted by: wetbackgohome ()
Date: February 05, 2009 07:55PM


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Re: annandale
Posted by: KoreanThinkTank ()
Date: March 30, 2009 04:16PM


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Serious forum?
Posted by: Maggio ()
Date: April 01, 2009 07:52AM

Is this supposed to be a serious forum or a haven for trolls?

I'm searching the internet for someplace where I can post serious material about Annandale and its development but I'm not sure this is it.

This forum doesn't seem to get much traffic.

I'm concerned, among other things, about the destruction of the athletic fields at Poe Middle School from overuse on weekends and about the use of its parking lot later at night for questionable activities.

I'm also concerned about what I sense to be a lack of attention to the needs of heavy property tax paying citizens who live in Annandale by our Supervisor, Penny Gross. A few years back, she seemed to sum up her attitude towards Annandale by calling it something like, "just a drive through community full of store fronts," not exactly the kind of thing I want to hear from someone allegedly representing our best interests.

The residents of the Tall Oaks/Hillbrook area are also very agitated by what seems to be creeping development by the Montessori School at the end of Pacific Lane. When it was built, it was not supposed to be allowed to expand since that would congest the end of Pacific Lane at the 2800 block, which has no through way. Recently, the school has expanded with the Board of Supervisors' blessing and contrary to the best interests of property owners along Pacific Lane.

The Board of Supervisors also scheduled a hearing on this issue on March 31, (think that is accurate) at 4:30 PM, when most working people who live in the neighborhood could not attend.

Our immediate past Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Jerry Connolly, now our Congressman, was very public about his desire to see Fairfax County as "a welcoming county," which was in response to neighboring counties' crackdowns on illegal aliens living in them and using up public services for which they paid little, if any, taxes.

Now he's in Congress presumably touting the same policies on a national level. When we cannot get immediate attention at the Fairfax-Inova Hospital emergency room because late at night it is flooded with people who all appear to be from south of the border and using it as a primary care facility, I start to get steamed, especially as a loved one sits waiting and suffering.

Connolly doesn't represent the best interests of those of us who pay FFX County's constantly growing property taxes even though he was endorsed by FFX County employees (an immediate tip-off about how he used our tax dollars).

I'm all for welcoming legal immigrants but Connolly seems all for welcoming all immigrants, legal or not. This is short-sighted political BS that ignores the needs of people who have invested in this county.

I'm going to check back here to see if this generates any useful debate. If not, I'll move on to a serious forum.

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Re: annandale
Posted by: dotoad ()
Date: April 04, 2009 08:45AM

move on to a serious forum this is just for trolls

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Re: annandale
Posted by: just get one of these ()
Date: April 06, 2009 03:46PM

Stores Running Out of Guns and Bullets

A gun ban seems to be on the minds of many these days.

Many viewers have started to notice a shortage of guns and ammunition, and stores all over Kalamazoo say concealed weapons are flying off the shelves. Most blame the change in politics in Washington, D.C.

The FBI performed more than a million background checks in the three months after the election than it did the previous year. Stores in Kalamazoo say they're trying to keep up.

"With the elections a lot of people are coming in to buy ammo thinking it's going to disappear and that they're not going to have them anymore," said Gander Mountain employee, Matt Wing.

In fact some who sell guns say they haven't seen a run on guns and ammo since in 40 years. Owners telling us it's awfully difficult to tell customers they have to wait days, perhaps weeks to get a bullet.

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Re: annandale
Posted by: GOHOME ()
Date: July 18, 2009 10:30AM


Mexicans bring it you all are bunch of beaners and you don't belong here in Annandale. You stand along 236 like a herd of cattle crapping wherever you want.
Go home and don't come back you wetbacks smell and make stool on OUR sidewalks.
Beaners are poor losers that are here because they suck and their home country sucks. Get out of my country ALL wetbacks MUST go home GO HOME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: annandale
Posted by: Don't Say Nuthin ()
Date: December 23, 2010 01:08PM

Well Annandale is pretty mixed it has alot of asians and spanish people then comes middle easterns but not to much arabs though, if you live in the Farmongardens area then thats' where there are alot of Spanish people are the Hmart at heritage shopping center if mixed up Asians/Spanish ethnicity Wedgewood Gardens is mixed up of Half Spanish Half Arab ethnicity group now most of the violence in Annandale has decreased over the year due to the new park grounds at Annandale high school Annandale is a great place to live 236 is just right off of heritage not to much Traffic!

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Re: annandale
Posted by: MEXICO IS GAYYY ()
Date: December 23, 2010 01:13PM

To many mexicans and koreans dam why don't they just fucking LEAVE

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Re: annandale
Posted by: waldenthreenet ()
Date: April 12, 2013 06:38AM

April 12, 2013

More On Annandale & Annandale Community Revitalization Topics

Conversation: This discussion about the Asian Latin American mix of people is what I found at Annandale as I go to the Annandale Public Library about once a week. It's frankly one of the best public library branches in Fairfax County Public Library System and I have found valuable books not available at thREF URL to My Annandale topics at Fairfax Underground Community Forum:

Annandale Twin Project Fairfax C2C Healtheir Community Demo Knowledge
to Actionable Now Ready

Conversation: Yes, one person has posted photos that does not relate
to this topic. I have no control over that but many people have cosen
to see this discussion, several thousands in Faifax County which is
valuable.e branch near where I live at Vienna.

Conversation Fairfax
Community to Community
Cafe Twin

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Re: annandale
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: April 12, 2013 08:35AM

April 12, 2013

More On Annandale & Avi Geys Questionable Fund Raising

Conversation: This discussion about the Punjab - American mix of people is what I found at Annandale as I go to the Annandale Public Library about once a week.

It's frankly one of the best public library branches in Fairfax County Public Library System and I have found valuable books not available in Calcutta.

My Annandale topics at Fairfax Underground Community Forum:

Bandicoot Twin Project Fairfax C2C Healtheir Bank Account Bandicoot Knowledge
to Actionable Now Ready

Conversation: Yes, one person has posted photos that does not relate
to shameless phony, possibly criminal fund raising.

I have no control over that but many people have chosen not
to see this discussion, more in Calcutta than in Faifax County which is
valuable.e branch near where I live at Vienna.

Conversation Fairfax
Community to Community
Bandicoot Twin
bandicoot scum.jpg
sacred cow 01.jpg

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Re: annandale
Posted by: Filthy Roaches ()
Date: May 06, 2013 02:59PM

But then half of Annandale High's student body would disappear overnight. That's not awfully politically correct of your, mister!

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Re: annandale
Posted by: cafetwinv ()
Date: May 23, 2013 12:42PM

Re: annandale new
Posted by: Filthy Roaches ()
Date: May 06, 2013 02:59PM

But then half of Annandale High's student body would disappear overnight. That's not awfully politically correct of your, mister!

Conversation: I just did a search on "Filthy Roaches" and there is no other post other than this one on "Filthy Roaches".

Again, somebody is hiding behind new names and posting as they please over and over with nothing added value to people who live in Annandale, including the new comers Latinos and Asians.

I am not sure if "Filthy Roaches" is the same person who posts as BEH and often makes false accusations and puts India Street Pictures on anyone trying to do something postive.

Anyone else cares to know who is Filthy Roach guy is and is he the same as BEH ?

Does BEH have a family that he cares about ? Does he have a father and mother here or somewhere else that are important for him with postive emotions ?

Let's find out soon so that none of us hides behind the impersonal internet and make accusations that are not fake and cannot be proven in a court of law.

Code of Ethics ?
LS V  code%20of%20ethics%20icon.jpg

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Re: annandale
Posted by: cafetwinv ()
Date: May 23, 2013 12:48PM

Related Topic: You are not a Gadet by Jaron Lanier

The Fate of Power and the Future of Dignity by Jaron Lanier. One of the original thinkers around virtual reality, Lanier caused a stir with his last book, You Are Not A Gadget.

Topic: Who Owns the Future by Jaron Lanier
( A provocative & challanging new tech biz book)

Valuable new tech biz book available at Fairfax County Public LIbrary for those who have a library card.

Cafe Twin
JARON LANIER 110711_r21056_p465.jpg

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Re: annandale
Posted by: Coolnigga41 ()
Date: August 08, 2014 02:16AM

I highly recommend u watch wat u say because i may not be apart of MS-13 but at least I'm smart enough not to fuck with them. So jus a suggestion watch ur fucking mouth before u get ur as killed or any body else.

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Re: annandale
Posted by: Mattycakes Muhammad ()
Date: August 25, 2014 02:25PM

PEACE everyone...first of all...eye got quite a few brothers in mah cipha who WAS down or is currently down with MS13...and they hold da God down....righteous brothers they are...but second of all...any so called gang member stealing from the people should just join da most unjust ruthless gang da pigs and get it over with....wrap it up B...eye could cee if the person violated universal law in such a way that they deserved to get they car stolen or sum shit...you ideally want the people to trust, love and respect you and your gang more than they do the pigs..eye wanna cee a gang that rises up like Che and Del en um in da Sierra Maetra or Huey Newton and the Panthers in oakland...people who bring a good name to your local revolutionary street scientists

once again...you quasi fake me out pro amerikkka dudes who hating on these south Koreans need to pull da gerbil out they ass....these south Koreans are white people!!!!!!!!....don't hate cuz they act just like you with a few modifuckations...eye will restate...eye don't know what North Korea evolved into but eye know for dayum sure that in the early 50's Norff Korea was the good guy in that war....bitches!

say what you want about these south and central American's but they not kissing white folks asses like south Koreans do....that's for dayum sure...

regardless of what part the human family you from...your true nature and identity is God...don't let cultural blinders rob you of your birthrights...

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Re: annandale
Posted by: Crestwood54 ()
Date: September 17, 2017 12:53PM

I grew in Annandale from the 1950's to 1980's and have seen how Falls Church has handled their development compared to Annandale. Face it, Annandale has gone seriously downhill from a nice town to a complete trash dump. Falls Church is still a reasonably decent place in comparison. The same can be said for Vienna and Fairfax City. None of them are how they used to be, but Annandale is by far the worst.

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Re: annandale
Posted by: Uev4d ()
Date: September 18, 2017 05:52AM

Annandale is the place people left. It developed too early to have the kind of housing affluent buyers were looking for in the 1980s on. Businesses closed down because they could not compete with malls and big box stores located nearby.

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Re: annandale
Posted by: Crestwood54 ()
Date: September 18, 2017 04:29PM

The entire northern Virginia area has become a liberal wet dream cesspool.

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Re: annandale
Posted by: Violinman1x ()
Date: September 18, 2017 11:13PM

Well pilgrim after the kids left or college and then moved to California after graduation the parents sold out and bought up time shared in Florida.
The Americans have left the room.( The 70's)

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Re: annandale
Posted by: Defining Moment ()
Date: September 18, 2017 11:51PM

Get used to it. The entire country is evolving. Your wet dream 1980s version of 1950s America is dying even in the Red States. There will be a new America, more colorful and more inclusive and less Christian. So is a more conservative country worth accepting that, or do you want to stand in the way and be run over by the juggernaut.

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Re: annandale
Posted by: Love All ()
Date: August 15, 2018 03:07PM

Both Hispanic and Asian said they get discriminated but you are failing to realize that you are the most racist of all imposing respectively the trash trail you leave behind you wherever you go and dreadful food smells on entire roads and houses. Would you like for the "gringos" as you put it to invade your country of birth, trash it, imposing you to communicate in English and taking over the business not by working hard but implementing policies that are locally illegal? Think about and align with local customs and laws and we will all be happy to have you.

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