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Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: Robert ()
Date: April 14, 2005 02:11PM

I don't know about the rest of you (well, I know about my friends and they have this same problem), but I've found there to be a massive lack of things to do late at night in Fairfax. Virtually all of the bars and restaurants close by 2 AM and those which don't (IHOP, Denny's, Tastee Diner, etc.) get boring after the first decade or so you live around here. No late night movie places, no 24 hour a day miniture golf, no all-night laser tags...what's up with this? Unless you play in a sports league that runs late (ice hockey or bowling essentially in Fairfax) all the fun things end by 10:30 at night and then you're left with a small selection of places to eat or drink.

Does anybody know of any other late night haunts in or just outside of Fairfax City for those of us who just can't sleep?

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 14, 2005 05:00PM

Man i'm out in Chantilly and I still make the late-night Denny's trip if I'm drunk enough.
Unless someone's having a house party there's not too much to do after midnight.
We need some clubs or something.

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: Robert ()
Date: April 14, 2005 06:13PM

I've gotten so tired of Denny's and IHOP though. Sometimes I'm just forced to drive to Arlington or into D.C. just to get a bite to eat when I don't feel like making something. Arlington has Mario's which is 24 hours and D.C. has places like Philly Cheesesteak in Georgetown which is open until 3 AM or later.

But still, those aren't in Fairfax and it's a bitch to have to drive ten minutes just to find a place that's open and I'm not sick of. Call me lazy/crazy, but this whole "area that wants to be a big city but really isn't" thing gets on my nerves.

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 15, 2005 12:13AM

I'd like to start something informal, by "invitation only", the invitation can be given peripherally, where peeps can come chill and do "whatever" and get me to make some of the various delicious meals I can make. So you buy some food from me and you can just do "whatever" while you chill and eat. It would be like a club, so I wouldn't have to go by tons of rules. Except you'd be doing "whatever". You know what I mean.


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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 15, 2005 05:21AM

ahahhaha i love your use of "whatever"
we'll see man, we'll see

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: febe ()
Date: May 30, 2005 11:43PM

There's little to do specifically in fairfax city other than go to silver diner or IHOP as you said.
Lifetime Fitness (in Fair City Mall across from Woodson HS) is open 24 hours, they are very big and have a pool, basketball, etc.
If you're willing to drive a little further, Hookah bars, like Prince of Egypt in falls church, are often open until 6am on the weekends. There used to be all night laser tag sometimes at planet splash and play, in chantilly, but I'm unaware of whether or not they still have it. They have go karting, a waterpark, and a teen night club out at that place too, but I don't think those are open that late.

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: fairfaxphantom ()
Date: June 01, 2005 12:58PM

------------its all about just driving around at night in the tysons area looking for sumthing to do---------------------------------

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: tarp ()
Date: June 13, 2005 08:14PM

Oasis on George Mason Drive is open 24 hours (hookah bar)
There is a 24 hour korean BBQ on Lee Hwy near Fairfax HS (lol)

Or you could just go to sleep...
Or bang your girlfriend and watch TV

Now what I really want is 24 hour WEGMANS. Shoppers has gone down the tubes.

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: johnnye ()
Date: June 13, 2005 11:14PM

Malek's in Springfield is open 24/7.

Malek's via local google

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Date: June 14, 2005 02:58PM

Uh, Springfield isn't IN Fairfax City.

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: johnnye ()
Date: June 19, 2005 07:58PM

OP said:
"...in or just outside of Fairfax City..."

Springfield is just about 15 minutes away at that hour.

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: Christina ()
Date: August 02, 2005 10:58PM

I was at oasis monday night and was jumped by some people there tehy purouslly hit my car and tried ot say i backed up into them and then jumped me so be careful if you go ther my left elbow is broken and i was messed up so just a disclaimer i know it dont always hppen but it happned to me and i mad.

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 02, 2005 11:51PM

Aren't you just a TAD more angry that your most important grammar-learning years were apparently spent in a coma?

I have no idea what your statement is supposed to say but I do get the fact that you are mad...

anyone want to guess what "purouslly" means?

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: tina ()
Date: August 04, 2005 12:44AM


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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: Stef ()
Date: August 09, 2005 11:53AM

***I posted this in another forum, but it's worth repeating:

Hey all...
I just wanted to let everyone know not to go down to Bunnyman Bridge anymore. My friends and I went there last week and four fairfax co. cops showed up as we were leaving. We all barely escaped getting arrested or ticketed since they didn't actually catch us up on the railroad tracks. They did, however, search my car and find my digital camera with pictures of the tracks on it, but the cop said that since there were no pics of us actually on the tracks he couldn't do anything about it.

Anyway, you all have received fair warning...keep clear of the bridge unless you want to get arrested/ticketed! :)

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 09, 2005 01:46PM

Or just don't take pictures of your friends on the tracks. Is it private property? On what basis does one get ticketed, presumably for tresspassing?

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 09, 2005 02:02PM

I believe the direct area around the tracks is surrounded by private property. You would have to trespass to get to the tracks. Unless you could somehow jump onto them from colchester.

I'm also confused about taking pics on the tracks. When you are on top of them, they just look like any other train tracks. The only thing interesting about that place is the tunnel on colchester road, which you can easily just drive through legally. There's nothing worth getting out for.

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: Stef ()
Date: August 15, 2005 03:17PM

Well, the tracks are actually Federal property, and (from what I understood from the cop) the charge would be Trespassing unless you actually mess with anything on the tracks. According to what he said, some kids stole some railroad ties that they were planning to sell on ebay, and the were caught and charged with TERRORISM because they messed with Federal property.

As for the road itself, I'm not clear on whether or not it is open to anyone. I don't recall seeing any signs saying it was a private drive, so I guess it is. Oh but I parked my car on the grass next to the road and the cop told me I was parked illegaly.

Anyway, Bunnyman Bridge is all too much trouble for something that isn't really worth it. What about the place in Georgetown where The Exorcist was filmed? Any information on that?

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: SE ()
Date: August 24, 2005 09:20PM

LMAO! The exorcist stairs!?! Wow- you took it back, way back.

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Date: August 25, 2005 09:03AM

The Exorcist stairs. Yeah thats an old one. It's also VERY easy to find info on. Simply google it. I googled Georgetown Exorcist Stairs and the first things to pop up was this site: http://www.hoyasaxa.com/sports/stairs.htm

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: Stef ()
Date: August 30, 2005 02:03PM

Haha, yeah I know...way back in the old days...I've never seen 'em though. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: cal ()
Date: February 27, 2006 10:15AM


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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: One Love ()
Date: September 28, 2008 04:11PM

smoke grass..... only thing thats truly safe and still exciting each and every day. lol. and fairfax has some good grass. don't mess with thugs though, you will get robbed.

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: Scott ()
Date: March 20, 2010 04:54PM

febe Wrote:
> There's little to do specifically in fairfax city
> other than go to silver diner or IHOP as you
> said.
> Lifetime Fitness (in Fair City Mall across from
> Woodson HS) is open 24 hours, they are very big
> and have a pool, basketball, etc.
> If you're willing to drive a little further,
> Hookah bars, like Prince of Egypt in falls church,
> are often open until 6am on the weekends. There
> used to be all night laser tag sometimes at planet
> splash and play, in chantilly, but I'm unaware of
> whether or not they still have it. They have go
> karting, a waterpark, and a teen night club out at
> that place too, but I don't think those are open
> that late.
Too bad Planet Splash n Play closed several years ago. The site is now some church

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: Pat Herrity ()
Date: August 19, 2010 10:06AM

"Does anybody know of any other late night haunts in or just outside of Fairfax City for those of us who just can't sleep?"


Try smoking a joint and stay indoors, you moron.

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: cracker ()
Date: September 17, 2010 01:07PM

Be a vigilante, and roll thugs, fiends and criminals. There's plenty of that shit to do from sundown to sunrise. Northern Virginia needs a few superheroes to pop up and kick the shit outta criminals. It'll keep bad people on their toes.

It's a bird, it's a plane, It's Superduche!

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: its420somewhere! ()
Date: September 29, 2010 02:07AM

They is a laser tag place up in sterling but i have no idea what time that shuts at and they are a few good hookah bars in the area though

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Re: Late night haunts and hideaways in Fairfax City?
Posted by: buddahh ()
Date: November 15, 2010 12:36AM

pack a bowl, go outside, light up, chill under the stars (you'll find one)
theres nice fields in clifton to go lay in
or watch a movie on netflix
but before anything.... toke

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