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New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: March 19, 2007 12:07AM

Hey guys, I finally got around to coding an interface/backend for the arrest list that lets you search by individual fields!

No more searching for "Alex" and matching "Alexandria" 20,000 times.

The code isn't finalized yet but is at a point where I would like people to start testing and reporting any bugs. Right now the new search is pretty slow compared to the old one and I have a couple tricks up my sleeve to speed it up.

Here's the link to the new interface: http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/arrests/new.html

While working on this project I had a couple big thoughts for new arrest list features that I'd like some input on:

#1: Pretty graphs and charts somehow. Distribution of crime per month/date/age, etc.
#2: Update alerts. Some sort of system where you can specify some people/street names to watch for and on Thursday night when the arrest list updates itself if there are any new matches for your search criteria it will email you with the newest arrests on your street or whatever. Kind of personally intrusive, but would probably get widespread use. And yes that was a very ugly sentence but hopefully you get the point.
#3: Allow users to make notes on specific arrests. I've gotten countless emails from individuals and lawyers giving some explanation for an arrest and asking for it to be taken off the list (I never do). Maybe I could implement some system where you could explain or give details about an arrest and those arrests with notes would show up with an "*" or something with a clickable link in the search interface.

Just some thoughts. Any feedback is always appreciated.


- Cary

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: March 19, 2007 12:22AM

Why should you remove something from your list if FFX never takes it off theirs? That's a pretty BS request. You have no obligations.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/19/2007 12:22AM by RESton Peace.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: zimbimmer ()
Date: March 19, 2007 09:25PM

we get 500 results now? sweet!

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: March 19, 2007 10:53PM

zimbimmer Wrote:
> we get 500 results now? sweet!

Yes, I silently bumped the max results to 500 as a test to see how much bandwidth usage it adds to the site as a whole.

Also, I just made a transparent change in the arrest search to use the "GET" cgi function instead of "POST." In english this means that you can now copy+paste the location bar and send other people links to exactly what you searched for.

For example here's a link to DWI arrests of 21 year olds: http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/cgi-bin/arrestsearch.cgi?field1=&field2=&field3=&field4=21&field5=&field6=&field7=&field8=&field9=&field10=&field11=DWI&submit=search

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: March 20, 2007 03:44PM

On that list, look how many have hispanic-sounding names. Well dont want to throw this thread off topic, so:

Wow, it does take a few seconds for the search now. Anyway to speed it up?

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TRICKIE ()
Date: March 20, 2007 04:09PM

I use this all the time. But sometimes it will say 173 results out of 100. Here are the first 100. How do we get the rest???/


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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: March 20, 2007 05:17PM

I have a question about the way this works. I know 2 people that got traffic violations a year or two ago. About a 6 months ago, I found them on the Arrest/Ticket Search, but when I search for them now, they are not on there. Just curious why that would happen? Does the county remove it from their records if the charge is dropped, or if they're found not guilty, etc?

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: March 20, 2007 07:51PM

The list here is created with weekly updates from the county, but it isn't drawing anything from the county after that. So if someone disapeared it must be a query coding issue of some kind, unless Cary is purging old stuff.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: March 20, 2007 10:23PM

TheMeeper: That definitely shouldn't be happening. Nothing has ever been removed from the arrest list. If you PM me who you were searching for I'll look into it.

Trickie: On the new form you can now get up to 500 results. 500 is usually enough for all but the most broad searches.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: sort by ()
Date: March 21, 2007 01:03PM

It might be useful to include a sort function. Maybe next to the description for each field you can place a radio button. Where ever that radio button appears, it then inserts a "SORT BY" into the SQL statement. That way we can sort by date, which is really what I was after.

Cheers, and thanks.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: sort by 2 ()
Date: March 21, 2007 01:07PM

What about recreating the search at the bottom of the page, so if the user wants to refine the search, they can go to the bottom, and enter in another field. Or, if they want to start over, they go to the top, and start again.

Or, have only the top filled in, and include a "clear" button.


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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: sort again ()
Date: March 21, 2007 01:10PM

Just a comment: I like the fact that the output comes out in CSV ready format, so if we really want to get crazy with the data, it is just a copy, paste, import, etc.

Great feature.

So this is arrest and ticket, and not conviction right? So it is possible that a few of the people that show up here had the charges eventually dropped?

I think that if you were found innocent, that you ought to be able to be excluded from the list. I don't know that it is ffug responsibility. Sounds like it should be a FF list publication issue.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Close but not quite ()
Date: March 21, 2007 01:23PM

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: March 21, 2007 03:00PM

All good questions.

Sorting by individual fields would definitely be nice and I'll look into it now that someone has shown some interest. I wish it was as simple as inserting a SORT BY into SQL. The truth is the database uses a crazy 'awk' script to go through a flat text file in a ramdisk. It's actually quite a bit faster than when I tested importing the entire database into SQL.

Refining the search is another good thought. It would be trivial to leave the text in each field after the search so the user could refine their query but that would be annoying for users to delete if they just want a fresh search box. A second set of boxes at the bottom is a good idea and I'll look into its usability.

> So this is arrest and ticket, and not conviction right? So it is possible that a few of the people that show up here had the charges eventually dropped?
> I think that if you were found innocent, that you ought to be able to be excluded from the list. I don't know that it is ffug responsibility. Sounds like it should be a FF list publication issue.

Yes. This list just searches arrests. There are many charges listed that have eventually been dropped. A new arrest appears on this list a few weeks after the fact while a verdict of not guilty wouldn't be found until months later. The problem is with the data. I am provided no way to determine which of these arrests actually resulted in a conviction with the data at hand. Even if there was a way to determine which charges were dropped I still wouldn't delete the record, just note it in a separate field or with some color scheme.

I believe when a verdict of not guilty is found or the charges are expunged the police department has to purge their records of the arrest as to not appear in any future background investigations. Fairfax Underground is not an official law enforcement anything and will never be used for official background investigations. As long as something existed at one time it's very easy for someone to have a photocopy.

> So do you think it is worth anyones time to point out errors in the data like this: http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/cgi-bin/arrestsearch.cgi?field1=&field2=&field3=&field4=&field5=6817&field6=perry+penny&field7=&field8=annandale&field9=&field10=&field11=&submit=search
> 3 names, one dude.

I'd say that's 5 different people all living at the same house. Although the one at the bottom did have his named misspelled.

Quality of data is a big problem on the arrest list. The data is only as good as the cop (or operator) enters it. Street names have a bad habit of being formatted incorrectly, often omitting a space. For example "De Haven Drive" is often reported as "Dehaven Drive." Street name suffixes are often incorrect as well, for example "Galesbury LA" vs "Galesbury LN." Some of these (like the LA/LN mixup) would be an easy fix, but correcting the arrest list as a whole would be a massive undertaking. It would also set a dangerous precedent the day I alter the list from its pure unadultered original.

Excellent questions! Keep them up!

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: March 21, 2007 04:53PM

Well on the 3 names one dude thing, they arent the same person (like cary said).

"CASTILLO MARQUEZ ","MARIA ","O","029"," 6817","PERRY PENNY ","DR","ANNANDALE ","VA","01/12/2005","40-44MPH/25MPH ZONE "
"GUARDADE MENJIVAR ","WILIAN ","A","020"," 6817","PERRY PENNY ","DR","ANNANDALE ","VA","04/14/2006","NO/EXPR/IMPR CO TAG "
"GUARDADO ","BUENA ","V","034"," 6817","PERRY PENNY ","DR","ANNANDALE ","VA","03/08/2005","FAIL PAY FULL TIME & ATTENTION "
"GUARDADO MENJIVAR ","JORGE ","A","023"," 6817","PERRY PENNY ","DR","ANNANDALE ","VA","01/24/2002","PT LARC-OTHER "

Look at the dates vs. the ages. Willian is 1 person (by age) Buena is another, and Maria is another all in the same family. Not sure why you thought the two female-sounding names were males but hey, its all good.

Not trying to throw this thread off topic so:

Cary there is a typo in the description:
"does not imply that the subject was cosfnvicted"

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2007 04:58PM by KeepOnTruckin.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: The Congressman ()
Date: March 21, 2007 05:25PM


I think he means this. It's the same person, by the ages, but the name is spelled 3 different ways. Just typos, but shoddy work by the county.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: March 21, 2007 10:20PM

> Cary there is a typo in the description:
> "does not imply that the subject was cosfnvicted"

Woah nice catch. I caught that typo in the cgi script itself but not in the html file. Thanks!

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Lurker ()
Date: March 26, 2007 09:03AM

Is there some way to select the sort order? Like by date?

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Randy Williams ()
Date: September 18, 2007 10:16PM

This is an incredible tool. Any chance of something like this for Loudoun County Activity/Arrests/Warrants???

Thanks in advance.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: September 19, 2007 05:07AM

Can you sort by race or ZIP code?

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Larry Gordon ()
Date: November 05, 2007 11:40AM

I know it's a lot of work...
When I build db front ends, I put sorting headers on my table columns to allow sorting by column.

It would be icing on your very good cake! Also, how about asking how many hits your viewers would like to see, and a send to printer button?


Love it!

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Tricki ()
Date: November 05, 2007 08:28PM

Hi Cary,

I have a question. On last Wednesday long list from Fairfax Police on the pdf list that comes out at night, I found the name of a person arrested or charged with several counts of child pornography. However, his name was not on the arrest list here. Why is that???

Also on the Virginia Court case web site I use the search feature by the court date. Sometimes it will say " possession of marijuana" but the name space is blank. Why is that????

Thanks, Trickie

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Dan Lynberg ()
Date: November 09, 2007 06:30PM

This interface showed arrests and tickets a few days ago, but is now just showing tickets. Why have the arrest records of my neighbors been hidden?

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: IOA ()
Date: November 09, 2007 07:02PM


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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: CO ()
Date: November 20, 2007 09:30AM

I apologize for bringing this thread up but I was curious to find out if anyone knew where (website) to do a search on traffic tickets issued by Loudoun County?

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: November 20, 2007 02:02PM


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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Kiev ()
Date: November 20, 2007 02:09PM



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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Not Guilty ()
Date: December 19, 2007 06:54PM

I was confronted by a co-worker about a charge that is posted on this site, a charge which was dropped and will be expunged. Beside the charge description on your site there is a curious sequence of numbers and letters (3d off) which could lead others to assume that I have committed this offence twice before, which his absolutely not true, as I never committed this offense in the first place. Who is responsable for Libel and Slander suits on this site? I do have a very capable group of attorneys, and if my co-workers or customers attitudes towards me are effected, my job could be effected. If this happens I PROMISE I will not suffer alone, please advise....

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 19, 2007 07:03PM

Not Guilty Wrote:
> I was confronted by a co-worker about a charge
> that is posted on this site, a charge which was
> dropped and will be expunged. Beside the charge
> description on your site there is a curious
> sequence of numbers and letters (3d off) which
> could lead others to assume that I have committed
> this offence twice before, which his absolutely
> not true, as I never committed this offense in the
> first place. Who is responsable for Libel and
> Slander suits on this site? I do have a very
> capable group of attorneys, and if my co-workers
> or customers attitudes towards me are effected, my
> job could be effected. If this happens I PROMISE I
> will not suffer alone, please advise....

I advise you to get the stick out of your ass and confront the FX County record keepers and NOT the webmaster of a message board.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 19, 2007 07:07PM

please advise....

They are public records. It does not matter if the charge is dropped or expunged, the government of Fairfax County still publishes your arrest or ticket. Your team of high-powered attorneys can't do anything but make idle threats, and charge you money for it. Your best bet is to buy that co-worker a few lunches and hope he doesn't tell anyone.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Not Guilty ()
Date: December 19, 2007 07:32PM

Posting false information is the issue. It IS a matter of law. No idle threats. See LIBEL in dictionary, then look it up in Va code. The fact that it is posted is one thing, the fact that beside the information (3d off) gives the impression that the offence is habitual could portray an unfavorable impression. I am in sales, impressions are everything, I grew up in FFX county, work here, and my kids live here, I don't need anyone to think untrue things about me. You think it's funny? Try putting yourself in my shoes asshole, you would be singing a different tune.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: § ()
Date: December 19, 2007 07:38PM

That's exactly right. The mere fact that you were charged in the first place puts you in the county's court registry (see links - then General District Court Information above) AND the police dept's press releases. There's nothing you can do except write your congressperson since it's not illegal or libelous to disseminate factual public record. -§

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: December 19, 2007 07:38PM

What folks perceive from misreading public information is your problem, not ours.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: § ()
Date: December 19, 2007 07:40PM

Exactly right = Meeper in the above post. -§

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 19, 2007 07:40PM

It is listing a record that is published by Fairfax County. Plain and simple. Throw around whatever legal terms you want... what it comes down to is that you were arrested or ticketed in Fairfax County.

You should be aware: guys like you come in here and post the same sob story and legal threats every few months. They are still on that list.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 19, 2007 07:56PM

BTW, I did a search for the "3D OFF" term you cited. The only charge that comes up is


Nice job, Mr. Salesman.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: MORON ()
Date: December 19, 2007 08:00PM

Wow, thats funny Meeper. Now that our pal, "Not Guilty" has said that "If this happens I PROMISE I will not suffer alone," its certainly true. Whoever was beaten up or slapped around may already be suffering.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 19, 2007 08:06PM

> Now that our pal, "Not Guilty" has said that "If this happens I PROMISE I will not suffer alone," its certainly true.


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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Lurker ()
Date: December 19, 2007 09:28PM

Not Guilty Wrote:
> I was confronted by a co-worker about a charge
> that is posted on this site, a charge which was
> dropped and will be expunged. Beside the charge
> description on your site there is a curious
> sequence of numbers and letters (3d off) which
> could lead others to assume that I have committed
> this offence twice before, which his absolutely
> not true, as I never committed this offense in the
> first place. Who is responsable for Libel and
> Slander suits on this site? I do have a very
> capable group of attorneys, and if my co-workers
> or customers attitudes towards me are effected, my
> job could be effected. If this happens I PROMISE I
> will not suffer alone, please advise....

So what does 3D mean?

Libel and Slander are based on FALSE information. Some reading for you - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defamation#Truth

Good luck with your case against the County Clerk.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 19, 2007 10:32PM

not to mention he can't use "affect" and "effect" correctly in a sentence... so he clearly will not understand other simple concepts.

I wonder if he realizes fairfax county posted it first, on their own website? That cary doesn't even touch the data as it accrues here? That he has a script that goes and gets the data, and puts it where everyone can view it, no more, no less?

Also, Cary has been threatened by far bigger and better-equipped trash than this wife-beater..

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Not Guilty ()
Date: December 20, 2007 01:25AM

Keep up the good work! You should be private investigators. False information is easy to prove, if a person is exonorated for a crime to which they've never been accused of in the past, that means that there is no "3rd off." Easy to prove. In the court system you are Innocent until proved Guilty, a bloggers site where all can read without full knowlegde of the facts, opens doors to the rest of the sleepless assholes who wander the net looking for dumb shit to talk about what someone has or has not done. I'm dissappointed...quick question, who can say they've never been accused of something that they've never done? This is my life, to you it's some stupid game you can play w/o getting hurt. What would you do to protect your livelyhood, your family? Would you lay down? Would you fight?

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: funny ()
Date: December 20, 2007 02:30AM

TheMeeper is so funny.....I'm laughing my ass off.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: FUNNY ()
Date: December 20, 2007 02:32AM

TheMeeper is so funny..... l'm laughing my ass off.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 20, 2007 02:36AM

You are clearly drinking heavily but I'll try to put this in simple terms:

1. fairfax county published that information, if it was published incorrectly than:
2. your beef is with fairfax county
3. this is not a "blog"
4. you were charged with the crime, that's all that the information republished on this site says, and that fact will never change. There is a website you can go to that you can use to show people that you were exonerated, but it sounds like you want to make life expensive for yourself instead of letting go of something that really isn't a big deal.
5. there are many fine AA meetings even at this time of night, maybe you should consider going to one.
6. I do think it's pretty funny.
7. Consider abortion more strongly next time if you are so worried what your kids think.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2007 11:11AM by RESton Peace.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: December 20, 2007 09:18AM

Not Guilty,

Arrested and charged is all that is stated by the County. Here's what the judge will say "Did you get arrested and charged? -> Yes, case closed. Have a nice day."

And also it doesn't matter if you were guilty or not, the arrest will stay on your record forever. Even if you get your record expunged it still stays on the books for law enforcement.

You need to start thinking up a good story about why you got arrested for family assault and battery a third time... You slipped and fell into your wife, you were cutting onions and the knife slipped, hitting some baseballs in the house and wife got hit by accident. Stuff like that, but that's just an opinion.

Cops is now on the Court channel every night, you might find some great excuses there.

Of course feel free to tell us exact what happened and why it was a false charge. I'm sure we'll get a good laugh out it.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: K-Fed ()
Date: December 20, 2007 10:01AM

Tell us now asshole...

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: biker ()
Date: December 20, 2007 06:48PM

Great work!

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Not Guilty ()
Date: December 20, 2007 09:17PM

I am a complete and utter moron. I deserve to be beaten with a night stick, pepper sprayed, and hog tied by Fairfax' finest, then chained to a fire hydrant.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Margie ()
Date: December 20, 2007 11:31PM

Not Guilty Wrote:
I deserve to be beaten with a night stick, pepper sprayed, and hog
tied by Fairfax' finest, then chained to a fire hydrant.

I thought that was routine when you get arrested in Fairfax County.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: December 21, 2007 09:01AM


Assault by an alien. Has anybody notifed XFiles about this?

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Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: March 16, 2008 12:24AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2010 03:22PM by inkahootz.

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Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: March 16, 2008 02:13AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2010 03:23PM by inkahootz.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: bentley ()
Date: March 24, 2008 12:46AM

just a minor note: "Austin" Lane and "Taustin Lane" are not the same. Austin is in the town of Herndon. Taustin is in Fairfax Co outside the town.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: wakeup ()
Date: April 29, 2008 07:45PM

Is it also possible to post cases of excessive force/abuse of power which seem to be a problem in FC's police dept.? Since we are not allowed a civilian review board they basically answer to nobody but their own!

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Lurker.. ()
Date: May 05, 2008 01:55PM

Add a sort by date function.


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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Angela Reprieto ()
Date: June 11, 2008 02:21PM

To whom it may concern:

I am Angela Reprieto and was told of this offense on your site. This is charge is completely wrong. I was sited for expired tags. Not what the below indicates. Please remove this charge and/or change it, otherwise, I will contact the proper authorities to make sure my name and reputation are not damaged any further. I would never alter or have a fictitious regeistration.

Please contact within the next 2 days or I will pursue another aveune.


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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: June 11, 2008 02:24PM

Should't have been driving around with expired tags....

Your problem....Go complain to the county.

Big talk from a "paralegal" at a law firm that does family law.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2008 02:28PM by ITRADE.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: DeathByCop ()
Date: June 11, 2008 02:27PM

LOL!!! -10

Angela Reprieto Wrote:
> To whom it may concern:
> I am Angela Reprieto and was told of this offense
> on your site. This is charge is completely wrong.
> I was sited for expired tags. Not what the below
> indicates. Please remove this charge and/or
> change it, otherwise, I will contact the proper
> authorities to make sure my name and reputation
> are not damaged any further. I would never alter
> or have a fictitious regeistration.
> Please contact within the next 2 days or I will
> pursue another aveune.
> REPRIETO ","ANGELA ","R","030","
> ","VA","01/25/2008","ALTERED OR FICTITIOUS

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: June 11, 2008 02:29PM

BTW, spell correctly before you come threatening the board. Do your bosses know you can't spell the word "cited" correctly.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: DeathByCop ()
Date: June 11, 2008 02:38PM

Agreed. For a paralegal, you would think she would be proficient enough to correctly spell cited, registration, and avenue.

> BTW, spell correctly before you come threatening
> the board. Do your bosses know you can't spell
> the word "cited" correctly.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: June 11, 2008 02:40PM

Hmmm, you and your husband/cousin/brother are doing great jobs of obeying highway laws....To wit:

"REPRIETO ","ANGELA ","R","030"," 3007","HERITAGE SPRING ","CT","ALEXANDRIA ","VA","01/25/2008","FAIL OBEY HWY SIGN "

Operating an unlicensed vehicle twice, altered or ficticious registration once, and failure to obey a highway sign on the same day as you got nailed by Officer B.C McAleese for the registation offense. Congrats for prepaying at least.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: June 11, 2008 02:47PM

Oh, this is even better. According to the Fairfax court, Andrew got nailed THREE times in 2007 for operating an unlicensed vehicle - all three were prepaid. So, the Fairfax Ticket search needs to be updated.

Add to that the following... Two of which were dismissed (one being Nolle Prosequi)....

GT03047574-00 REPRIETO, ANDREW R 06/19/2003 12:00 AM Guilty Paid
Fairfax County General District Charge:
DWI, 1ST Complainant:

GT03047574-01 REPRIETO, ANDREW R 01/08/2004 12:00 AM Dismissed
Fairfax County General District Charge:
ASAP NON-COMP Complainant:

GT03047911-00 REPRIETO, ANDREW R 06/19/2003 12:00 AM Nolle Prosequi
Fairfax County General District Charge:


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2008 02:50PM by ITRADE.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Angela ()
Date: June 11, 2008 03:26PM

Wow...you people are really horrible! I was not trying to threaten the board, I was trying to make a correction to a charge that was under my name! I was under the impression this went to the people posting this information.

Is this what you people do all day?

I feel sorry for you. And btw...I love my job...as a family "paralegal". Bravo to all of you who never make any spelling errors...and have never had a ticket!

This web-site should be shut down for giving people's personal information.

Really hateful people out there...I would rather have 100 tickets out there than be as horrible as the people posting such hateful comments about others. You do nothing but try to start conflicts with others to fill the void in your life.

Bravo to you and thank you for your comments.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: foolio ()
Date: June 11, 2008 03:30PM

For a paralegal, you and your hubby sure do break some laws. What would the firm think???

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: June 11, 2008 03:35PM

Oh, you weren't threatening?

"Please remove this charge and/or change it, otherwise, I will contact the proper authorities to make sure my name and reputation are not damaged any further. ...Please contact within the next 2 days or I will pursue another aveune."

Pursue another avenue? Have a tea party? How is this not a threat?

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: June 11, 2008 03:38PM

foolio Wrote:
> For a paralegal, you and your hubby sure do break
> some laws. What would the firm think???

Hope Angela and her other "Reprieto" got a big kick out of Andrew's endangering other's lives by driving drunk. Not to mention the $654.00 in fines and costs...

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Angela ()
Date: June 11, 2008 03:38PM

They are speeding or traffic tickets....not such a big deal.

It doesn't make someone a bad person. None of them are criminal. My husband's DUI was before we before we were together. I would guess 90% of the population has driven after having a few too many drinks.

I have worked here long enough they know about them all. My driving record is nothing to brag about, however that has nothing to do with the type of person I am or what I do for a living. Why are people on here so hateful?

Would you be upset if a charge under your name was not correct?

Like I said, I thought I was writing to the person posting the information, not to people baiting me to get into an argument.

I am not perfect, and I would guess neither are any of you.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Angela ()
Date: June 11, 2008 03:45PM

> foolio Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > For a paralegal, you and your hubby sure do
> break
> > some laws. What would the firm think???
> Hope Angela and her other "Reprieto" got a big
> kick out of Andrew's endangering other's lives by
> driving drunk. Not to mention the $654.00 in
> fines and costs...

I am happy I have given you something to do for the rest of the day. Maybe if you posted your real name, people would have something else to comment about.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: June 11, 2008 03:51PM

Sorry, but your annoyance took about 5 minutes of time. But I'm glad that you're so worked up about it.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: wakeup ()
Date: June 17, 2008 08:24PM

do you think that most people who read the charges on this site assume that the offender did commit that crime? what about those who were charged wrongfully?
The court may have the common sense to throw the case out but that would not be reflected on this site, right?Consider this case :a young person who was arrested (days after their 18th birthday) by an officer who made a mistake...The "police officer" was excessive- held him for many hours while he tried to find probable cause. arrested,injured when picked up by cuffs(cuts&will have scars)denied medical attn.despite obvious bleeding, cavity searched twice, K9s called in to search...still no dope or dope related findings.Of course the judge threw it out but now he continues to be victimized b/c potential employers,friend's parents etc see this post and dont know the true details.Most cops are good ,honest, and helpful but this one was sadistic.File a complaint, you say?Impossible! FFx co. does not allow a neutral civilian review board- you can only complain to another FFX. Co.cop!They take care of their own as was evidenced when they responded by going to the kid's work place, threatening to boycott the establishment which does a good deal of business w/ them,and insisting the boy be fired.If they would do that then what would they do in response to filing a complaint?scary,eh?You might think that the boy must have done something to justify this treatment-in many cases that may be true but not true this time.Next time it could be me,you,or your mother wrongfully arrested and mistreated and you will have no recourse because our system has no checks & balances in the police dept.They can and do anything they please and although it may not stand up in court they can cost you physical,mental, and financial hardship.These postings might even contribute to that pain.You have the right-freedom of speech- to post on this site but people also have the right to be pressumed innocent until proven guilty.Would you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider adding a statement to your page-in big,bold,words-that explains that the charges posted do not mean a person is guilty but only that a police officer claims that they did something illegal. You might add that,while many police officers are competent and good, sometimes they get it wrong!

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: June 17, 2008 10:13PM

wakeup Wrote:
> PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider adding a statement
> to your page-in big,bold,words-that explains that
> the charges posted do not mean a person is guilty
> but only that a police officer claims that they
> did something illegal. You might add that,while
> many police officers are competent and good,
> sometimes they get it wrong!

At the top of the search page... "This is merely a record that an arrest has occured and does not imply that the subject was convicted. "

That's more info that is posted on the FCPD site where this comes from. Why aren't you contacting the police about this problem? All of this comes from FCPD.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: June 18, 2008 02:00AM

Angela, you are maybe the dumbest person working in the local legal trade. I have no doubt your husband had no problem snaring you... he could have been a child rapist and your dumb ass would have just fallen right into line.

You do realize this information is posted on not one, but TWO other sites, both run by the government(s)? You also realize that by calling attention to the ticket info on this site, you have made it EASIER for someone doing a google search of your name to see this post and know about the charge without ever looking at the ticket search?

My larger point is that you could have taken .5 seconds to figure out how to write to the admin privately, without drawing attention to yourself, and making yourself look like a moron. I mean, you can't figure out simple things like looking for an address for the admin, and you spell like my cat does.

Instead, you just had to make a spectacle and now you are too dumb to just shut up and move on... I hope your bosses are alerted to your delinquency and you are fired. Let your drunk of a husband win all the bread.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/18/2008 02:03AM by RESton Peace.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TRICKIE ()
Date: June 18, 2008 12:26PM

Angela, Let us know the name of this stellar family law firm who employs you so we can avoid them if we have legal problems. I agree with Reston Peace.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: June 18, 2008 12:32PM

Maddox, Cole, & Miller in Vienna.

She was dumb enough to include it in her first post.

> Angela, Let us know the name of this stellar
> family law firm who employs you so we can avoid
> them if we have legal problems. I agree with
> Reston Peace.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: June 18, 2008 12:35PM

Well I agree with what I wrote but I think I could have made my point better with just a few words... "kill yourself to save humanity".

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Concerned ()
Date: June 18, 2008 03:46PM

TheMeeper: She probably had no idea it was going on a public forum...not so bright, maybe, reason to be attacked...no!

I read the post, she did not legally threaten anyone, she tried to make a correction to her charge and requested it be changed. Not everyone knows how this web-site works.

It clearly states no one is too be personally attacked and that is what is being done here.

I have worked with many law firms in the area and everyone has their moments of being stupid, this seemed to be hers. Now move on and leave her alone.

The things being said about her, her family and employer are awful and not deserved at all.

You and some of the others making personal attacks on here have been posting for a long time. I have seen some of your post and most of them are nothing more than attacking people. Many of you have been warned many times about your attacks. Makes me think what some of you are hiding or what kind of people some of you are. Sitting up at 2am to post an attack on someone who posted a week ago speaks volumes.

She got a couple of tickets....leave it alone! Harrassing someone, their family and employer is against the law.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: June 18, 2008 03:59PM

>> Not everyone knows how this web-site works.

Yeah well than they shouldn't be posting here. It's appropriate ettiquette to read a forum or newsgroup for a few weeks before posting so that you know what's going on and don't wind up looking like an ass or make people mad.

>>> Many of you have been warned many times about your attacks.

ROFL... who? When did this happen?? I've seen people get banned for abusing the forum, but don't ever remember someone getting warned for cursing at someone or telling them they're an idiot. That is LOL funny that you'd make something like that up.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: SRE ()
Date: June 18, 2008 04:07PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> >>> Many of you have been warned many times about
> your attacks.
> ROFL... who? When did this happen?? I've seen
> people get banned for abusing the forum, but don't
> ever remember someone getting warned for cursing
> at someone or telling them they're an idiot. That
> is LOL funny that you'd make something like that
> up.

Oh Nooooooooo!!!!!!

Another person who thinks "The Moderator" is a Moderator!

You have been warned!!!!!!!!!

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Concerned ()
Date: June 18, 2008 04:14PM

>>> Many of you have been warned many times about your attacks.

ROFL... who? When did this happen?? I've seen people get banned for abusing the forum, but don't ever remember someone getting warned for cursing at someone or telling them they're an idiot. That is LOL funny that you'd make something like that up

Please read the abuse forum.....your "name" along with some others that posted on here are on there as well. Other concerned people have had to call you and others out for being abusive.

Do you get off on being abusive towards people...over the internet? Techies who get off on being abusive and cruel over the internet...yep, I know your type....LOL!

Harrassment is against the law...so is slander. 2 words....IP logged...

Try using your wit for something productive...

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Margie ()
Date: June 18, 2008 04:28PM

Concerned = Clueless

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Concerned ()
Date: June 18, 2008 04:33PM

Yay! I'm the new target!

Concerned = right on track! I know how these forums work. People who have nothing better to do but attack others and be abusive.

Now let's all try to get along and move on to something productive like...hows the weather going to be this weekend?

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: June 18, 2008 04:54PM

Concerned Wrote:
>>> Please read the abuse forum.....your "name" along with some others that posted on here are on there

LOL...ummm, for your information: the person posting as "Moderator" in that thread is not a moderator at all. That is some idiot troll trying to make a joke. I actually think he may have been banned for writing that stuff.

Oh, and as far as your ominous "IP Logged" threat, anybody logging onto this site can figure out my IP address in about 2 seconds. So if you think I'm the kind of person that's gonna sit here and second-guess myself or be intimidated, you are wrong.

You're dumb to the point that it's almost offensive.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Margie ()
Date: June 18, 2008 04:59PM

hmmm...not much to discuss

Saturday= (T-storms) Hi: 84° Lo: 64°

Sunday= (T-storms) Hi: 81° Lo: 63°

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Concerned ()
Date: June 18, 2008 05:02PM

TheMeeper: Hahahahahaha.....you're dumb to the point that you make me want to piss myself!

You little bitch-- you can dish shit out but not take it. Almost every thread I have read on this web-site is offensive, abusive and cruel!

It is suppose to have information that is helpful....the only thing I find helpful about this site is getting off some anger issues.....why don't you take your fat ass out and get laid!

Not meant to be a threat my friend....but how does it feel to be picked on!

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Concerned ()
Date: June 18, 2008 05:06PM

Margie Wrote:
> hmmm...not much to discuss
> Saturday= (T-storms) Hi: 84° Lo: 64°
> Sunday= (T-storms) Hi: 81° Lo: 63°

Thank you.....I am going golfing this weekend, sure hope it doesn't T-storm!!!!!!

Oh well, if it does I will stay in, go on this site and abuse people I don't know all day over the internet because I am a loser jackazz!

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: June 18, 2008 05:11PM

Concerned Wrote:
>> ....but how does it feel to be picked on!

Well if you actually posted something that insulted me maybe I'd be able to answer your question, but since everything you've written so far is indicative of some crazy and stupid woman, I guess I'm at a loss...

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Concerned ()
Date: June 18, 2008 05:20PM

Concerned Wrote:
>> ....but how does it feel to be picked on!

Well if you actually posted something that insulted me maybe I'd be able to answer your question, but since everything you've written so far is indicative of some crazy and stupid woman, I guess I'm at a loss...

I suppose I'd have the same response if I was you......thanks for passing the time!

You're probably used to being treated like the shitbag you probably are which is why you are not insulted.

Are you happy now that you've had your dose of conflict for the day?

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: June 18, 2008 05:33PM

Anybody here starting to feel sad for Concerned's husband?

I know I sure am.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Concerned ()
Date: June 18, 2008 06:31PM

Anyone starting to feel concerned for "TheMeeper" that his problem is he doesn't have a husband?

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: June 18, 2008 06:35PM

Concerned Wrote:
>> Anyone starting to feel concerned for "TheMeeper" that his problem is he doesn't have a husband?

Hey if you're ever feeling lonely and need someone to talk to, we got this guy here that I think you'd be a perfect match for. His name is "Alias", I think you'll like him.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Concerned ()
Date: June 18, 2008 06:39PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> Concerned Wrote:
> >> Anyone starting to feel concerned for
> "TheMeeper" that his problem is he doesn't have a
> husband?
> Hey if you're ever feeling lonely and need someone
> to talk to, we got this guy here that I think
> you'd be a perfect match for. His name is
> "Alias", I think you'll like him.

I'll let you know, in the meantime you may want to contact him for some lovin...I have a feeling aside from your computer, a whole pizza and can of budwiser....your all by your lonesome!


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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TRICKIE ()
Date: June 18, 2008 07:06PM

I think Concerned could easily be a man. I mean, wouldn't a lady pick a better name? And we really have no idea if this poster "Concerned" is even in a legal man/woman marriage. ( not the fake kind) Concerned may be someone Angela works with, perhaps one of the barristers at the law firm.


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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Concerned ()
Date: June 18, 2008 07:22PM

> I think Concerned could easily be a man. I mean,
> wouldn't a lady pick a better name? And we really
> have no idea if this poster "Concerned" is even in
> a legal man/woman marriage. ( not the fake kind)
> Concerned may be someone Angela works with,
> perhaps one of the barristers at the law firm.
> Trickie

Actually Trickie (which sounds like a hooker's name working a street corner) I do not know Angela. I just lurk here and had had just about enough of the abuse someone was getting for no reason! You along with a few others are quite abusive over the computer.....so you can trick on these nuts!

Please state your "real" name and occupation so I can try to bash, harrass and slander your place of employment. Angela did nothing to any of you, I just feel sorry that she has had to deal with azzhole's like you!

Game on....?

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: June 18, 2008 07:25PM

It's so obvious it's this Angela woman. Who else would get so incredibly uptight and spend so much time defending a complete stranger?

> I think Concerned could easily be a man. I mean,
> wouldn't a lady pick a better name? And we really
> have no idea if this poster "Concerned" is even in
> a legal man/woman marriage. ( not the fake kind)
> Concerned may be someone Angela works with,
> perhaps one of the barristers at the law firm.
> Trickie

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Concerned ()
Date: June 18, 2008 07:34PM

-------It's so obvious it's this Angela woman. Who else would get so incredibly uptight and spend so much time defending a complete stranger?

No it's not...so go fish! A "concerned" person can't defend a person who obviously did not want to be confrontational herself?

Too bad there aren't more people out there like me to stick up for people. I am hardly uptight, I'm just not a lonly azzhole who has to go around starting shit on the internet cuz I have an incredibly small penis! Or maybe this is the only way you can get any attention.

My question to all of you is....why do you all spend so much time being abusive and cruel to people you do not know? Maybe that is something you should think about?!?

I came on this site a long time ago because I thought it was to give helpful information....obviously not!

Maybe Angela will read some of this BS and reply herself! Otherwise, move the f8ck on!

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: TRICKIE ()
Date: June 18, 2008 07:52PM

Oh My, my name sounds like a hooker? My dear male cat who died at age 21 and was the best mouse catcher in the world would really resent that. Concerned, I am certain that you have me mixed up with someone else. I am not nor have I ever been abusive to anyone on this forum. I think others will attest to that. I was just totally amazed that Angela would post such a ridiculous request ( more like an edict!) that her arrest record be changed on the arrest list. Like Fairfax Underground has anything to do with public information that comes from the police department and the court house. Her attitude while making her request is what caused some of our more "honest and frank" posters to make fun of her.

Also as someone who has worked with many law firms as a private investigator and a process server, I asked which law firm employed her because she did sound like a loose canon in her posts. Many people ask me to recommend a law firm which specializes in domestic law and after reading her posts, that is one firm I would suggest they avoid.

Just a suggestion, I think Angela should just drop this ridiculous crusade and you should go back to lurking.

Thanks for your post but I have to get back to my street corner. LOL!!! You made my day!


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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Concerned ()
Date: June 18, 2008 08:50PM

> Oh My, my name sounds like a hooker? My dear male
> cat who died at age 21 and was the best mouse
> catcher in the world would really resent that.
> Concerned, I am certain that you have me mixed up
> with someone else. I am not nor have I ever been
> abusive to anyone on this forum. I think others
> will attest to that. I was just totally amazed
> that Angela would post such a ridiculous request (
> more like an edict!) that her arrest record be
> changed on the arrest list. Like Fairfax
> Underground has anything to do with public
> information that comes from the police department
> and the court house. Her attitude while making
> her request is what caused some of our more
> "honest and frank" posters to make fun of her.
> Also as someone who has worked with many law firms
> as a private investigator and a process server, I
> asked which law firm employed her because she did
> sound like a loose canon in her posts. Many
> people ask me to recommend a law firm which
> specializes in domestic law and after reading her
> posts, that is one firm I would suggest they
> avoid.
> Just a suggestion, I think Angela should just drop
> this ridiculous crusade and you should go back to
> lurking.
> Thanks for your post but I have to get back to my
> street corner. LOL!!! You made my day!
> Trickie

I am sorry about your dear cat.

Your comment that she sounded like a "loose canon". puzzles me. She obviously had no idea her request was going on a public forum. It sounded to me that she was upset that it stated something other than she had been cited for. It may have seemed a little harsh...but to me, it just sounded like she wanted her record cleared up.

I have also worked with a lot of firms and most attorneys along with the rest of the staff working in the firms are a little nutty. The firm she works with is one of the best in the area and I would recommend them. It just sounded to me like she was upset. Reading some of the post by you and others I would say we all get a little nutty at times.

Slamming her and her firm (which is very uncalled for) was not necessary. She never attacked any of you and that is what set me off as a "concerned" person. Unless provoked, no one deserves to be attacked that way.

Have you read some of the web-sites out there about attorney's in the area? Not everything you read is taken in the right context or true.

I think everyone should back off people....for the record, I do not know Angela and it doesn't seem she has posted on here since being attacked last week.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: Angela ()
Date: June 18, 2008 09:13PM

I was forwarded this thread I mistakenly posted on a public forum. I have not read or responded to any of the comments since June 11.

I am not a loose canon at all. I was told of this site by a family member who was tooling around and saw that charge under my name. Being that I do work for a law firm I was upset that it was not what I was cited for. My intentions were not to threaten or upset anyone.

The firm I work for is amazing. I am a well-educated paralegal that works for a wonderful firm. I love my firm and career very much.

I think people on this site need to realize people post things when they are upset that may seem to be inappropriate, but honestly I was under the impression that I was composing to a private individual to make a request.

Haste makes waste as one of the attorneys I work for always says. I am sorry if I offended or upset anyone. It was not my intention. I would like to request that this thread end please.

To "Concerned", thank you for defending me, however attacking people who attacked me only added fuel.

I am only posting this in hopes it clears up some misconceptions.


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Posted by: Alias ()
Date: June 19, 2008 12:26AM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2012 03:21AM by Alias.

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Re: New Arrest/Ticket Search interface (beta) please test
Posted by: wakeup ()
Date: June 19, 2008 06:12AM

Why am I not contacting the police? My point was and is that contacting the police ABOUT the police does/did not do anything except piss them off!Other areas have a board of neutral civilians who hear citizen complaints-FFx will not allow such a review board so they do not answer to anyone.This=abuse of power and all you can do is smile and tolerate it!

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