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16 years ago
Deep Hunger
TheMeeper Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Deep Hunger Wrote: > >> The purpose of TIVO is to record TV onto a > console box that you buy/rent. > > They don't want you recording onto your home > PC, > > > TiVo offers free software to transfer recorded > shows onto a PC. Oh.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Deep Hunger
pgens Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If it was a real Tivo you could use software > downloadable from them. > > But I'd check A/V forums, much better bet at > finding the answer than here. PGens is a dumbass. The purpose of TIVO is to record TV onto a console box that you buy/rent. They don't want you recording onto your home PC, because then wh
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Deep Hunger
Tell me how much you pay for 6mo of car insurance, and who's your provider? Mine is $380 for 6mo. How much is yours?
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Deep Hunger
Huseyn Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why is having more than one wife a crime in this > country? Its legal in many parts of the Arab > world (even though its hardly practiced) and I > think A man should have the right to have as many > wifes as he chooses. Especially if its part of > their religious believes. I am very modern Muslim > and
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Deep Hunger
Should prostitution be legalized among substitute teachers.
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
Deep Hunger
HAHAHAHAH Earl in Danville, you fcking RULE! Me and you should get an apartment together! I'm asian, I'm from NYC. You're white(i assume), and from Danville. Think of the comedy!
Forum: Don & Mike crapflood
19 years ago
Deep Hunger
Calling Fantasy Football players. $5 to play gets put in the pot, winner takes all. 10 teams. DC/fairfax area people only. Private Message me if you want in.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
Deep Hunger
Does Manassas have any people who don't have mullets?
Forum: Western Fairfax General
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