Don & Mike crapflood :
Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
You forgot one:
"WIEDEMANN ","CARY ","S","019"," 13802","VALLEY COUNTRY ","DR","CHANTILLY ","VA","12/08/2003","SUCKING LITTLE BOYS
Forum: Don & Mike crapflood
> You may no longer post about any bs in northern virgnina
Then where will these pathetic fuckheads go to bitch about how mean the cops are and all the undeserved tickets they're issued?
Forum: Don & Mike crapflood
Kwitcherbitchin Wrote:
> If the only problem people have with
> what I said is the spelling errors then by chance
> there is hope. Criticize me all you want about my
> spelling or grammar or what ever else you would
> like.
How about we criticize you for being a boring, self-important cocksucker?
> I just wanted to stat
Forum: Don & Mike crapflood