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19 years ago
That's rediculous. Howard Stern talks about tits and ass and was popular because he stretched the limits of acceptability so was in the news all the time. Now that he doesn't have the FCC to have his name in the news all the time, he'll fade into nothingness with the exception of those like DZK who'll treat him like Elvis fans treat Elvis.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
yeah, it ends up in the 7-Eleven cooler behind the cases of Corona
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
good stuff. I found the article. Apparently there's a tunnel task force to go around looking for holes in the ground now. I'm actually impressed by the resourcefulness.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
95. Tunnel
Did anyone else hear the news yesterday about a tunnel from Mexico to California? Someone told me about it so I didn't see the news first hand. Kudos to the ingenuity of those desperate enough to get here.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
TOTAL IDIOT. There's a lot folks can figure out about this pete guy. anyone care to guess which type of people would say "NOT MINES"?
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
amazing. you were attacked by an army of one person using multiple names? What a damn shame. Let me get this straight ... FB took on the identity of all those names just because s/he wants to ... ummm ... maybe gain support against you for disagreeing with him or her? what a panty waste
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
I understand and agree (I was thinking about someone asking stinkypoon for his/her pic. More pics of the topic person ... YES!
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19 years ago
"Waunita's" post makes no sense. Makes me wonder if Waunita is just another posting by that same name changing troll ... just like "Jackson"?
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
amazing that we have a slew of new names but I'll bet they're all the same person. Perhaps FB? Certainly a single troll. Fuck off.
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
he is not a nice person because he's white?
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19 years ago
rob, james, amanda (and all your other aliases) where is your picture? No one has to prove anything to you.
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19 years ago
Some are hot. recognizing that fact doesn't make anyone a child molester any more than looking at ice cream would make you fat. Is it the weather or is there a hate wave going on around here?
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I did and again I ask why? I don't know stinkypoop anymore than I know anyone on this board but don't see the reason for singling one person out over another. Many people have strong opinions about various things and voice them here. FB is also very strong (BULL) headed and always goes off in slanderous directions. Single that person out.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
Troll is afraid to create an account here.
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
I see we have a troll
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19 years ago
no, that would be me. I don't like white people.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
Cornell, why the attack on stinkypoon? obviously you have equally nothing better to do or you would be out doing it.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
sounds like you're already in jail.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
Verizon Wireless is probably the best out there. I've been with them for going on 6 years and haven't had a problem. I have 3 phones on my account.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
ok. I'll monitor it.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
Angel, the simple answer is "Yes" to your question "is there anyway that area can be monitored?" On this forum, we've a bunch of bored residents who indulge in gossip, rumors, music and getting high/drunk. Occasionally prostitution and other noteworthy topics come up - as in 'where do we find the hookers' and not to end the practice. We can monitor that area for you (since you're paying for
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
amazing. The writing sounds like it was intentionally bad to throw people off.
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
Great job Cary! You just slapped 4 Billion people all at once!!
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19 years ago
Oh, I get it, you all are talking about football!
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19 years ago
Gravis, I have to admit that he's wierd for even bringing it up even if he doesn't indulge. Also, I wouldn't want him even looking at my kid. Fuck him ... somebody call it in.
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
So if I say that it is ok to kill the neighbor's dog, does that mean I indulged in it just because I wrote it? Maybe this person did do the things but you have no proof. Go ahead and call the police ... what are you going to say? "Officer, I read on an open web forum that someone likes child porn. Can you check into that?" What kind of response do you think you'll get?
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
Inform them of his/her practicing of free speech? You don't have to agree with the words but you can't stop them from being said. That isn't illegal.
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
Anyone want to wager that it wasn't the grandmother who did the shaking? My guess is that the mother did the shaking but the grandma would rather go to jail for it than see her daughter go.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
and that reason is?? It's just useless babble. On and on about tits and ass. I never thought I'd tire of that subject but after awhile that show just goes in circles with it. Personally I'm glad I won't stumble across it during my morning commute.
Forum: Fairfax County General
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