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Results 31 - 60 of 524
18 years ago
enoughalready certainly acts as if s/he is knowledgable of the workings of the rent-a-cop process. Sounds like bullshit to me and a convenient way to cover the tracks of a murdering moonlighter trying to pull some overtime. If what you say is true, and IF the murderer didn't shoot the kid but instead just wrote down a license plate, would that equate to a city payroll situation or an Ihop pay
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
he was acting as a security guard, not as an official police officer. He was on Ihop payroll, not county - makes him still a security guard no matter how you slice it.
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
or buy an old water cooled tape storage computer system and stick a whole house in there.
Forum: Off-Topic
18 years ago
Gravis, I agree. It's murder no matter how you look at it and is still murder if it is ruled otherwise by the courts.
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
enoughalready, go ahead and say all you want about me and my contributions to society - Obviously I didn't choose a job where I can go shoot people for petty offenses and don't care to. Am I sure that it is entirely the cop's fault? No but I am certain that he didn't have to shoot into the vehicle when he KNEW that it was just a bunch of kids out having fun. As for the alcohol test taken 2 hou
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
Nik, you may have good luck with that request on www.freecycle.org. Not sure where you are but there are local freecycle groups in every locality around here.
Forum: Off-Topic
18 years ago
Excuse me enoughalready. I believe that by my not putting 100% faith into the corrupted mentality that the police always do the right thing IS doing my part to make a difference. You can certainly apply the Vaseline to yourself and accept whatever is offered but I, for one, refuse to believe that an overtired, overworked cop (and probably with a bad attitude because of the above) on a part time
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
I have a small parcel of land less than 1/10 of an acre - eased so that it can't be built on ... was assessed at $225 for the last several years but now is assessed at $3000!!! over a 1300% increase!
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
I'm not disputing that deadly weapon possibility but dosn't that only apply to the performance of official police duties and not during a part-time rent-a-cop job?
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
the cop murdered someone in cold blood because he was tired from working too many hours on and off duty and had a fucking gun in his hand. Any idiot too stupid to get out of the road with a vehicle coming at him deserves to have his stupid ass run over. The only difference in this case was that the rent a cop was a real cop in his day job and had the license to carry a gun. Most other rent a c
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
May sound a bit parent-like but try going to college. Lots of single people your age group looking for something to do. At the same time, you can learn something so that when you get bored with the night life, you can earn a decent living.
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
Barney always kept his only bullet in his shirt pocket because Andy KNEW Barny was an idiot who always was too quick on the trigger. How many times did he shoot his own foot because the pistol got stuck in the holster?
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
That's right, ms-13 are punk ass wannabees
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
I suppose this idiot cop was one of those brilliant PhD cops? What a fucking idiot! If anyone on this board has the fucking nerve to come out in defense of this stupidity they need to be shot themselves.
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
sometimes I just sits and shakes my head ... other times I just sits.
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
normally I'd have overlooked the misspellings because I'm no Webster myself ... BUT in this case, the post attempted to sound authoritative but the misspelling of the most critical word in the post (many times over I might add) killed any authority that may have come through had that particular word been spelled correctly.
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
amazing what alcohol and insomnia will do to someone's confidence level
Forum: Off-Topic
18 years ago
that makes sense to me in the metropolitan area. I've heard of agreements between jurisdictions to cover these sorts of things.
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
Without the cell phone she'd have been a dead stupid hoe. Died of stupidity.
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
your theories are blown out of the water by the number of times you misspell pursue, pursuit, etc. If you were as knowledgable as you would like to think you are, you would know how to spell that particular word. Perhaps you're one of those educated police officers spoken so highly of in a different post? Your education shows through brilliantly.
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
"ARENAS ","GILBERT ","J","024"," 10919","GEORGETOWN ","PK","GREAT FALLS ","VA","06/10/2005","RECKL/SPEED OVER 80 MPH " " "ARENAS ","GILBERT ","J","024"," 10919","GEORGETOWN ","PK","GREAT FALLS ","VA","07/05/2005","EQUIPMENT ILLEGAL HORN SIREN
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
Actually she'd love the humor - crude as it is. She farts and giggles just like her dad. I'm not trying to raise an angel, just someone who can cope, make a living, and keep a sense of humor.
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
I try really hard to teach my kid to be polite and thankful. As such, I have to SHOW her how to live those ideals out by living it myself - at least in her presence. I also am very critical of the types of TV shows she can watch and the types of books I read to her (she's not old enough to read herself yet). I don't plant her in front of the TV without knowing what she's watching. We searched
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
around Alabama Ave
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
I think they're scared to walk in SE DC after 10pm. No way the bruthas would allow the punk wetbacks (wet because of the duck walk - not because of the swim across the border) into that territory
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
NOVA may be going down hill but compared to PG and DC, I prefer NOVA any day!
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
I wonder exactly what it feels like to weigh a million pounds.
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
I have 2 nephews who are HEAVILY into drinking. It affects every single aspect of their lives and yet, they refuse to see it. It is quite painful to the family. Congratulations to you for recognizing that there is an issue and wanting to do something about it. Be careful asking for support on this forum because sometimes we're not the most sensitive group. Good Luck!
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
makes me want to go just for the experience and my problem is already in check.
Forum: Fairfax County General
18 years ago
Please be careful using your health insurance for such things at any cost! The information could potentially follow you around for a long time. I don't have any suggestions for you but maybe the health department can point you in the direction of attaining anonymous support. You may have to pay a little more out of pocket but it is well worth it especially if you ever need a security clearance
Forum: Fairfax County General
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