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9 years ago
^^^^^ you are always so very insightful! you must have a srawer full of 7th place medals.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
^^^^^^Good morning douchebag! The poor and I get along just fine. What have you done to help the poor? I have found you libiots rarely really do anything to help. Sitting around saying wealthy people should do more! The rich should pay their fair share! Really isn't much of a help. Narural selection will take care of many of you. You parents wiped your asses into puberty and you have missed lear
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9 years ago
Don't worry,I will. It seems as if you may actually be a 12 year old girl with all your LOLs. You say you are going to sit back and watch this thing play out. What is your other option there bighead, go jump in the negotiations?
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Not a thing you sily troll. Read the thread.
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9 years ago
No douche, I am not 12. You however are a blathering idiot. Do we have a framework in place by the March 31st deadline or don't we? You are a pathetic lttle libiot troll who has NO idea how anything works. In your pathetic little world dealines and red lines mean nothing. In negotiation, they mean everything. You see sonny, when you negotiate, you don't draw lines as a bluff. You might get a
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9 years ago
I understand that the Ayatollah means exactly what he says. He wants sanctions lifted and will do NOTHING to slow down their quest for a Nuke. What do you understand asshole who named himself after me?
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9 years ago
^^^ I am. Go fuck yourself.
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9 years ago
^^^^^^ Upon further inspection, I see what you mean. The Ayatollah really means he welcomes inspections of military sites, and is completely cool with leaving sanctions in place at the start of the program. You are one of the dumbest posters ever fat bottomed girl.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Libiots do not hold their own accountable ever. They throw their own shit at others who disagree with them like apes, but the first rule of libiotism is to never hold their own accountable for anything. Ever.
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9 years ago
stop just stop lol Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > wrongg Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > It would appear many dolts on this thread need > to > > learn the difference between a natural born > > citizen and a naturalized citizen. > > > lol, as if you teabagging birthers are now experts
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9 years ago
It would appear many dolts on this thread need to learn the difference between a natural born citizen and a naturalized citizen.
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9 years ago
w9v76 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 4 times* > > Jesus, NONE of you can do basic math! That is correct. However when I asked my question,I only saw 3.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Why don't you go back and look again slowly. See the question mark? See the differences in the times? I suppose you can just continue to look foolish again to everyone else that reads this thread. Certainly won't be the first time.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
fourlegs Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 3 + 1 = 5? Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > foureyes, where do you see a fifth post? > > > The first three triple posts, then that another > anon post with the same content, and lastly the > post with the same contents from the account > "Wrongg." >
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
I think the letters above are moving too fast for several of the posters on this thread to read. Fourlegs,et al, the words above Supermans head ( he is the guy in the blue with the red cape and the S on his chest) are THE JOKE. THEJOKE is over his head. That means he doesn't get it. Doesn't get it means he doesn't understand. Oh, never mind.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
A very dangerous trend is developing inside all of this nonsense. There is almost always a reference to an "unarmed" youth. It is as if people think the only justification the police have for using deadly force is if a suspect is armed. I think there may be some urban youths that will come to believe they can get away with anything as long as they are not armed. They will end up dead too. reall
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9 years ago
3:1 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > wrongg Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Can someone please answer my question? At least > > once? 3 times would be better. > > > do you want that answered 3 times by 1 name and > then answered 1 time by another name? That would be perfect thank you. I wil
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Can someone please answer my question? At least once? 3 times would be better.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
ABC Derp Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ABC agents are all named Corky Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > What kind of worthless piece of shit loser are > you > > if you want to be an ABC officer? > > "Yeah, I go around looking to arrest those > darned > > 20 yr olds enjoying themselves
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9 years ago
vkThv Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ^ I dont get it. Is it so alien to you that > people of means want income equality? I have clean > drinking water but I can still want it for people > across the world to have clean drinking water. Am > I somehow not allowed to want that because I have > it? > > dont get the logic So you think any
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9 years ago
Does it show the start date,the number of days scheduled and whether it is a jury or non jury?
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
^^^^^^ Great question! How did the President miss it all those years? Figure he ever got an email from his Secretary of State? How does that happen?
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9 years ago
FYI Guy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The 9 Benghazi Investigations have had Hillary's > emails and all electronic records for well over a > year and now they've got a problem with the > Hillary's email address? > > Seriously?! > > The real story is that 9 Republican investigations > have been funded by the tax payers, haven't > p
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9 years ago
MG9nN Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Teabaggers be stupid.... How do you know it pissed us off if you never read the reponse? ps I tea bagged your mom last night.
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9 years ago
How could they have missed her email address for so long? Didn't they ever respond? Democrats are lying liars.
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9 years ago
wondering wonderer Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > With the endless rightarded Benghazi hearings. How > did the rightarded Republicans not figure out > Hillary Clinton didnt have an official email > account? > > I mean you have to be pretty rightarded not to > have figured that one out. What have they been > wasting all those resources on
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
wondering wonderer Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > With the endless rightarded Benghazi hearings. How > did the rightarded Republicans not figure out > Hillary Clinton didnt have an official email > account? > > I mean you have to be pretty rightarded not to > have figured that one out. What have they been > wasting all those resources on
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
^^^^^^ The Islamic terrorists that actually did it. You are a crazy fucking tool.
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9 years ago
^^^^ And how did the fuck up DHS more than it was?
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9 years ago
Millions of Americans give up in despair, Democrats declare victory!
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