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12 years ago
Stupid Poster
See ya in a few scott...I have the drugs just as you instructed me to bring in that personal message you send earlier this afternoon
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
Good god, he is real...http://www.facebook.com/strydyr
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
Because you are stupid. Your family is trying to flee your overbearing and unstable ways. Please just let them go, think of the children...
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
You sir are a very, very stupid individual. If you are in fact a father of two than you must have at one time (or two) had sex with a woman. To make this thread worth while, please provide us with pictures of that woman's tits or kindly get the fuck out.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
OP was dismissed from the Marine Corp for sucking cock, I know this guy. He has sucked many cocks many, many times so now he is ashamed.
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
Just switched from cox to fios. Got the triple play for the same price as internet and cable from cox and I get a $500 visa gift card from fios, thats a win to me
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
Regina Laughlin rolled over on a whole bunch of kids selling dope, DO NOT TRUST DIS HO
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
I need more visuals to make an educated decision
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
OP please continue your quest exposing the poor drivers of our area. You are doing us all a great service and providing us with a first hand insight that is only available to those with the greatest minds and the highest quality video equipment. Please do not slow down in your brave reporting, carry on!!!
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
Sorry guy, you are incorrect
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
My name is not Eli.
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12 years ago
Stupid Poster
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12 years ago
Stupid Poster
You may have time to go through other peoples posts and through old threads but I don't. Next time I see one, which shouldn't take long I'll call you out on it as I have in the past.
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
Current events, sports topics, even common sense seems to elude you much of the time.
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
I am not eesh, I actually put eesh in the same category as you. Most of what both of you say is most likely not true, you spend way too much time talking to complete strangers and morons about shit that you all think you know about. Eesh may be slightly more intelligent than you though, I'll give him that.
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
JBass was picked on as a boy and continues to feel fragile and insecure. He has never actually had any other negative contact with the police other than his tow truck incident in which he brought on his treatment by his negative attitude towards the "pigs". JBass is stupid and likely has a very small penis adding to his insecurities. He rarely bangs any women over a 5 on a scale of 1-10 and mu
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
Bunnymans bridge is a great place to find drunk chicks!!!! GO THERE and see for yourself....Colchester Rd, follow the railroad tracks
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
that cocaine is not real, you were ripped off
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
If it makes you feel awkward it goes here
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
That unlike you, I am not a noob. You sir will always be a fucking noob and you know this. Therefore you feel insecure about your noobness
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
You are jealous of me you bunch of queerbaits just as eesh is, hence the fact that you all are fucking noobs
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Stupid Poster
Fuck eesh and fuck you morons, I am neither eesh or eli, who the fuck is eli? The only eli I know of is dick lips manning
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12 years ago
Stupid Poster
I knew it, couldn't have been eesh
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12 years ago
Stupid Poster
he's here watching his creepy antics unfold, probably whackin it to these comments
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12 years ago
Stupid Poster
thanks for the info eesh, very good stalking indeed
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12 years ago
Stupid Poster
heard it hear first
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12 years ago
Stupid Poster
I am not eesh you dumb bitch
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