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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
JBass Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I dont think this is a school sponsored trip and > can guarantee you that Obama did not pay for the > jet fuel nor the salaries of the secret service > members that are with her. From the Daily Mail: "The teenage first daughter is on a school trip to historic Oaxaco, Mexico as a part of the 'experiential learning'
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
Weasel Dick Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Security risks end when first daughters turn 18? Publishing a photo of Jenna flashing her cooter as she and Barbara stumble drunkenly from a bar does not create a security risk. Who's the dummy? That'd be you.
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
Weasel Dick Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I am sure you applauded all the press accounts > relating to the Bush daughters antics as well. > Double standard much? Malia is 13 years old and on a school-sponsored Spring Break Trip. Jenna & Barbara were 20 years old and already drunken co-eds when 'W' was inaugurated. Apples & oranges, Dick.
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
Thurston Howell Sr, the younger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If you want government spending to be under > control, history shows we need a congress under > complete control of republicans. Can you not read your own graph? The greatest reduction in spending as a % of GDP was 1955 - 1973, while Congress was under 100% Democratic Party control.
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
Publicizing a first daughter's activities increases the security risk. I applaud the media for its restraint and good judgment.
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
I Like Ron Paul, but... Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Romney sucks (most real conservatives will agree > with that), but he has the best chance of beating > BO. which is to say, none.
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
BEH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Lets put things in perspective. > > First of all, Rush Limbo has no credibility. He > has accomplished nothing, done nothing.Except > talk. > > But he did find an audience on the radio, and > became quite skilled of supplying the rhetoric > that this audience wants to hear. > > It is a large
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
The CRA was the spark. It was predatory lending, without regard to race, at all levels of the mortgage industry that truly fanned the housing crisis into the conflagration it became.
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
west bound 620 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Republicans are digging their own graves. They may > sink so low that our two party system may be in > jeapordy in the next decade. That would not be > good for anyone. 'Tis true. The realization is dawning on the GOP that the White House is now out-of-reach in 2012 and their dreams of gaining control of
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
democrat and proud Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > We lecture others on lacking respect for women > while we hound around on our wives and use tax > payers dollars to set up meetings with hookers. > But its different right? Ensign, Vitter, Sanford, Fossella, Craig, Foley, Limbaugh, Gingrich.
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
Hay Zeus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You know very well that during the Clinton > Administration the DOJ was threatening > discrimination law suits against banks for not > making enough loans based ones race opposed to > financial creditability. It was make loans to > unqualified people or face prosecution. Those > policies were continued
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
Hay Zeus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Eyes of the Weasel Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Government regulation of industries and businesses > > protects Americans from exploitation and harm. > > Thats true to a certain extent but at some point > there is simply to much of it and we crossed t
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
Government regulation of industries and businesses protects Americans from exploitaion and harm. BTW, that "regulators have imposed $38 billion in new costs" on a GDP of approximately $28 Trillion over the period is so de minimis (slightly more than one tenth of one percent) that it isn't even worth talking about.
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
Did He Lie? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Umm, yes, it does. We aren't talking about Obama > meeting the bus boy at Denny's. If the scenario > being depicted in the videos is to be believed, it > is a young Obama exchanging ideas with Ayres and > Dorn. They were both known commodities and > influential people on the far left. It is > dou
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
Did He Lie? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well, if the allegation is true, Obama clearly > lied about it four years ago. > > Obama: George, but this is an example of what > I’m talking about. > > This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, > who’s a professor of English in Chicago, who I > know and who I have not received some offici
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
conVince Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Eyes of the Weasel Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > BTW, President Obama was not ever a member of > the > > Weather Underground or any other radical > student > > group. > > So you say until the videos are realeased by > Breitbart OH WAIT he m
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
Ralph Pootawn Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > bin Laden wasn't a terrorist then, declaring war > on the U.S. Obama knowingly participated in the > group that had declared war on the U.S. and was > known as a terrorist group. > > accept it Ayers & Dohrn aren't terrorist now, bombing & whatnot. Time passes, people change. No one cares.
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
conVince Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > They are porbably having a beer together in the > afterlife, talking about how korrupt demokkrats > took kare of their "problems". One by Klinton and > the other by B Hussein: > > http://www.wnd.com/2012/03/michael-savage-was-brei > tbart-assassinated/ What is life for you wingnuts without an enemy -
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
HateDD's Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > There was this drunk or drugged out bitch on > ffcounty parkway today around 6:15 pm....swerving > and slamming on her brakes. Every time I drive on the Parkway I see drivers swerving and slamming on their brakes. What made you think she was drunk/drugged?
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
im so shocked Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It does matter. It matters a lot actually. If > dems win 80 percent of their seats at stake they > lost 4 seats. If republicans win 80 percent of > their seats at stake they lose 2. That would be a > net pickup of 2 seats for them right there. Name the currently Democratically held Senate seats yo
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
im so shocked Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What a surprise you see that. I like to change things up every now & then, 'tis true. > What you didnt mention was 10 republican senators > are running for reelection. Because it does not matter. > Also with Snowe its pretty late in the game for > that announcement and the dems may not even get a
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12 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
I foresee the GOP losing the House & Democrats holding the Senate, with President Obama re-elected, of course. Sounds perfect to me.
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13 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
give me a break Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Youre a complete partisan hack. Thanks! So are you. > Why do you think dems dont want voter id laws? Because it makes voting more difficult for legitimate voters of limited means. Besides, voter fraud committed by voters, not election officials, is extremely rare. > But in your eyes: democratic voter f
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13 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
This conversation shouldn't be about me. The bottom line is: Voter fraud committed by a man entrusted to guard against it is worse than any other.
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13 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
Not ignored, but certainly not respected. As an associate degree is not as respected as a baccalaureate degree, no for-profit degree is anywhere near as valuable as a degree from a traditional college.
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13 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
Wouldn't you agree that voter fraud committed by one entrusted by the voting public to ensure fair elections is substantially more egregious than any ACORN transgression? I find it interesting that CNS News simply used the AP story to report Republican White's conviction, while it produced its own stories about ACORN. Where's the commentary about how evil Republicans are by association to White
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13 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
It's comforting to know that neither political party is free of criminal scum, no? You still haven't answered my original question: Will CNS News or NewsMaxx report this? How about JudicialWatch, or the myriad other rabid-right cites/blogs? Or are they just as hypocritical as they accuse their political enemies of being? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/04/charlie-white-voter-fraud_n_1
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13 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
Mr. White, the Republican Secretary of State in Indiana was CONVICTED OF VOTER FRAUD. All I see in the articles you cite are accusations of voter registration irregularities. Thanks for playing: You lose.
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13 years ago
Eyes of the Weasel
Ladies, ladies, ladies. It is important to note that those gentlemen outside of the polling place have not been charged with a crime. Mr. White, a Republican election official, was charged with voter fraud, tried, and convicted of by a jury of his peers. I'm glad that I could re-focus the conversation. Carry on.
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