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Results 811 - 840 of 1011
14 years ago
I thought PCP is what made people jump off of shit thinking they could fly. LSD just makes you comprehend data and resolve complex mathmatics and patterns that would otherwise be scrambled and meaningless in a normal state. A human flying, other than in a plane or other winged suit or craft does not compute in either mental state.
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
ThePackLeader Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I've never had a Glock, but I'm really interested > in the 10mm variants for backwoods carry. Great choice! The 10mm is an excellent round with ballistics rivaling a .45 ACP. It has faster velocities for a heavy round. Overall it kicks a little harder, hits harder and leaves a nastier path of devastation tha
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
Unfortunately as long as humans are on this planet stupid shit like this is going to happen. There are bad people and there are good people. After watching the mutilated remains of two of my good friends dragged through the streets of Falluja on national TV in 2004 I was ready myself to start collecting the heads of every Persian, Arab and Afghani that I encountered over there. The difference
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14 years ago
Okay everybody Troll count! That weird post sounds like a serial Troll killer is on the loose. Is everybody still alive?
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14 years ago
sounds like foul play or drunkacide. What do you call a group of limeys riding off of a cliff on segways? A good start.
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14 years ago
The expiration date is a "recommendation" or simply to insure its maximum freshness, use by that date. Most canned goods are only good for 2 to 3 years. After that they start to break down and lose their flavor, texture and quality. And if it smells of skunk shit like someone's mother that you've been banging, throw it out...lol
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
A lot of people see, while some are blind or in denial. Even a street bum will stand up for what he/she feels is right or wrong. If you start running a country down a path of failure, all within it's borders will rise up at some point. This is America, raise some hell and vote morons out of office.
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14 years ago
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14 years ago
r-tard....I've got your hot spring swingin'. Would you like some biscuits with mustard?
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14 years ago
snail mail powder? You do a line, i'll do a line baby
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14 years ago
is that a gibbon in her bag or is she just happy to see you. i like the ak blowjob touch. 9.0
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14 years ago
the same thing came up on my amazon. less the highlighted circle that I'm guessing you added to show the chimpanzee banging chick. amazon is a trip sometimes.
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
tomahawk Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Rule+34 Thanks. I appreciate your patience with my ignorance on that rule.
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
tomahawk Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Rule 34 is in full effect here! LOL What is rule 34?
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14 years ago
825. Re: gross
After watching that disturbing clip I have come to the conclusion that humans don't deserve to live on this planet. And I noted that they said that they were on the same plane......I hope it's the same plane that flys into the Mecca Skyscraper.
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
826. Re: 7-11
Just don't fire that thing into any occupied vehicles Troll...lol
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
harry that is awesome! i have pics of my xwife and her family that i will pay you to photoshop just like this so i can send it to them.
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
i want to know why the african american man at front row left is wearing surgical gloves.
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14 years ago
i bet a few jews fly planes into it
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14 years ago
as I lay awake in bed and through these crazy posts I've read regarding assholes, a few poems and a song. for they have surely left me to wonder about what really goes on down under my girlfriend's little brown eye behind that thong. she's not a real huge fan of butt sex like I am, so maybe I'll try to hit it as she sleeps. is it really worth this chance to do the nasty dance around her anus tha
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14 years ago
this is what happens when your mom has sex with a bull while she is 8 months pregnant with you
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14 years ago
easy on eesh, he's just sharing some ugly stuff to make fun of.
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14 years ago
kill me now
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14 years ago
the preacher's daughter was one of the wildest i've had
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14 years ago
definitley, something appealing. she hikes, i'd hit it
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14 years ago
I went once about 5 years ago and haven't been back since. The place is weird!
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14 years ago
eesh Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- Ha ha! Awesome!
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14 years ago
Fire! And Chicks! YES!!!
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14 years ago
As long as we don't have to sit around a fire and sing kumbaya or act like hippies, I'm in!
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