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15 years ago
Like everything else, it depends on your situation. Rule of thumb though, go where ever you will have the least amount of accumulated debt when you graduate. These schools all pretty much use the same textbooks anyways. The school doesn't make the person smarter alone, you only get what you put into it.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
>WTL Wrote >Once again, I called it I think WTL is Paul Krugman, the NYT Economist, who for 5 or 6 years kept writing that the economy was going to crash while Bush was in office. Now that it has tanked he hasn't stopped saying "I told you" ever since. Although to be fair, most of WTL's predictions come to fruition within a year of being espoused, MOM show and this one.
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
>Harry Tuttle Wrote: >Yes. >But she is walking a very fine line. I think she is one testosterone shot away from >becoming a nightmare. +1 I rather take that slight extreme over the other.
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15 years ago
Anywhere you go around here the food is going to be overpriced just by happenstance of being located in the DC Metro area with it's high real-estate value.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
I think its all the older tech uber guru's who think U2 is still edgy and control which direction the advertisement of whatever product they are hawking takes. They are same tards who like to put Tina turner and Aerosmith on at half time for the super bowl.
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
back in middle school the mother of my friend was 15 years older then his father. I couldn't help to think that not a day went by that his father didn't want kick himself in the balls for marrying a woman 15 years his senior. All i know is, I could never do it.
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
WTL, 40 year old women also look hot in photo's after the pic were airbrushed for hours. Nothing is what it seems. At 24, i agree, have at it, most girls your buddys age want an older guy with earning power anyways, and chicks in thier early 20's in this area are a pain in the ass. I remember a while ago 99.5 did online poll and something like 80% of the girls the answered the poll said they
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15 years ago
I think "hot" is the wrong word. Perhaps, "most attractive" is more aptly title for the discussion. Don't get me wrong, these women are good looking, but I wouldn't give any of them a second look if at croweded bar.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
> As it should be, unless yer just jealous. I don't > think anyone up there even serves sweet tea > anymore, and the restaurant workers there act > uppity to me. Does McDonalds count?
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
>A more realistic breakup would entail the entire south - pretty much identical to the Civil war secession states (with the possible exception of Virginia). The more likely scenario is Northern VA would peel off from the rest of the state much like West Va during the Civil War. Anyone who travels outside the NoVa zone quickly realizes how the other half lives. With the exceptions of Charlo
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15 years ago
>It happened to Soviet Union and that took only a few months. It could happen. It's more likely than us paying off our debt...what a way to deal with that issue! DIssolve, and who owes who? The USSR was also held together mostly at gun point for almost 50 years. So yes, when the USSR went belly up all those sattelite states wasted no time breaking off.
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
From my observations they used to me more fair and balance internally with the programming and hosts. Recently though, i do agree, that they have been catering more to the conservative crowd. So perhaps thier "fair and balance" applies to balancing out the rest of the network news organizations. Which is good, because over all absolute power one side is never a good thing.
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
Maybe Snyder is a beleiver in "offense wins games; defense wins championships" or something like that. Feel free to correct me.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
>Fox is the only network, to my knowledge, that admitted to falsifying news stories because they are an entertainment network. Please enlighted me.
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
>Rupert Murdoch will put up with a lot. But he won't put up with losing ad revenue. Good point, because Fox is not an idealogical property that the Democrat left claim it is, unlike MSNBC or CNN. Fox News is in the business of making money and wants to provide programming that will attract the most viewers all around opposed to catering to one side exclusively. Albiet, Fox does seem to draw
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15 years ago
Whats troubling is that probably 5% of the population actually talks like that, and condisers it "english".
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
I think the BBQ Country in Vieanna is gone, and it was by the same people for a while. I think some Koreans bought the business 5 or so years ago and probably ran it into the ground. BBQ Country was probably one of the better BBQ places around. T there was another BBQ place out in Manansas that was well known and featured in a lot of traveling books as a good place to eat. I forgot what it w
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
I think the BBQ Country in Vieanna is gone, and it was by the same people for a while. I think some Koreans bought the business 5 or so years ago and probably ran it into the ground. BBQ Country was probably one of the better BBQ places around. T here was another BBQ place out in Manansas that was well known and featured in a lot of traveling books as a good place to eat. I forgot what it wa
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
RE tax is, not sure about personal propertyt and check out this site. www.zillow.com
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
Tell dmv your license was stolen, which was (sort of) and get a new one issued. You can this online now as well. I don't think the security guard has the ability to override DMV and court records.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
So i guess the MD side just has a more powerful lobby, or the powers that be who are in charge of the park reside in MD? Not that I care, its just usually how these things come about.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
It must used to really grind Don G's gears when angry callers would get into the "divide and conquer" arguments on the D&MS and Don would have to defend the working relationship, pretending Mike actually did something of value for the show.
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15 years ago
I maybe wrong on this, but i think there is alos more "old money" on the MD side. So maybe that side of the river has had more time to mature in the beauty it is now? "I think Burke Lake is well maintained and popular." Considering Burke Lake used to be a landfill, i agree.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
Sam's Warehouse in Fairfax Circle has been "going out of business" for almost three years. I think an Applebee's used to be there on his pad site.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
That had to have been more entertaining then hearing the Junkies debate whether or not EB said "Holier then THOU" or "Holier then NOW" for about 45min yesterday morning.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
"Family is closing down few businesses we own here also, so there is a financial loss for the county aswell. Here we come MD." I'm sure your 3 or 4 malls carts will be truly missed.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
Just don't go. Watch the games from home and stop giving Danny boy your hard earned money. Even if you get free tickets, don't go. You will still end up spending $100 to go to the game. Don't buy any offical redskins gear or merch. The madness must end.
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
You people are all to supercilious. All things being equal, compared to domestic beers, imported beers (which have preservatives added to them and are pasteurized) have a longer shelf life. More likely then not, a store that specializes in beer is not going display its selection in the front window facing due east or west. Most stores are already basically controlled environments, consistent t
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
I stand by my comments.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
The imported beer is already tainted with perservatives and because of the perservatives they can sit on the shelves for a while and not have the taste be affected.
Forum: Fairfax County General
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