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Results 31 - 60 of 977
13 years ago
jtown Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > that girl is so fuckin hot 8=====D--, i love a > girl that knows about guns! now if she knew her > shit about sports id marry her How can you tell? Those lollipop sun glasses cover up 75% of her face.
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13 years ago
Guaranteeing income parity is not one of the enumerated powers to Federal Government by the U.S. Constitution.
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13 years ago
Caps Jihadist Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > While I give room and space for anyone in this > country's right to free speech...I dislike when > someone (especially a celebrity) comments on > something that they cannot relate to directly. > > Adam Corolla, we don't need to hear from you on > OWS. We need to hear from OWS on OWS. Stick to >
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13 years ago
Considering Adam is known for being lazy and unmotivated.
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13 years ago
Wasn't that movie plot?
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13 years ago
Yup, she's some other poor bastards problem now!
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13 years ago
my ex hated the term "panties" said it made her think of "granny panties" and thats just not sexy.....whatever....
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13 years ago
She looks like Jenna Fischer aka "Pam" from the office
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13 years ago
any relation to Agha Khan?
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13 years ago
She doesn't appear to have that typical ice cold heartedness i usually associate with Russian women. Wonder if Ovie's mom cooks for both of them.
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13 years ago
this tangent is useless without pics
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13 years ago
I'm just glad the gov't decided to stop wasting taxpayer money and strung some LED lights on that sucker. Per Caps jihadist its really a mass grave if you include the other 52 "murdered" trees at represent each state + PR + DC. Keep it pithy fella's.
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13 years ago
Assuming crosby has a 20yr career, he will be one the greatest goal scorers ever and its because he knows how to pick up trash in front of the net. Vokoun has no rebound control. I don't think its going to be close if Vokoun is in net.
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13 years ago
@ Bill.N. He still gives a wink and nod, your're just oblivious to it. Also, no exageration is needed to make Liberals look absurd. They do a fine job of that all on their own. Example: Jimmy Hoffa Jr. "Hoffa on Tea Party: 'Let's Take These Sons of Bitches Out!' " http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/hoffa-tea-partytake-sons-bitches-14452310
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13 years ago
This games does not end well. Prediction: Pens 6 Caps 2 Crosby has 2 goals 1 assist, Ovie 1 Assists, 4min, and penalty the results in a pens goal. Vokouns unwieldly rebounds are fodder for Crosby to pad his stats Shots on Goal Pens 33 Caps 21
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13 years ago
I was just wondering if Ovies big 10 yr contract had anything to do with his lackluster play. Thats sort of on the caps to signing him to such a long term deal. People tend to get comfortable when they feel secure. Just look at almost any marriage as an example.
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13 years ago
I don't know even know a good answer to that question. Hendricks seems like he plays with the most passion. The guy actually has some nice moves when it isn't being goon. He could probably really light a fire under someones ass. They should've kept Arnott. I liked what I saw in the playoffs. Yeah, there was concern about his knee, but this is hockey NOT basketball or football. Its low impact o
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13 years ago
@ CapsJihadist How do you feel about all the new post stike fans that came around right after ovechkin was drafted?
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13 years ago
Exciting Citations Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > twothousandand4report Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Per a 2004 security report shows that Israel > has > > thousands of Israeli mossad assination squads > all > > over the USA and the CIA and FBI are doing > nothing > > about it. &
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13 years ago
Ok so don't buy apple products, its that simple.
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13 years ago
Only thing it reveals is that script writers are idiots
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13 years ago
JBass Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > This. If you are like most young singles in the > area, you will want to drink a the Clarendon bars > for obvious reasons. If you are a half-way normal > human being and can stand some noise on the > weekends, split a single family house with a group > you can find on Craigslist. I have friends that >
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
What was the major commercial activity center back then? Where the traders joes is now? Also, what used to be here: View Larger Map
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Nope, Dixie is alive and well inside the clifton general store
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
I once tried the whole vienna metro mistake when i was commuting to Rosslyn. From door to door, It took me longer to get work via metro then it did to drive by about 5min. Considering the rush hour fare was about $4 each way, it didn't save much money either. Sure i had to pay a little extra for parking at my buidling but it wasn't much more a month then metro parking. I supose if vienna met
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Bill.N. Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > mcsmack Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Friedman's point that historically free > enterprise > > has worked best for the masses > > Thus proving that like many economists Friedman > really knew very little history. > Please link source to the "ful
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13 years ago
I know a dive when i see one
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13 years ago
Who here is at the Eminem level of self loathing?
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13 years ago
idealist Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Friedman was a conservative idealist, sure sounds > perfect when dealing a theory, but as any > conservative will tell you, real world is not kind > to idealist. It goes both ways. Communisim seems nice in theory but falls short of utopia, unless North Korea is utopia.
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13 years ago
OP's Clip
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