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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
Ive seen Water Buffaloe more appealing
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
Slicer-in-Chief doesn't get it Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > “It is always a challenge when you’re supposed > to be on vacation. Because you’re followed > everywhere. And part of what I’d love is a > vacation from … the press,” he said. > > He is so full of shit. He loves the liberal media. It's like his own private marketing group. Its
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
The United States will pursue the killers of two American journalists "to the gates of hell," Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Why does that sound like something a Muslime would say?
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
RG Me has a statue of himself at Baylor. Its about time we put this football GOD on a pedestal. SKINS TO THE SUPERBOWL AND RG ME WILL BE MVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/08/31/robert-griffin-iii-gets-a-statue-at-his-alma-mater/
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
Honestly Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The president offers condolences to the family of > the BEHEADED American journalist, whose murderers > were the same group that the prez had earlier > called "the JV," then nine minutes later allows > himself to be photographed in his country club > golf shorts, polo shirt, and soft spikes on the > fir
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
Incestuous Hillbilly Faggot Says Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > Hurts your butt EVERY SINGLE GODDAMNED DAY that > Obama is our president. > > That makes me smile. > > You are a true liberal. Smiles when he realizes this country has gone to hell in a handbasket thanks to our POTUS.
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
The Army psychiatrist who killed 13 people at Fort Hood has written a letter to the leader of ISIS, asking to become a citizen of the Islamic State's caliphate, his attorney said Thursday. "The letter states that Nadal Hasan wants to become a citizen of the Islamic State caliphate," attorney John Galligan said. "He wrote it in the last few weeks." "I formally and humbly request to be made a cit
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
The media is run by black racists. How else would a baffoon like Al Sharpton get a nightly TV show? How else would race baiters like Anderson Cooper (also a faggot) and Don Lemon (another cock smoker) get jobs? White on black crime gets ratings. Gets the savages stirred up and just like that they have a riot to cover 24/7 which is a ratings goldmine. This is why you hardly ever hear anything a
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
Someone's got to pay for all those great public services DC provides. I havent set for in DC in over 5 years and I'm so happy!
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
I kissed your mom. Right after she swallowed a huge load from me.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
I want to know how a bank gets hit with a $17 BILLION fine and can still be in business? How much fucking money does B of A have anyway?
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
This fairy tale is still going? Slow news week I guess.
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
Honcho Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Willards BBQ without a doubt. Willards sucks. Too sweet. If Fredericksburg counts as NOVA, there is only one place to go..... Allmans on Rt 1 at the college.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
What about other colors of crap?
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
Way to fuck up the topic title OP. You are a weetard!
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
LOL. Wrote: > > You would not want to fight with any of them. > > LOL Duh. What Im asking is say they came up to you and said we're gonna draw straws to see who gets to fuck you up. You can exclude one of us from the drawing. I would pick that guy
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
What do you expect from a place called "Burgers and Bullets"? A shooting ramge is not a theme park and a 9 yr old boy or girl has no business being there. Great idea you New Jerseys fucktards.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
Of all those Aryans. which one would you least like to get into a fight with? My choice is front row left. That guy looks like a killer.
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
There's a huge difference between being black and being a nigger. I suggest you educate yourself. Obvious troll is obvious
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
We're inviting trouble Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Vacation is one thing; but if the guy is away for > a protracted period of time you have to assume he > is there as a rebel. Who goes to Syria for a vacation?
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/08/25/nfl-suspends-meriweather-two-games/ How many times is this for that nitwit?
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
When youre the Gov of VA and you cant stop your wife from committing a crime that could get both of you thrown in jail........well, I dont know what else to say about the man.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
butter face n. A girl who is hot, except for her (but her, butter) face. If J.Lo had her face torn apart by wild dogs, people would call her a butter face.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
The twilight zone factor to this whole thing is the Gov admitted he knew it was wrong to take the money and gifts etc......BUT HE COULDNT STOP HIS WIFE FROM DOING IT? What a pussy.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
Tell me again why people pay to see these crippled senile old rockers?
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
He's right. Only dumb people like negroes would challenge a guy with a badge and a gun.
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
goading Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well unlike Bush the grown-ups are in charge at > the moment. ISIS is obviously goading us to make > them more important than they really are by some > massive military response. We kill lots of > innocents every day over in the Middle East - this > is part of the price. RIP and condolences to the > f
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
Jimmy Rustle Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > She looks like a clown now with all the plastic > surgery. Have you seen Bruce Jenner? He looks like a poor version of Jerry Jones due to using a cheaper plastic surgeon.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
Haha Maureen has chewed off all her fingernails. GUILTY!!!!!!!!!
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10 years ago
Hrundi V Bakshi
“It’s like looting tourism,” an officer commented as he showed the reports. He asked not to be named. “It’s like they are spending their gas money to come down here and steal.” "DeAndre Smith, fresh from looting the QuikTrip on a recent night, told reporters: “I’m proud of us. We deserve this, and this is what’s supposed to happen when there’s injustice in your community. St. Louis — not going t
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