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9 years ago
Loverboy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Someone explain, is Haymarket getting whiter? Hispanics are technically white. So officially, yes whiter.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
I remember seeing those "low flying government planes" threads and writing them off as ramblings of conspiracy theorists. The idea that the government was operating small planes to fly in circles and spy on people, right here in Fairfax, seemed so far-fetched that there was no way it could be true. But they were right. And if they were right about this, what else are they right about? Edit: Also
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
"Detectives do not believe Reston shooting was random-investig is active and ongoing" I guess that means the homeowner shot the dead one.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
More bikers with guns = less crime. It's simple science.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/17/us/texas-shooting/index.html Why can't they just kill themselves by plowing into the back of cars like they usually do (RIP Timmay)?
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Back before the speed bumps were put in, it was a pretty well traveled road. People would take it to get from heading southbound on Ox to the actual Yates Ford to get into western Prince William, and some still do. But new, alternative routes and the speed bumps have decreased traffic significantly. The speed bumps are a product of old traffic patterns and such, may seem unnecessary.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
DC cops released a useless, grainy video of a "person of interest". They also said the blue Porsche that was found torched in Hyattsville is a "vehicle of interest". So I guess it wasn't one of the victim's car then?
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
You'd think Weedman would put a character limit on thread titles after all the other times this has happened.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Oh come on, having at least one black woman on our currency isn't that bad of an idea. Harriet Tubman is about uncontroversial as it gets.
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9 years ago
Silly liberals, electric cars will never be a thing. Oil is clearly the future.
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9 years ago
Stop,ThenGo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No 5 second rule. You stop, then you go. Yep.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
libs are fucking stooopid Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No, it's just liberal propaganda with an agenda of > creating hysteria to make the uneducated to fear > constitutional rights. The guy did nothing wrong. The gun control crowd's reaction to Newtown was an example of them using hysteria to push their agenda. This guy is just an idiot, plain and sim
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
libs are fucking stooopid Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Look at all the fascist lib comments. Brainwashed > to relinquish their liberty and too stupid to > realize it. Yet they have no problem with police > officers carrying guns. Fucking wackos and 110% > anti American. No. Most of the comments here are defending a guy who's treating gun ownersh
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
I'd be afraid to own up to driving that shitty car too.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
What we got here is a con trolling a bunch of libs (much like a certain website). No big deal. But just because you don't like the gun control crowd doesn't entitle you to act like a child. At least in real life.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Poor Meade. 30 years later and he still looks like a fat little boy.
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10 years ago
Race baiting? Hardly. Playing the race card? Yes. Trying to purport the benefits of peaceful protest to the Chinese? Reckless. We don't need another 1,000+ dead in Tiananmen Square. Let 'em get freedom bloodlessly and over time like the Canadians.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Bump up your lithium dosage, svenestle. Having FCPS kids send a satellite into space is pretty cool.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
white devil Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What fucking good is he? Comic relief?
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
HdKYD Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Thats why I say there is NO WAY they will find this > airplane. Sorry. No doubt that's exactly what Shah wanted.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Effie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 10 minutes ago. Barry just finished smoking a huge rock that Gray gave him in exchange for his much coveted endorsement.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Poor boy simply has a social disease.
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10 years ago
Most likely the families will never be able to bury their loved ones. Pretty fucking depressing.
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10 years ago
Actually, three is quite an accomplishment all things considered. There's hope yet.
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10 years ago
How does considering reinstatement turn into "to reinstate"? C'mon Yucky.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Rockhound Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > This is the kind of propaganda they'll use for the > next couple years to gear people up for a > Republican president and a couple of new wars. It seems that might become a reality. I can't wait to see how quickly "fiscal conservatism" gets thrown out the window.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
It takes only a few bad decisions to turn a world leader into a laughing stock.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Greybeard Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > OK, I gotta ask: Why would you need to "sneak out" > to take your daughter to brunch? Does she have a > restraining order against you? Maybe wifey would just end up fighting with her. Does sound pretty... creepy, though.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Lowbrid driver Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Touché! You just don't get it. Primus sucks.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Jen Money Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Easier said then done.. Isn't nicotine more > addictive than heroin? Perhaps, but if I could kick my six year habit like that then anyone can.
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