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19 years ago
Ok, so I completely screwed up my laptop trying to 'fix' it. Short story is I recently got broadband and just as quickly got a virus as a result of my complete and total disregard for all forms of protection. If it happened to somebody else, I'd laugh at their idiocy. So, being semi computer literate, I tried some fixes recommended online... Point is, I give up. I know you guys are all comput
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19 years ago
Farker here
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19 years ago
It basically goes down like this. The parking garage on the North side (Vienna side) has some construction going on. Used to be I could find a spot up to till about 9. I've never really bothered with the parking lot on the South side (fairfax side) because if I make it early enough I like to park on the North side, and if there's no parking in that garage, there sure as hell won't be any in t
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
First, why would rstidman call in to that lame ass show? Don treats his callers like dumbasses. Then again, that's what most of them are, from what I can tell. Second, Kwitcherbitchin when people use a big word inappropriately it's called a malapropism. I wonder if there's a similar term for someone who tries to sound intelligent while spewing grammatical errors like a tourette’s patient? T
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
The economist Thomas Sowell wrote an interesting piece on this recently. http://www.townhall.com/columnists/thomassowell/ts20050816.shtml Leaving prices out of the picture is probably the source of more fallacies in economics than any other single misconception. At current wages for low-level jobs and current levels of welfare, there are indeed many jobs that Americans will not take. The fact
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
One time these teenage assholes were following my brother around shining one of those spotlight things that plug into your cigarette lighter. Well, as he started getting closer to home, he started getting a little more edgy. Finally he stopped. Threw his old chevy impala into reverse slammed on the gas and backed into them. Threw it into drive and took off. I'm sure their piece of shit 199x
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
This thread makes my brain hurt.
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19 years ago
Chappaquiddick anyone?
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19 years ago
Before we got married my wife found some decent roommates via the message board here. http://www.frontline.to/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi Frontline is the singles group at McLean Bible Church, just FYI. Her roommates weren't Bible thumpers by any means. They were actually pretty laid back. Anyways, I think it could be a good place to find decent roommates who wouldn't be much trouble. Unless you
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
Neither do the chinese. Check out Wok-and-Roll for the BEST chinese buffet in Manassas! /Sarcasm. (Actually, that place is disgusting).
Forum: Western Fairfax General
19 years ago
So a kind soul replied to this post. Unfortunately I'm too much of a retard to actually check the e-mail address specified. Shit. Well anyways, the "blue biznatch" made it's final run last night. Used to be they'd give you a tax exempt letter for the blue book, but now I think they just give you an exemption for whatever it sells for at auction. So I should get $5. Well, that's $5 less for
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
Did you say you work at Cinema De Lux? Can you hook it up with some Director's Hall flics?
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
From the FFX Co. school's site "Drivers less than 18 years old have a midnight to 4 AM curfew, except when driving to and from work, a school sponsored activity, or with a parent or guardian in the car."
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
My wife works for Nationwide's legal defense team, so watch out! Actually she just does insurance defense, like if a nationwide driver smacks into you, and you sue them.
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
It is impossible to argue that the Constitutional rights of people living in D.C. are being violated by the absence of statehood given that the Constitution itself set things up that way. Regarding Congressional control of D.C. I don't know much about D.C. city politics, but it seems like the autonomous board of commissioners isn't doing such a hot job either. As to the question of whether peo
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
D.C. statehood is as retarted as Señor Chip. Civics 101. The Constitution specifically puts the control of D.C. in the hands of Congress so that the seat of the federal government would not be subsumed by or put at the mercy of a state government. Of course, at the time, state governments were a lot more powerful. The only real argument to be made is that state autonomy and power has been usur
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
carguy you are a - wait for it - twat. I hate that "wait for it" shit. The comment about the ripple in the collective pond of knowledge though. That made me laugh. The pond around here is about 1 inch deep, and it's more of a cesspool than a pond really.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I'll ask Tom Davis next time I see him. That is if he's not too busy interrogating professional athletes about steroid use or campaigning to make DC a state.
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
93 Ford Escort Wagon (classic) under the front passenger seat. I don't think it would be too hard to do, but I'm the opposite of handy.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I was re-watching the old Bad News Bears the other day and cracked up at the part where Tanner is saying all we got on this team is spics, niggers, and jews; and Ogilvie comes up and says, in case you haven't noticed, you're one of the few non-spics, jews, or niggers on this team. That scene definitely didn't make the new version.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
Unlike a previous thread, I need a 12 disk changer uninstalled. I'm donating the car to charity (purple heart). I talked to the lady there, and they just sell it at auction and collect the cash. If it was going to a soldier or someone, I wouldn't mind leaving it in, but since it's not... I'm not sure what the going rate is for ppl with skills out there, but I'm willing to pay cash or beer or
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
rstidman's house.
Forum: Western Fairfax General
19 years ago
I don't think there's anything open at FFX town center at 2 a.m.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I have it on good authority that Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas are staying at the Madison Hotel in D.C. under the name Andrew Shepherd. I'm not sure why anyone would care, except she's hot of course. But in case anyone was looking for a career in stalking, here's a good jumping on point.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I've been to a Joe's Crabshack before though not the one in Fair Lakes. But basically they're like any other mediocre chain restaurant. So, if you like shrimp, go for it. But for 13$ you should consider a late lunch at the Malibu Grill. Besides, if you are Korean, just go down to Super H Mart and wait for a "super crazy sale" on shrimp. You can get a boatload of nice shrimp there cheap.
Forum: Western Fairfax General
19 years ago
SHISHA: There's a couple of places locally where I get shisha tobacco. The best is the Mediteranean Bakery over off Duke Street. Basically, take 395 to Duke St and then a right onto South Pickett Street. It's down on the left in the shopping center w/ Home Depot. 352 S Pickett St., Alexandria, Virginia However, there's also a decent selection over at a middle eastern shop near the Amphora re
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
GravisOut of curiousity, what's the address of your journal/blog that was violated by the Fairfax Co. Gov't?
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I don't thinks so. Cary has a link to the FCPD police log: http://www.co.fairfax.va.us/ps/police/reports/news.htm And there's not much there. The only thing I can recal in the past year was that kid that got groped at the Fair Lakes Toys-R-Us. I didn't mean to worry you. I was just thinking about when I checked Somebody's site the other day for my area code 22030 and apparently one Mike El-Yus
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I bought a whole pineapple from Super H Mart the other day. Cut it up for breakfast this morning. That thing burned the hell out of my mouth and tongue. That ever happen to anyone else? I've never had a problem with pineapple before. And the same thing happened to my wife, so it's gotta be the pinapple itself rather than some wierd allergy. I found this posted online for you science types.
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
OMG!!1! lol "bot cassue" freshmen rule!
Forum: Fairfax County General
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