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11 years ago
hoser Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Please upload some more giant maps, this post > isn't quite fucked up enough! No, u
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Does anyone have any photos of these former railroad lines in the area? * Washington and Old Dominion Railroad * Great Falls and Old Dominion Railroad * Washington, Alexandria, and Mount Vernon Railway * Lorton and Occoquan Railroad * Fort Belvoir Military Railroad * Fairfax line (streetcar) * Thrifton-Bluemont Junction Connecting Line
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
While on the Rolling Road overpass going over the NS tracks heading south, has anyone ever noticed the old bridge abutment? In case you didn't know, that used to be part of Rolling Roads former route, until they straitened it out.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Free Speech Advocate Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > OP would no doubt appoint herself to serve as the > free speech coordinator here, deciding what may or > may not be said. Another typical lib (or > religious right) dictator-wannabe to enforce > political correctness. Fuck off. He sounds like a Republican, actually. And I farted!
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Two pictures (that aren't currently broken):
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Thrownatbirth Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I had a great individual plan and covered the wife > and three kids for over 30 years. I have zero 01 > January. > > Think twice before you vote. And what do GMU students have to do with your plight? Doubt they were the deciding factor in the last election.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
RadioGeek Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Not sure how long it'll be around, but I've setup > a new scanner feed that's available on the Zello > iPhone & Android app on a channel called "Fairfax > County Police / Fire Scanner". > > Get the app and search for Fairfax Scanner and it > should show up. > > Bear in mind it's going to so
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Springfielder Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I believe this is the location of Locust Hill. A > portion of the original house was built in 1790. > > History: > It was the home of Colonel Milton Dulaney Hall > (1848-1939), who purchased the house when he > married Ella A. Coffer in 1881. The house, > situated on more than 200 acres, was t
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
terrysb Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm not sure I understand quite what you are > saying. To receive FCPD and other local emergency > services you need a scanner capable of scanning > trunked radio systems. You also need a decent > antenna mounted as high as possible to get > reliable coverage. I have both. Finally, to > rebroadcast ov
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
grovetontiger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Where is it up and running? When I go to any of > my 6 scanner apps, it says streaming, but there is > nothing but silence. I left all of them running > for ,5 hours yesterday and not a sound, not even > hissing. To make sure it was not me, t changed > the channels to Fairfax county fire/rescue, th
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
When stopped at a traffic light or else where, someone leaves two car length gap in front of them.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
I guess yall could go to The Crucible in DC, but you need to be a member to attend their events.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Anyone remember this private driveway off of Guinea Road in Burke?
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
JustanFYI Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It's a compatibility issue. FCPD and other > agencies in the county have switched to a new > radio system with different repeaters and such. > This impacts how the scanners are able to capture > the frequencies. It's now an encrypted digitial > feed. > > Think about how Verizon Fios is configure
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
Getting it Together Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Kevin Zuiker and Jessica Remington were scheduled > to be sentenced for conspiracy (5-40 years) on > 4/17 but no news has been released (look for the > next centreview to status). I'm an old friend of Jessica and I'm glad that she'll be sentenced. She fucked up and she has to pay for her mistakes.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
Purge Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Alchemy was at the Nation. > > The Nation was bulldozed to make room for > stadium. > > Therefore, we can conclude Alchemy no longer is > there. > > Thanks for the four year old information. Nah dude, the place got its own location in Brentwood. Maybe if you had looked at their website thorough
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
Yes Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- The democratic fools passing oppressive > global warming regulations will, in fact, be very > harmful to Alaska and their oil revenues. Aren't you going to elaborate more?
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
boredom Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > For fucks sake. Obama has a valid birth > certificate stating that he was born on U.S. soil. > Arnold doesn't. End of fucking story. They're just upset that the person they voted for didn't make it into office. But if McCain made it to office, do you think those same people would even make a deal about McCain be
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15 years ago
Vince(1) Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20090417_up_u > p_and_away_the_wests_hysterical_reaction_to_north_ > korea/ Is that website similar to infowars or prisonplanet?
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
Go count your dick!
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
I'm friends with a very attractive Afghan girl (who likes white guys lol) and she's not a criminal.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
jimmy jingles Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I nominate Springfield Garden Apartments on > Commerce.. That complex is going to be razed once the revitalization of Springfield Plaza finally starts. I found this out after looking at the blueprints online.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
Terrell Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Lifetime employees (gypsies) only steal ipods, > cellphones and cash, and occasionally drown > unsuspecting kids. Why are they gypsies?
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
Yes Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- pour a bunch of budweiser What would be a good alternative to Budweiser?
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
Does anyone know that status of Jess Remington? I haven't heard if she got convicted yet or not.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
There might still be that one place in NE DC: http://www.alchemy-dc.com/
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
People who jump the gun and make assumptions.
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
Johnathan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I love Whole Foods. The food is great. The cost is > high, but it is the real cost of doing business. I > don't buy everything from them, but when I'm > looking for specific items...it's a great place. I concur.
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
WashingTone Locian Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > WTF? > > Why would they extend Metro to Fairfax or > Manassas? > > The only logical extension of the Orange line > would be to Fair Lakes/Fair Oaks and Centreville. > People from Manassas and Fairfax can drive to the > damn Metro parking garage. I'd rather see the Orange Line head up
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
MrMephisto Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Use one of those single-blade Bic disposable > razors. I've been shaving my sack for years, and > those fancy, expensive razors tear your shit to > shit, if you know what I mean. > > Don't use shaving cream either, you can just use > water as long as you shave with quick, short > movements. Don'
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