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14 years ago
She DeviI
Eli, please kill yourself already.
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14 years ago
She DeviI
just sayin' (3) Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > She DeviI Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > justsayin Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > School starts again soon and they'll > hopefully > > cut > > > down on the posting
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14 years ago
She DeviI
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14 years ago
She DeviI
You guys bitch, moan and cry about the shit I post, yet you don't follow your own suggestions to "ignore" and to "block" you still READ and VIEW my posts like there's no tomorrow. And sadly, when school starts I won't be going seeing as how I graduated already, so I'll be here, causing more problems until my account gets deactivated. So, enjoy! :]
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14 years ago
She DeviI
Warhawk Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > justsayin Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > School starts again soon and they'll hopefully > cut > > down on the posting then. > > > We can only hope. 3 fucking weeks left and then > they're the teachers' problem. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! I'm not in schoo
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14 years ago
She DeviI
justsayin Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > School starts again soon and they'll hopefully cut > down on the posting then. This she devil girl is > really hungry for validation and attention. > Didn't they all hang out on 4lulz or whatever that > lame site was, why don't they go back there? ^^^ This is what I'm talking about. That right there, is
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14 years ago
She DeviI
Numbers Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I barely ever read threads started by unregistered > users, so I'm not really bothered by all their > stupid back and forth. But I can't understand the > childish, boring and schizophrenic thread > campaign. > > If they hate each other so much, why don't they > just use the "Gravis Ignore Script"? &
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14 years ago
She DeviI
Gonads & Strife Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > MrMephisto Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Please ban She Devil, Eli, and anyone related > to > > the bullshit that they post. Nobody cares > about > > this bullshit, and it's fucking obnoxious to > see > > fifty threads from these
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14 years ago
She DeviI
ITRADE Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "Shedevil" has 523 posts in 30 days. Talk about > insane. Ew, stalker. And lmao, yeah, and 500 out of those 23 posts are "ha" dummy.
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14 years ago
She DeviI
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14 years ago
She DeviI
"liquor" and "you're" were both spelled wrong, retard!
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14 years ago
She DeviI
LMAO!!!!!!!!!! Wowzers! :]
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14 years ago
She DeviI
I started this thread! :]
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14 years ago
She DeviI
jerry garcia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > conie = she devil = just sayin' Yes Eli. You're totally right. lmao..damn, now I see why no one likes you on here. I'll just do like the rest of the world and your parents do and ignore you now! :]
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14 years ago
She DeviI
LMFAO!!! Yeah, totally. After I JUST said on my name, I'm gonna go and post under justsayin, yeaaaaaaaah...glad your ass took the liberty to do it yourself. Thanks.
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14 years ago
She DeviI
"any nug will do"
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14 years ago
She DeviI
I don't know what "egistered" means..so I'm gonna go with a resounding no..
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14 years ago
She DeviI
I'm sure they do. You going to come to FFX Station and shoot me? OOOOOOOOOO NOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :[
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14 years ago
She DeviI
lol, that's right, get all pissed off because the truth hurts, faggot.
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14 years ago
She DeviI
lol, no thanks! :]
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14 years ago
She DeviI
Yeah, Eli, you WISH you were me. Everyone knows we aren't the same, and Cary even confirmed that, don't make me get the thread and post it, k? Thanks.
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14 years ago
She DeviI
After ALL this time, as soon as I called his faggot ass out on his bullshit. He just happens to magically sign on and go to the thread where I was bashing his dumbass and try to defend himself. He's been the faggot my ass all this time, with his anon names and Autobot/eesh bullshit. I'm done with the little kid shit and annoying drama. That's why I asked to have my name deactivated .
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14 years ago
She DeviI
You just made it even more obvious. And everyone knows you're also "justsayin" fuckin faggot. You just happen to sign on after all this time and magically go to the post where I was bashing your dumb ass, LMAO, yeaaaaaaah, right..kill yourself.
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14 years ago
She DeviI
No, you just didn't realize how fucking obvious that was until I mentioned it, and no one's speaking to you, you fucking dumbass faggot it's called TYPING.
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14 years ago
She DeviI
Yeah, like I said - AMAZING how you just magically pop up outta nowhere after all this time...right.
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14 years ago
She DeviI
Right. Amazing how you just magically pop up outta nowhere.
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14 years ago
She DeviI
Well, it's def not me, so have fun. And lmao "if you need proof I can provide it" yet it's "probably" all these people...yeah. Shut up, Eli you fucking faggot.
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14 years ago
She DeviI
LMFAO!!!!! I'm not though, that's the funny part!!! And if I'm a guy then why are you craving my attention so bad....faggot..
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14 years ago
She DeviI
That's nice, you're the one saying Autobot is me AND Eli. Really? How's it going to be both? It's one or the other, and it's not me, and CARY can/will confirm that, so get the fuck off my nuts you god damn faggot ass stalker craving my attention all the damn time because no other female will give it to you.
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