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10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
............whelp, MAAAAAAAAAAAYYYBE if your dumb ass wasn't driving so fast you'd have seen the pothole. Wet weather and salt PLUS plow equals potholes - EVERY metro area north of friggin Nashville has to deal with it.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
Aisu Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Jesus, I can't tell if you're trolling, or an > honest to god racist. > A small group of radicals does NOT represent the > majority of Muslims you racist trash. @Aisu - more than likely a little bit of both. The jackasses of Fairfax County are capable of multi-tasking, y'know :)
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
but I mean what do you expect? Just think about the who premise of the enterprise: endless food for a low price. You are not going to get the Creme d'Society at ANY buffet, my friend. Not unless it's $49.99 a person, something like that.......................................
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
Hey Guise! This is all I got right now (has it been up before? if so Im sorry) TT Reynolds in like 76or 77 I think...............
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
Y'all already said the one at the Circle and that one off of Sudley near Manassas Mall................................. there's one on Rte 1, little crappy gas station between Parkway and Backlick. NOT the station at the Joint Base entrance, but the other one. The only other one I can think of is in Dumfries, also off of Rte 1 (the southbound side)
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
hey OP: just to answer yr original question - Wed around 1:30/2PM is going to be your best best for the Mall DMV. Someone else suggested Westfields - that would be a better option if you had to go. If not, then ONLINE, like Joe Driver said above me here................
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
Damaged Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You know how you can tell if a WV girl is "on the > rag"?.... > She's only wearing one sock!!! > Helloooo...is this thing on? +1
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
Dems love the KKK Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Facts are facts. Democrats put a KKK recruiter in > the senate. All Gore Sr. was a racist who voted > against the civil rights act. Oh look, who is > Edward Brooke? Oh yeah, the first black senator. A > republican of course (RIP). I bet he went toe to > toe with Gore Sr. back in the day. > &g
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
Snitchiest Snitch Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If you value education, help weed out dealers and > thugs from your school. This stie is a great place > to do that and if he's telling the truth then the > OP deserves a medal. > > If you don't value education, go peddle your crap > in MD or somewhere and leave the schools here > alone.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
Selective Outrage Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Your son is a druggie and all of the potheads can > trot out their bullshit and propaganda but weed is > illegal in VA...deal with it. Your snowflake will > pay the price for dabbling in drugs and being a > rule breaker; that's called life. > > > BTW, it's nice to know we have become a soc
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
Tha Snitch Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > FROM MOST DANGEROUS TO LEAST > 1. William Gomez > 2. Brian Wester > 3. Chase Ketchum > 4. Charles Tyson > 5. All five black kids > 6. Mr. Duffy
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
DMV Observers. Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > DC has turned into New York and frankly it sickens > me! I was riding my bicycle through Shaw this > morning and on one block there are hookers (11th > and Mass NW) and only four blocks over (7th & N) > all these young 20 something's were running in > their lululemon outfits. LOL cause years a
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
15. 91%
a hour to go two MILES!?!?! Gimmie a break..........................LoLz
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
@O.P. - you might wanna try a message board on campus rather than over here on the Underground.....................just sayin......................
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
Falls Church has two papers Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Falls Church Times is an online newspaper > different from the Falls Church News-Press. The > editor of the FC Times website wanted to clarify > that. > > Michael Gardner did write for the Falls Church > News-Press and is friends with the owner and > editor Nicholas F. Benton. Ben
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
stick to the company line Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Blame black people and be done with it. We all > know, that's what's the accepted thinking on this > site. WingNut doesn't have the balls to say it > (because he's a PC loving hypocrite) so he uses > "hip hop men" instead. > > What a loser. Now I can't wait for all of the > butthurt
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
ROFLMAO @ that one http://fallschurchtimes.com/43128/gardner-arrested-again-on-new-sexual-battery-charge/ stay classy, FC Times.............stay classy ;) pic unrelated
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
Mick Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If he saves so much, why are he and his preachers > always hitting me up for cash?
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
@OP: If you go to a judge with that "didnt want to slam on my brakes" bullshit................well, you can figure out the rest. Pay the ticket cause you know you wrong. Bitch and moan at the cop for trying to keep that intersection clear of accidents (Geez, I wonder why he sits there all the time..........dur!) all you want if it'll make you feel better.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
Gordon Blvd 2 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The people involved in the accident are a poor > citizen and THE SHERIFF OF FAIRFAX COUNTY STACEY A > KINCAID........... oh, I'm sorry. I didnt get how you felt about this incident. pic unrelated
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
ROFLMAO @ people who care more about this than the ACTUAL PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THE ACCIDENT pic unrelated
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
............you know something? The sidenote to everything that morning for me was that before all the bullshit.......................well it was one of the most beautiful sunrises I have still, to this day, ever seen in my life. Anyways, I saw two F-4 Phantoms take off from Andrews about 20 minutes before we stated hearing about Shankesville. Have no idea if the two are connected or not.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
Kopko Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Serious question. Our local government seems to be > ok with the deteriorating of our schools and > community and it gets exponentially worse each > year. In a matter of time our community here will > no longer be desirable. > > I presume there will still be a good job market > here with the federal
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
Asshole Report #14-0071 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Gordon Blvd Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > if they really seriously gave a fuck, they'd > get > > rid of that STUPID, USELESS RED "X" > > > You dumb worthless goober fuck, that red X is very > important in maintaining a proper traf
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
if they really seriously gave a fuck, they'd get rid of that STUPID, USELESS RED "X"
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Gordon Blvd
hell, they'll even fire the "Brother" if you even THINK of charging a white guy http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/target-security-officer-fired-after-reportingshoplifting/2014/07/10/f3d6f606-0854-11e4-bbf1-cc51275e7f8f_story.html Hispanic guy would've been throw under the Loudoun County jail for shoplifting LoLz
Forum: Fairfax County General
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