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Results 451 - 480 of 629
19 years ago
451. Re: RTC
um jeez wear a raincoat and you won't get wet and as for not doing drugs... you smoke so that's drugs you fucking druggie. Just be who you are. oh yeah and being 18 won't prevent you from getting pregnant so why is that the magic number???
Forum: Reston
19 years ago
ghetto is encouraged at the places I go to no sophistication required.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
453. Re: RTC
I used to live there, going to SL is bad for you kids do drugs and have sex also
Forum: Reston
19 years ago
yes - I just asked a friend who dj'd the old goth night at bridges and he says it's no longer the same function, so I cannot tell you what goes on there now.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I see from a bunch or red signs in my area that a guy I went to school with is gunning for some clown I have little regard for so he can win the 47th state delegate district seat. I think that's for Chantilly so listen up, Cary. Well, Chris Craddock is the guy I went to school with for I guess six years. He was always kind of a dick to people, really self-involved and self-elevated. That happe
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I'm not chinese at all. Perhaps that should change.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
yeah I live in a condo but feel free to come by, byod
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I was at the house of a person who lived in chantilly, chantilly mailing address, and she was in loudon county. I questioned her on this and she stated that part of Chantilly is actually located in Loudon and that it straddles both counties. She showed me some of her loudon tax statements and stuff just to convince me, it was amusing. Anyway she lived poland rd., which is what herndon avenue o
Forum: Chantilly
19 years ago
they say the more first names the guy has, the better a lawyer he is
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
460. tunrtable
looking for a direct drive turntable in the dj style but not looking to be a dj... just looking to be able to cue my records more easily and the dj-style tables help.. anyone know where to get one used or cheap, brand is no matter
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
seriously fuck marriage so glad I didn't let those cuffs go on last year
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
so when are we gonna rip this shit open and party wtf is everyone doing this weekend anyway
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
yeah, you're right paul, they have always been there for me to give me speeding tickets. and the dozen times in my life I have attempted to enlist the help of a cop I was blown off. a poor lot they are.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
what about bridges? they have a night that is more goth-oriented. not sure whether it is wed or thursd.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
then try it I will not
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I've had smash borthers melee for ngc at my house for about a year and never bothered playing it, maybe I will give it a try
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I know this one place in hokaido
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
468. scale
I would like to buy a nice digital scale for weighing things. Small things. Where can I go to get one. I want it to to down to a tenth of a gram.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
other articles say he does have the permit... if he does have the permit they should nail him harder. They takes great pains to tell you what's cool and not cool when you get the permit. Schools + guns = not cool and this guy knows it
Forum: Western Fairfax General
19 years ago
rtfa loaded handgun
Forum: Western Fairfax General
19 years ago
Build your own mobile gun turret and kill the motherfuckers. Nobody would notice in that hideous traffic.
Forum: Chantilly
19 years ago
'your making it an idiot of yourself' Oh my god this comedy gold is writing itself. So much for the educational system.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
kevin wilson did some good work for me last year on a serious reckless charge in PWC
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
Gravis, WPA-SPK is powerful protection that cannot be broken on the ways that make plain WEP susceptible. WPA-SPK uses a passphrase for authentication and then uses TKIP, or in some cases AES, to create a random WEP key to encrypt each packet... and if one does not use password generation and makes a truly random key, WEP-128 (or even better 256 on some home systems now) does not contain the "by
Forum: Western Fairfax General
19 years ago
you could join ms-13 I hear they do a lot of late night "activities"
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I've noticed in the travels of my job that the richer they are, the less likely they are to be into a site like this, or less likely to be savvy about anything having to do with the net in general. Your average McLeaner has no idea a sight like this or craigslist or "whatever"even exists at all. They're too busy living in the McLean Bubble, a social phenomenon I wish to document and film that h
Forum: McLean
19 years ago
Well, I got to tell you dlee, whenever I hit your mom it doesn't even leave a mark. She's one tough lady.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
dude. it usually takes at least personal contact with the technology to give me wood. you are a quick-draw type I take it?
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
hmm I can't believe you didn't track me down for this party kevin, for shame FOR SHAME /still got to hang with some random stripper while at work so all's not lost
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
Big Tymer, you macho stud... come over to my place tonight and give me that BJ you promised. I'm going both ways now, just for you. Then we can takes turns with my girlfriend... I get the impression you are the type who would have to have a buddy around to help you with a girl...
Forum: Fairfax County General
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