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5 years ago
Enabler of clergy abuse. Can’t figure out why people are leaving his church
Forum: Fairfax County General
5 years ago
Jeff Chiow, shareholder, Rogers, Joseph, O’Donnell Legal counsel for The Episcopal Church
Forum: Off-Topic
5 years ago
Visit Jeff Chiow’s law firm’s website at http://www.rjo.com.
Forum: Alexandria
5 years ago
Like Donald Trump, Bob Malm doesn’t believe in the First Amendment.
Forum: Off-Topic
5 years ago
You have to hand is to Bob Malm: His hypocrisy is unparalleled. Bob may engage in shunning, bullying, perjury. He may subpoena the dying, call those entrusted to his care “domestic terrorists,” and more. Yet he’s an expert at trotting out the Jesus-babble and wrapping himself in the illusory mantel of faith. That said, his latest bit of Jesus-babble is so over the top that family members and fri
Forum: Alexandria
5 years ago
Grace Episcopal, which has members all over Fairfax County, pays $100,000 bonuses. Your pledge dollars, hard at work!
Forum: Fairfax County General
5 years ago
No surprise that people at Grace think it’s okay to trash talk other parishioners when Bob Malm sends out messages like this to the Grace Church vestry. And the fact that apparently neither Amy Medrick, nor Rich Kelly, nor members of the vestry, see this as inappropriate tells you everything you need to know about this sad, dysfunctional, abusive church and its rector. And so much for “respecting
Forum: Fairfax County General
5 years ago
No surprise that people at Grace think it’s okay to trash talk other parishioners when Bob Malm sends out messages like this to the Grace Church vestry. And the fact that apparently neither Amy Medrick, nor Rich Kelly, nor members of the vestry, see this as inappropriate tells you everything you need to know about this sad, dysfunctional, abusive church and its rector. Grace Episcopal Alexandria
Forum: Alexandria
5 years ago
Jason, how’s that whole transforming unjust systems thing working out? Must suck having a rector who commits perjury, bears false witness under oath, and subpoenas the dying. Hey just for fun, sometime ask Bob Malm to show you his proof that Mom or someone claiming to be her set up appointments with him “time after time.” You’ll quickly discover that’s a lie, made in writing, under oath. Maybe y
Forum: Alexandria
5 years ago
Anyone at Grace Episcopal recognize themselves in this thread?
Forum: Alexandria
5 years ago
Growing up, I had preconceived notions about toxic churches. But after my experiences with Grace Episcopal church in Alexandria, I now know that many of my ideas were nothing but stereotypes. As such, these ideas had a kernel of truth, but they missed the larger point. Indeed, I had so little understanding of what really goes on in a toxic church that I was a member of one and never knew it. So,
Forum: Alexandria
5 years ago
Bob Malm, perjuring priest
Forum: Alexandria
5 years ago
Bob Malm, perjuring priest
Forum: Alexandria
5 years ago
80,000 hits, here we come! All telling the bad news of Bob Malm, aka Dysfunctional Bob.
Forum: Fairfax County General
5 years ago
Today’s post examines Bishop Susan Goff’s ludicrous decision to cover-up Bob Malm’s perjury. Specifically, the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia recently held that it will not address Bob Malm’s perjury in our court case unless Bob is convicted of the crime of perjury. This is a ludicrous outcome and demonstrates the diocese’s true motive, which is to dealing with Dysfunctional Bob’s spiritual abuse.
Forum: Off-Topic
5 years ago
Today’s post examines Bishop Susan Goff’s ludicrous decision to cover-up Bob Malm’s perjury. Specifically, the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia recently held that it will not address Bob Malm’s perjury in our court case unless Bob is convicted of the crime of perjury. This is a ludicrous outcome and demonstrates the diocese’s true motive, which is to dealing with Dysfunctional Bob’s spiritual abuse.
Forum: Alexandria
5 years ago
Bob Malm, perjuring priest
Forum: Alexandria
5 years ago
Grace Episcopal Alexandria, home of the $100,000 bonus
Forum: Off-Topic
5 years ago
Grace Episcopal Alexandria
Forum: Alexandria
5 years ago
Grace Episcopal Alexandria
Forum: Off-Topic
5 years ago
Check it out! My tweet publicizing the Wartburg Watch’s article on Bob Malm’s claims that I am a “domestic terrorist” has now been seen more than 200,000 times.
Forum: Alexandria
5 years ago
Robert Hiller Malm, perjuring priest
Forum: Fairfax County General
5 years ago
Bob Malm, perjuring priest
Forum: Alexandria
5 years ago
When will Bob Malm, perjuring priest, put his money where is mouth is and show parishioners his proof that Ms. Yahner repeatedly made appointments with him? If Bob weren’t lying, that should be pretty damned easy
Forum: Alexandria
5 years ago
Bob Malm, perjuring priest
Forum: Fairfax County General
5 years ago
Bob Malm, perjuring priest
Forum: Off-Topic
5 years ago
Bob Malm, perjuring priest
Forum: Fairfax County General
5 years ago
Bob Malm, perjuring priest
Forum: Fairfax County General
5 years ago
Bob Malm, perjuring priest
Forum: Fairfax County General
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