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11 years ago
matt 703
http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?000+cod+46.2-1078.1 § 46.2-1078.1. Use of handheld personal communications devices in certain motor vehicles; exceptions; penalty. A. It is unlawful for any person to operate a moving motor vehicle on the highways in the Commonwealth while using any handheld personal communications device to: 1. Manually enter multiple letters or text in the devic
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
Hey there momma - Take it to Kim's auto on Pickett Road (next to the post office). Only place I trust. I take my two cars there, my brother and parents do also, as well as my mother in law.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
what a retarded question to post on here. Were you really hoping for a serious answer? Have you not been on this site before? Talk about a softball! anyway, i agree with the person who said, ask her what she would like to do. Seems like a good approach unless you're trying to surprise her.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
the law is bullshit. Fairfax county over reacting b/c one idiot with 30 kids had an accident and a child died. Typical politician knee-jerk.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
aren't there enough Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > brothers in DC area? hahhahah
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
This sounds fishy. I play at these parks twice a week almost year round on legit soccer and flag football leagues. Before and after our games, kids (and adults) are always using the fields, except as it gets late. We stay and socialize in the parking lot after the games and NEVER once have I seen a cop or park police hassle anyone at a field. Which park and what were you doing?????
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
Exactly right. Any degree is better than no degree, unless you want to go the trade route. I'm a Sociology major working in government contracting, not using my degree, making decent money doing more IT related stuff. I never would have gotten the job w/o a degree. I picked Soc. b/c it was interesting and I had NO CLUE what I wanted to do after college. It worked out well for me. needs more
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
agreed - it's very busy on nice weekends. If you're planning on a picnic while you're there, do it in your car while you wait in the line and it doesn't seem so bad. The problem is, there's still only one way in and one way out. Last time I was there I asked the guy at the booth if they could try sending some extra people up into the line and start collecting cash and let them pass through in
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
Here in Burke, it got a little windy for a few minutes, then rained. No biggie. The government folks I know all had to work today, business as usual.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
Love that place, great to take the kids for cheap movies.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
It's sickening that the government has the "right" to do this. Same thing happened to my grandparents back in the 50's. They owned about 50 acres off Braddock Road....Until the state decided that was the best place for the Northern Virginia Training Center, used eminent domain and forced a buyout at below market price. My grandparents had no choice. That property would be worth millions today
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
I know this isn't Yelp, but I went to Piero's Corner over the weekend (where Carlos O'Kelly's used to be) to have some beers and food with my wife. They started us with Bread which was decent, but the pesto - i think that's what it was - was bland and terrible. Our ceasar salad also was bland, no flavor. Our calamari was something i could have gotten at the frozen section of Safeway, except
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
Wow- that is intense! "G" Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Like a lot of kids, I had an imaginary friend > until I was about 9 or 10. I don’t remember > playing with him, but I do vaguely remember going > to see a psychiatrist about him. I described him > as looking like me (red hair, glasses) and having > the same birthday as I do, and I called
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
Ditto, she's the #1 seed. > I'd rather look at Inez Sainz
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
matt 703
Although I definitely laughed at the post below, I will go ahead and suggest Mama Lucia's in Fair City Mall. go back to where you came from Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > oh yeah, because new york pizza is sooooo fucking > special. why don't you just go the fuck back where > you came from and eat all of your precious fucking > new york pizza you want
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
All good points... basically we are just starting to think about moving and had have kept our eyes out for possible houses. This one popped up, but I had some questions since very little info and only one pic was posted online. So, we tried to reach out to Fairfax Realty and never heard back. Pretty strange, made me wonder if they are legit.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
Anyone have experience with Fairfax Realty? We called them multiple times about a listing, and even emailed, but got no reply or callback. Do they even want to sell houses?
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
Couldn't agree more! karisma Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > - Sam Huff and Frank Herzog doing Redskin games. > Sonny, Sam, and Frank were the best announcers. > Folks would turn down the volume on the TV and > listen to to the radio.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
Didn't know "Feds" were driving FCPD cars now.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
The food wasn't top tier, but man I miss Carlos O' Kelly's. The free chips and salsa, the cheap dinners, cheap drinks and cold beer. The place sucked, but man did I love it! Oh well. Any suggestions for cheap mexican joints where you can have drinks? Chevy's is okay but a bit far for me.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
We took our dog to Pender, but that place is like a prison. Dogs locked in cages all day/night unless you pay extra to have them walked 3 times a day, just long enough for them to do their business, then it's back in the cage. Next time I need this service, I'm trying Affectionate Pet Care off Pickett Rd. Dogs get time to run around free, no leashes/cages, and interact with other dogs. And,
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
that is pretty funny.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
PhotoJack45 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If any neighboord has been developed in the last > 17 years, it would have very few cicadas because > they would have been bulldozed in the building > process. The don't burrow very deep. If your > neighborhood was built in the several years before > that, you still might not have many due to the >
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
Loads of Em Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I've had a Cicada explosion in my yard all week. > Thousands of them. Trees, bushes, front stoop > covered with them. West Springfield/Burke area. Really??? Because I live in the same area and have seen a grand total of 1 cicada so far.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
Enrico Palazzo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Didn't see the MS-13 drinking 4locos staring you > down in that video. Agreed! why would they do that??
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
The new law is bullshit. All this over-regulation is because one idiot daycare provider watching 23 children allowed some kind of accident to happen and a child tragically died. This is knee-jerk politics. Our daycare provider is in-home in her townhouse, and if this goes through, will probably cause her to either double her rates or move into a single family house (because you can have more
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
If something tastes bad, it's usually a good indicator to stop drinking or eating it.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
matt 703
There are tons of kids playing outside in my neighborhood in Burke.
Forum: Fairfax County General
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