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12 years ago
This was the first response I received from anyone. It came at 11:26AM on Monday. I'd pretty much "gone nuts" pinging people by that point, just begging for someone's attention. Nothing followed on Monday. --------- Mr. XXX – I have sent your email off to our security staff, the principal and the cluster. They will look into the matter for you. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Sorry... "He was a biker, and it tore me up to see what they put her through." She barely survived, and degenerates considered the whole thing to be laughing stock.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
No, I posted once under a different name, after a friend of a friend was killed. He was a bike, and it tore me up to see what they put him through. Just once. If I could've wiped my "monitor's memory" after what I read, I would've.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Actually, that brings up another SNAFU... If the police DID notify the school, and it's a SACC program, is it still a "whole different department" (paraphrasing Fred Ellis). Truly, the responses I've recieved here have led me to believe that the readership would vote to drop the matter, now. Again, I appreciate the support of those who understand my position, and for those that don't, I hope y
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
I'll try to make this my last post on the topic, unless I can get some "traction." It would be quite easy to just be quiet now, and let this die down. Unfortunately, I can't rest that way. In recent years, I've seen armed guards patrolling schoolyards, looking for wayward smokers. But, when I call 911 from a school that's 2 (3?) miles from a station, and it takes 10 minutes for Police to arri
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
No... my argument is that the "normalcy bias" is worse than I thought. Everything was fine this time... maybe it will be next time. I don't find something like this, going completely unreported, to be acceptable. As far as I'm concerned, my children were involved. Twice, in one day, I had reason to be concerned for the safety of my Daughter... another for my son, too, who played at Hollin Mea
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
I've just been convinced that it's unlikely that anyone is going to come up with the right answer, unless I push. So, I'm applying more pressure. If I'm right, it's my only choice. If I'm wrong, I'll live with it. When I'm thinking about MY kids, I don't compromise.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
I mean... how can I possibly see this so differently than you folks? Especially those with kids???
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Have you ever had a moment when you're so full of self-doubt, that you have to know? I'd really wanted to let the process work. I'd truly like nothing more than to remove this post. But, it's out there. And I need to know whether I'm sane or not. I submitted it to Fark.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
See... you're proving it again, PO. When you combine that quote with the first part of the sentence, the CONTEXT changes. I'll give you a moment to look that up. Now... if you're with me: You were specifically excluded, by that sentence. See... literacy. It's hard to overhype.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
And you "read" like you're barely literate, PO. We all have our charms. Heheh... had to see what the muck felt like. Yuck.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
JBass: I just looped back and read your article. That one really chills my spine. If everyone just assumes that someone else is going to take notice, or do something, nothing ever happens. I wonder how many people have sat in the dark for days, assuming that "the power company was working on it", because surely, somebody else called them. From what I saw, I was one of only three that really p
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Thanks so much, to those that understand. Honestly, I'd been losing sleep all weekend -- really, from the very outset, all I wanted to do was hear that someone knew who this person was, and that he and the child were okay. Or even just that the child was at school. My second worst fear (behind harm to the child) was that he might not have had a child there, at all. I've gotten "unofficial" su
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
JBass: I’m continuing to ponder your question, and come up with my own distilled answer. Could I actually ask you for ideas? If: - Someone in the parking lot had troubled you enough to call Police - That person then surprised you by popping up among a large group of dancing children (including your own) - The staff thought he was part of the show - Two other fathers were with you, expressi
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Again, I won't go further into the details, though I'm curious what particular brand of racism causes some of you to assume that I'm not black. Details can be had from anyone who was there, or from the Principal, or from Christine Donohue (Chief of Staff, FCPS), who will tell you that it's SACC's problem (I've yet to hear from anyone on staff there) or you can keep inventing them at your own con
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
BTW, among the news outlets that didn't feel that this was worth mentioning: Channel 7 Channel 4 Fox News WTOP As a parent, I'm left to wonder why they think that I watch the news :-)
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
I don't intend to cause this person further embarrassment... I'm going to assume that it was an OTC interaction, myself. Any questions probably should (and I wish you would) be directed toward the Principal at Sandburg, Mr. Terrence Yarborough. His initial evaluation seems to have concluded that this was a "non-event", but having the company of other alarmed parents at the foot of the stage tel
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
This person has been identified. He did, in fact, have reason to be at the school. I'll probably never know what happened... it was clear that he was distressed in some way, but my deeper worries have been resolved. The incident is being reviewed by Fairfax. It's my hope that if there wasn't a policy to prevent something like this from happening, or at least to report it, that there will be,
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
On 5/19/2012, during an extra-curricular event at Carl Sandberg in Fairfax County, VA, I witnessed this gentleman in the parking lot of the school. At first, I didn’t pay attention – he was engaging other people. But, when I came back outside, he was slowly “cruising” the parking, playing Reggae at very high volume. At one point, he stopped, got out, and danced for me while I filmed. Back in h
Forum: Fairfax County General
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