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12 years ago
jenk: "what you should have done was ask dancing man to teach you some moves" Actually, you're right... This might've gone in an entirely different direction. Truth be told, I'm too white to dance, and to uptight to learn.
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12 years ago
I keep looking at the end of this thread... No, the CSS injection hasn't been removed. This thread will need Page 4, I guess.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
"ANYONE who reads this" How would you know, BTW? There's more to read from you, Gordon, and other trolls than there is from me, and all of it is saying I'm crazy. Really, anyone who breaks it down will probably be just as concerned about Gordon as I am.
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12 years ago
"can't come onto FCPS grounds" Thanks for making my point, Jenk... it's hard to get answers when nobody will return emails or phonecalls, and you're not allowed to go there. I'm still waiting for my PI to let me know if the letter was real. I do appreciate the input.
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12 years ago
meh: "But, you are what you are and that is crazy." "All The Best People Are" ~ Lewis Carol (I think)
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12 years ago
"plaintiff has an action for tort and can prove by clear and convincing evidence that: (1) the wrongdoer’s conduct is intentional or reckless; (2) the conduct is outrageous and intolerable; (3) the wrongful conduct and the emotional distress are causally connected; and (4) the resulting distress is severe." I have to speak to my own lawyer about that... #4 might mean that I am crazy, which might
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12 years ago
meh: "I honestly believe you could EASILY win a case of emotional distress due to the unlawful detainment" Wow... there is some substance with meh, after all. Yes, that's actually been my belief all along. It's been my hesitation to really screw up my Sister-in-Law's life that's held me back since the first. Thanks for saying it, though. I agree with you on this, entirely. Unfortunately, I'
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12 years ago
Random "butthurt" (this is an "inside reference" to a meme that Gordon overuses) of the morning goes to Dougie, I think. (I'll admit: the odds of selection will always be slanted in his favor, since he's rich with stories, and I only "knew" him for a couple of years.) BBNAB.
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12 years ago
"Go to jail!!!" Well, I went to the Franconia Precinct, if that counts. I had Cinthy with me... sometimes, you feel better with a witness, though I guess everyone will try to discredit both of us together. I tried to get information about why the Police were at my house a few days before. The official answer over the phone had been because I'd called them. And yes, I'd called 911 because the
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12 years ago
Wow... She's "ballsier" than I thought... You'd think a New Editor for WAMU would know when to keep their mouths shut, at least. -------- Re: Cindy - for Scott Sharon Rae Pettigrew Sent: Fri 8/10/2012 8:43 AM To: Scott Lehman ***snort Sent from my cute little pink iPhone ---- On Aug 10, 2012, at 7:21 AM, Scott Lehman wrote: Cinthy and I talked about this for a bit… Neither of us think
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12 years ago
Nope, not borderline illegal. If I lie about them, or ignore a C&D, then we get into lawyer country. To be honest, I'm not sure that I need to press it hard... maybe a "random butt-hurt of the day" thing. I'll be working legal angles, but they're slow and expensive. I'm going through this to find out the truth that these folks already owe to Cinthy & I... it's not going to be forgotte
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12 years ago
Let's see your opinion of one when she's armed, agitated, and comes to your house after being told that you threaten kids. Yes, Women police officers can be equally scary.
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12 years ago
And why is she always eating? I mean, yeah, we all have to do it, but in every photo?
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12 years ago
I'm really wondering how much Clair Thomas (Malone) actually knows... I think she's fully supportive of Dawg and Misery. I'd stayed clear of her for a bit, but it might be time to check her background, too. Is she the one who works at John Hopkins?
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12 years ago
I'm not sure what I'm going to do at this point... going through the courts will be onerous, and I didn't want to even start down that road, but one of these guys will be on my side of the courtroom when we get that far, I'm sure. I'll cause random butt-hurt, of course... I don't want these people to forget what they may or may not have done to my family. But the idea that even now we're forced
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12 years ago
You only bumped it till 12:00? What's a guy gotta do to get some attention around here. (Really, I admit: my JenK script crashed... meh will talk to anything that tells him it's a girl)
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12 years ago
Why hasn't Gordon changed it to Susan?
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12 years ago
"said I was part of some conspiracy to implicate CE" I do have to retract that... if you search for Caleb, it's not hard to find "his" posts. He was "active" on this site the day before you registered this current nick. Here's him on 6/21, yapping away with Ito, though. Gordon probably still has his name in her tagline, doesn't she? http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/2/936632/93716
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12 years ago
Joe Friday: "WHY do you keep talking to yourself?" It's like Scott said... call him, and he'll tell you the truth. Otherwise, the questions been answered, and no matter what I say, he's going to turn it around on me. He's tricky. I have days like that, too, BTW...
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12 years ago
There's gotta be some jokes in this, though... How does Brian test melons for freshness? ...
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12 years ago
No... Brian's not TheNorthman. Maybe Doug Slack/Murtland of Richmond and other locations... but that's just speculation, right?
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12 years ago
Officially, I have no idea who you are JenK. I've never accused you of being anyone that I'm aware of, except either Gordon, or an extremely close relation or friend. I've speculated a bit. I might again. Hell, I can reveal you as my puppet again, but that act becomes predictable, and I'd prefer to keep it fresh. I hope with every post, everyone will picture the attachment. I mean really, d
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12 years ago
You really can't read, can you? That said that if anyone actually thought that I was a threat, they should be getting on the phone with Clermont, or the Police. Where's your imaginary threat, anyway? I'm trying to understand how the world looks to you.
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12 years ago
JenK also welched on a $20 bet. I don't believe that JenK is quite as poor as she claims, but even if she was, she's been pretty spineless about it.
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12 years ago
Everyone might remember that JenK was low enough to be involved in a conspiracy to impersonate C.E. (badly) while claiming to be a protector of the guy... And she's desperate to stay relevant, somehow. I imagine Susan is going "nuts", if she's really off of Facebook. What about her farms? Anyway, in all of this, people keep yelling "he's crazy". But nobody will tell me why I shouldn't know t
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12 years ago
To keep Susan's attention, I need to respond to Jenk every now and then: "Jenk, I agree with you, on some part of that. I might even read it later." And say something for Susan: "Susan, tell your friends about your artwork the next time they're over, and how much you paid for it. Does Jeff fully realize?" And I realize that I use "paid" in the loosest sense. I'm not sure if the balance has
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12 years ago
And Sharon and Laurna...
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12 years ago
I have nothing to do with the Katie posts, BTW. I mean that truly, and I wish they'd stop. I was actually thinking about giving Katie a call, and asking her if she had any ideas about how to help me stop this charade.
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12 years ago
Where's Gordon, BTW? She'd enjoy Scott's rants, for sure.
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12 years ago
I'll bring the Jenk puppet, if you'd like, though. Just wash it when you're done, please.
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