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12 years ago
meh: "How to make people think you're crazy by talking about yourself in the third person" Not so much... she's seen Howdy Doody do it. She figured out how it works pretty quickly.
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12 years ago
Joe Friday: "I wonder why I still reply to your shit." Yeah, I wonder that too.
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12 years ago
I'm not sure which part needs to be broken down for you, Joe. Please post in English.
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12 years ago
At that time, if I recall, "everyone was Gordon". Why wouldn't ilulz be, too?
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12 years ago
I'm perplexed... what was Scooter's motive?
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12 years ago
FWIW... I am the "BBQ Man". I just had a hunch that if I posted as me, this whole thread might've been taken in a different direction. (I'm testing that theory now, I suppose.) I'm not a heavy enthusiast myself -- I've just been around enough die-hard grill gurus and sampled enough results to honestly believe that charcoal tastes better. The proper wood chips (Mesquite, etc) open up a whole n
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12 years ago
Joe: What help do you think you can give? I'm honestly curious. The Mental Health system has looked at me, and not found me needing. At one point, I was screaming for attention to stay safe. Again, it was based on what now appears to have been untrue from the start. Knowing that the cops aren't in fact, after me, and the only "danger" is from those I once trusted, I and my family are actual
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12 years ago
"You're mentally unstable. So the CPS can come in and decide whether you are a danger to your children or you are neglectful. It's up to them to decide not me!" You're not in a position to decide my mental stability. I've offered to let you make an informed judgement on your own, but you won't. Your slander doesn't matter. The fact is, I HAVE been evaluated, and they sent me home to be with m
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12 years ago
I'll confess to starting a couple, but someone is crushing on the guy. Cary knows, I'd imagine.
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12 years ago
meh: "Are you threatening to rape me?" No promises... it depends on how drunk you get me, I suppose. I've been known to show poor taste when I'm drinking.
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12 years ago
And no, what meh said wasn't true to begin with. None of them have called me a drug addict, that I know of. Brian told a bunch of people - including my Wife - that I was sitting on a stash of drugs, though.
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12 years ago
"has been friends with for 20 years" - and hasn't seen in 18.
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12 years ago
Actually, I didn't even mention preserving user info. You guys were into that before I got here. I just said I have it, and the tools to grab it, and more, in a different language. Yeah, I know, I'm a freak because I won't run from "butt-hurt". Bullies point that out all the time.
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12 years ago
meh: "I need attention so I'm going to try to derail this thread too" No, I don't need to try. My fans will do it for me.
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12 years ago
FFXU Analyst.: Thanks for the mention of Beautiful Soup. I'd looked for scraping libraries a long time ago, didn't find anything better than what I could write, and I've been using my own stuff. The name "Beautiful Soup" led to a targeted Google that led to this: http://htmlagilitypack.codeplex.com/ I'll be checking it out tonight. BTW, with my homebrew stuff, I have a complete capture of a
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12 years ago
Heheh... okay Joe, I'll try to give you a better picture tomorrow, but probably back on the "Owning My Name" thread, or a new one. I'd be fine with letting this one rest, for now. It's pretty toxic, and I'm not proud of it, though I won't promise that that was the end of it. Susan was accusing me of slander... I wanted to make sure that she and her fellow conspirators had some consequences att
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12 years ago
Picture semi-related...
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12 years ago
No worries... we had a good day, but thanks for your concern.
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12 years ago
Define "fun", please. ---- Re: Open Letter to Scott's Wife Posted by: Joe Friday () Date: August 12, 2012 09:15PM meh Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > bah, jenk can't you just let this thread die? it > was on it's way out! > > Scooter seems anti-social lately. It's best to > leave him alone now. Ahh...I thought we were going to have fun
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12 years ago
Forgive me... I know this is supposed to be about Doug Murtland who may or may not be TheNorthman, and maybe Brian Haddock, who certainly isn't.... But, is it okay to talk about Gordon here? Cause I think she's losing it. Again.
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12 years ago
These misdirects are interesting... there's never been any reason that I know of to think that Katie and Brian are involved. But, there was little reason to think that Brian was TheNorthman, either, and I kept saying it. Doug seems like a great match, on the other hand, but this poster isn't motivated to go in that direction, apparently. I know that Eesh spends a lot of time staging attacks on
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12 years ago
A thread just for me? Sweet! I've always hoped for one of those. "JanusProspero" appears to be another obsessed fan, BTW... look at the registration info and posts - I'm guessing she's here just for me! I've been working on something funny... and yes, "Nurse Susan" will be a recurring character. Hang tight Janus... I probably won't post it in this thread, but there's some laughs coming up.
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12 years ago
How many "Scott dedicated" threads do we need? I mean, doesn't he create enough of them, himself? I think Gordon's cracking again, BTW, or Dougie is getting pissy. Who is JESSY? Doug seems to be the only one blurting out names -- he posted his kids name here yesterday after talking about how dumb that would be. Is Jessy Doug's Sister? Doug really does have impulse control issues. If what I
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12 years ago
JenK: "I'm sure they said to stop harassing her" Actually, it's more like they asked me to stop her from harassing them. You can ask my Wife, she was there. Anyway... they mentioned the Magistrate, and I think the Officer knew me well enough to know that my reaction wouldn't be "normal". I asked: "If she accuses me of making up anything, I get to call witnesses, right?" He agreed, and wonder
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12 years ago
"COCAINE!!!" No... Brian had a bad cocaine habit. I never did. I probably would've if I could've afforded it, but as it was, I generally just did whatever was put in front of me. That was a long time ago.
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12 years ago
The nightmare evolved, by the way... originally it was just "something". It didn't become "Brian's planted whatever" until after the abduction.
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12 years ago
I'm going to take it easy for the moment... Everything is in the air pending an answer from Cathy, and I've got a sad hunch she's going to continue hoping this will go away. I'd begged her to talk to her own lawyer right away. Anyway, Doug used to be limber. Maybe he still is. When he lived on a mattress on a floor in Largo, he claimed to be able to suck himself. I don't know if he was seri
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12 years ago
"because of his PTSD" I've said from the outset that it's because of seeing someone burned alive, and suppressing most of the memory for about 20 years. Yeah, tease me about that. It's one of the biggest issues that PTSD sufferers face... you're supposed to be ashamed, and it makes things worse. My PTSD is well managed, generally. Until some crap kicks up and I'm scared to death, grilled in
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12 years ago
OMFG... meh's dog might be into some real bad news. I put one of those images into Google Search, and found this. I think it's related.
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12 years ago
Joe Friday: without a shoe, a picture would prove nothing.
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