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11 years ago
They do it for the same reason that they drive 10-15 over the limit when the roads are icy: Apparently, intelligence is water-soluble.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Welcome Back Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Come back, Scott, come back! Seriously, there are > people on here who make you look normal. At least > you're intelligent and have a sense of humor. Thanks, but I suffer from "performance anxiety". What if I can't maintain the level of "crazy" needed to satisfy the folks who're too obtuse to get my jokes? Y
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11 years ago
FFXU Sleuth Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You should be > eager to take credit for pulling off the biggest > trolling on FFXU since 2concerned. Does this mean that I have to give up my trophy?
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12 years ago
If you believe the rumors, he's still around....
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12 years ago
My family had lunch at Glory Days today. I'll be the first to admit that I've had some "less than wonderful" experiences there in the past, but they seem to have stepped up their game since the last time I visited. And let's face it, their "$5.50 burger Monday" (a happy surprise) is hard to beat around here in a sit-down restaurant, and it's always nice when the staff actually understands what
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
First line should read: All that's needed is the ending "< / s t y l e >" tag in a signature. (Remove the spaces.)
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12 years ago
All that's needed is the ending "" tag in a signature. You're basically using an injection to close out another injection. The "re-opening" post won't be visible, but then posting can resume as normal. In order to do this, you have to have a registered account which allows you to have a signature, and it has to have been open for a certain amount of time (I'm guessing three months) which allow
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
I suspect the "view counts" were getting inflated because so many people were in the "single message" reading mode to get around the CSS injections, so one person reading a thread with 10 messages could count as 10 views. I don't think that Google takes view counts into account, at all -- there'd be no way to trust the numbers, and it would require special parsing code for each site that showed
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12 years ago
DBM doesn't seem to be alone in the "had enough" category. I don't know that stopping him is going to win the war. There's "Mr. Bumpy" who figured out that pulling up old threads also renders the site all but meaningless. If he's using Tor, or proxies, you can probably forget about shutting that down at all. If he switches user names with every post, it'll be nearly impossible to clean up, to
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Yeah, I'm familiar with that law, but as I said, I'm not sure that he's broken it, or that the charge would "stick". He hasn't altered anything, technically, he hasn't disabled anything, and he certainly hasn't erased any data. It's likely that he could even argue the "malicious intent" portion. Again, it's not a chance I'd want to take, but it's not a slam-dunk on the criminal side, either.
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12 years ago
I'm not even sure that it IS a criminal offense. He's copying and pasting text, but I'm not convinced that he understands why it works. Certainly, there's a civil case if Cary can show damages or lost revenue, but since the site doesn't accept advertising, lost revenue would be a tough sale, and since all of the "DBM" posts can probably be deleted with a couple of clicks, he really can't make t
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12 years ago
"You both signed up around the same time, and you're both prolific posters and troublemakers. Let's not forget the many times you bragged about how easy the website would be to hack." Wow, you really are dumb. You think I registered an account months in advance because I had this planned all along? No, you can't even read, it seems. I've explained why I won't attack the site. And no, I didn'
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12 years ago
LMAO... 60 Minutes Producer - CBS News Public Company; 10,001+ employees; CBS; Broadcast Media industry October 1999 – Present (13 years) New York, NY Graham Messick has produced nearly 60 stories at 60 Minutes, working with correspondents Steve Kroft, Scott Pelley and the late Ed Bradley. Producers at 60 Minutes are responsible for finding stories, interviewing sources, casting character
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
This was a troll post, apparently. .... SNT0-MC1-F43.Snt0.hotmail.com rejected your message to the following e-mail addresses: graham@hotmail.com (graham@hotmail.com) SNT0-MC1-F43.Snt0.hotmail.com gave this error: Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable A problem occurred during the delivery of thi
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Everyone is Eesh until proven otherwise, IMHO. It's a principle of security: when something is unknown, assume the worst. At least you don't have to worry about being outed if he's wrong, right?
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12 years ago
Shadow: "Sorry, I can't support someone who feels they have a right to block every single thread from comments from others. Not everything here is libel or slander. This is not the appropriate method to change things. It's vandalism." Yeah, I'll admit that I'm a bit conflicted. It's not an approach I'd take, but after watching Eesh pick fake wars with himself to implicate Inkahootz, and all of
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
Look up "Protected Free Speech" sometime... it doesn't begin to cover what goes on here. We have laws regarding slander, libel, and threats for a reason. As long as the "moderator" is protecting those offenses, then he's undermining ACTUAL "free speech".
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Despite some apparent confusion, "death becomes me" is not me. That said, I support what they're doing too, and I hope they stay out of trouble long enough to outlast this site. "Freedom of Speech" does not imply "Freedom to Libel Anonymously".
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12 years ago
You're wrong. And you're an idiot. Is that a coincidence?
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12 years ago
eesh: "Go to any Protestant church and the pastor will tell you MORMONS ARE NOT CHRISTIANS." should read: "Go to any church and Pastor will tell you nobody else is a proper Christian." You'd think an all-knowing and all-powerful being would actually be able to tell us whatever he wants us to know without the message being garbled by 2000+ years of reinterpretation and editing. I'm guessing
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12 years ago
C'mon, it'll be fun. The first registered users were "inkahootz", "chuckhoffman", "eesssh", "Brian Haddock", "mrlehman", and "Alias". You know there's good times ahead....
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
Okay, so someone put some effort into "fairfaxforums"... You look at the "member list" at http://fairfaxforums.com/memberlist.php , and wonder: What's the gag?
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12 years ago
JenK is right on: "do you plan on starting back up again on people again or can you behave?" I assume you're referring to Susan Mitchell Petty, the anxiety-filled, drug abusing, stalking and slandering Nurse at Inova who thinks nothing of sneaking into other people's homes when it suits her purpose? (She was trying to collect information about her ex-husband, who she cheated on - with multiple
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Not Scott: "I doubt that it's Scott doing this. ... Not his style" I'm inclined to agree. The fact that he said that he's never done an injection attack against this site - and explained why he never will - seems to escape many of the "sleuths" around here, though. I think it's safe to assume that he's not "Honey Boo Boo", either.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Nut Jobs R U: "I can't keep all of the nut cases here straight." Many of them aren't straight.
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