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11 years ago
He was declared "too incompetent to participate in his own defense", and died in a holding cell while awaiting transfer to St. Elizabeths.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Mental Health Referral pay Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I know Fairfaxunderground was rewarded $12,700 for > referring 2concerned to the mental ward. Im sure > they probably billed his insurance at least 20k+ > for the long stay. Should be a lot more than that... it's a year later, and I can only get on here when the nurses turn their backs. But
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11 years ago
A shrewd move might be to let Liberal Logic lead a class in Socio-Economics... Everyone could get A's for writing a weekly essay on "Why I'll Pay My Student Loan".
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11 years ago
TheNorthman Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 2concerned Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Ralph Pootawn Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > Young Curmudgeon Wrote: > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
Ralph Pootawn Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Young Curmudgeon Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Ferfux, True Blue, Gerrymander 2, Gordon Blvd, > > Numbers, 2concerned? Mr. Misery and Eli? > > > They work in the kitchen. I'm not allowed in the kitchen - too many sharp objects. How about Parkin
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11 years ago
asdfasdfasdfa Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Hi Scott, how's the straight jacket fitting? Pretty comfy, actually. With the entire world being so crazy, it hurts a bit less once you just stop struggling and accept that you're a part of it, too.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
fishy here Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You are not his spouse. This is a sick joke. You > included your e-mail address. You are a fucking > bastard. No grieving widow would come on here. She might have done that if she didn't understand the nature of this site. The header says "a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fair
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Dr. Doom Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >  never been on Seroquel, except for two days, > about a decade ago, and I reacted to it very > badly. In fact, I haven't been on any sort of > psycho-active medication in my adult life. > > Never too late to start buddy. Fair enough... can I try some of yours? > BTW, I've seen you outside of your hou
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
This cracked me up. Let me help you get your facts straight, though: Sharon Rae Pettigrew isn't an employee of WTOP, and hasn't been for a few years. I wrongly posted that she was "laid off", but she corrected me to say that she left because her hours were cut back too far. To the best of my knowledge, she's now a News Editor at American University's radio station. She apologized for calling
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
For 1 bitcoin, you could be the next owner of this account. Send a PM if interested.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
what! Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > arent YOU scott? Eesh accused me of that. I admit nothing, other than having his wallet.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
Short Version: He was worrid about kids, got SWATTED, got pissed-off, and the cop he hated most worked with a friend who he shouldn't have trusted to have him "TDO"d. He's still pissed about it, but I think it was funny as hell.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
Do the research... he's the most interesting thing that's ever happened here.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
Yeah, I got his wallet...
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
BTW, this might be of more interest to you dolts: If you go back to the very first post, you MIGHT be smart enough to figure out how much is stretched the image vertically to flatter the cop.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Am I "ahead"? Damn... I'm adapted to "losing battles". I don't know what to do now.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
I've never even heard of anyone dying from PCP. It's been decades since I've touched it, and I could go several more lifetime without it, but... this is BS.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
gull-ton for punishment Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > i didnt even bother reading your wall o text I don't think "reading" is one of your skills, anyway. No harm/No foul.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
gull-ton for punishment Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > no just pointing out how pathetic you are being. > people are less likely to respond to you once they > see your purposeful attention whoring. I didn't see this at first. You responded twice, and complained about me being "purposeful"? I don't get it. Yes, I've had an agenda from the very first p
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
gull-ton for punishment Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > which is why no one besides me has responded and > you have had to resort to constantly bumping the > thread every hour. By the time I'd be able to answer that question, I'll probably be sober, and at a loss for an explanation. When you jump back into something a year later, armed with a ton of kno
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
I'm drunk. If you were looking for a "deeper" explanation, you'll need to be more specific.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
FWIW, this is one of the people who called me with a "death threat". He/She/It wasn't the only one, but...
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
gull-ton for punishment Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > now you're just begging for attention You catch on pretty fast. Thank you for giving me what I wanted.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
No, I have to correct myself: This was about the acts of "Fred Ellis, Safety Director of Fairfax County Schools". Fred started this. I emailed him before I got on a roll. He just stood back and watched everything that happened (and took some clips out of context in the meantime) knowing that he could've stopped it. Fred is an "ass". I'm not sure how to define "ass" so that I won't get sued,
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
@GordonBlvd: what's your intention? I was seriously against the real Gordon when I thought she triggered a FCPS alert. I now know that wasn't the case - Fred Ellis did it. I hate many of Gordon's posts, but I agree with her 90% of the time. My only vendetta against her was when I thought that she was responsible for my "SWAT" situation. So, what's your deal?
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
adding: "at work." for the "bump".
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
BTW, I will "re-charge" Principal Yarborough with "incompetence". Please negate all of the apologies that I previously posted. He (as I now have reason to believe) was directed by Fred Ellis to not speak with me... this was immediately after Fred Ellis refered me to Principal Yarborough for more information. I called the school almost every day for two weeks (after an extended "break") before
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Yes, I'm P.M. I'm also a racist, because - generally speaking - I believe that Blacks are better dancers than Whites. I'm also a meth-addict. I'm also the Boston Bomber. I was in the airplane that hit the Pentagon. If you talk to my Sister-In-Law, I'm irrational, because I want to talk to lawyers when I'm not allowed to use the phone. I'm everything to everyone, and when I fall short, I jus
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
LookThere'sAnotherIdiot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You're an idiot. High and mighty thinking you are > protecting your community by making assumptions > off of incomplete information. Oh noes, a parent > got jiggy with it. Lighten up and learn to enjoy > life. So you overrreacted and called the cops. > They investigated and that still wasn't
Forum: Fairfax County General
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