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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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16 years ago
I really wanted to f**k Chilly Amar back in the day. I sent her an email saying she would really like me and she said she did not date listeners. I said I will listen while she SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLSSSS!!! I heard she had a hairy back....
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Hybla Valley does have an plethora of african american and hispanic people, but it is not like fucking southeast. But, I would never live there, the complex use to be called Groveton Gardens, but now they have tried to re-name it something like "Arbor on the Green" or some bullshit. Just make sure you are not out jogging or walking you will most likely be asked if you would turn over your cell p
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Girls 20+ do not want to deal with guys that young (20-24), because most of them take their ques from "One Tree Hill" and "Dawsons Creek" bullshit. Where the men are basically love struck wimps, quoting 18th Century poetry and let their women carry their ballz around in a purse. Men (and women even) 29+ have mroe confidence and delveloped their own identity and do not need to play those idiot ga
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Native, sorry maybe it was your 23 year old girlfriend I am stealing, because you 19-23 year old boys are such pu$$y's t hey need a real man to show them what's up. I am 31 and find more women 21-26 coming up to me because men "their age" don't know their ass from their elbow. native Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > yep, get a red convertile and shut the fuc
Forum: Off-Topic
17 years ago
Boris, your personality reminds me of a quote I recently heard, "You are just a pu$$y with a gun" You probably are one of those people that annoy your co-workers by telling us all how great the new telescopic lenses are, and how you could have been in the service but because of your lazy eye, yada yada yada SHUT THE HELL UP!
Forum: Fairfax County General
17 years ago
True! Does anyone pass some female FFX cops and pray you have an expired tag or your tail light is out. There are some hotties out there...
Forum: Alexandria
17 years ago
I do need one, only if your name is Kristen Bell, Jessican Alba, or that girl who plays UGLY BETTY's sister. Seriously, the guy just rubs me the wrong way with how arrogant he is, and the way he treats staff at JFK. Also, the signs on the side of mass transit in the DC METRO area where he went all GQ is annoying - LOL!
Forum: Fairfax County General
17 years ago
Don Geronimo is the most egomanical piece of garbage there is going in the world today. The guy acts like she craps rainbows, and the sun rises and sets on his very precious schedule. Less we not forget half of their schtick is copied directly from HOWARD STERN, including his "I have had it with this radio station and the equipment". Dude, you guys are two fat losers, who would not be missed
Forum: Fairfax County General
17 years ago
I must admit I have found myself in drive or reverse a couple of times, but thankfully was able to hit the break in time. Its n ot responsible but we all have one of those days.
Forum: Fairfax County General
17 years ago
No, this issue is that FFX County Police really have nothing better to do then sit in driveways with their radar guns, drive up and down the street looking for expired inspection stickers, harassing any miniorty with "pimped out" automobiles. Instead you hear all the time how the police are called to some sort of disturbance such as gunfire, never show, then when a citizen inquires they receive t
Forum: Fairfax County General
17 years ago
I think it is just a sore subject truckin, i do not think he meant it personal. The comment you made could have be taken off on the wrong angle, or dismissive. I for one am tell my kids they are not driving until they are 21. What the hell were my parents thinking giving me a license @ 16?
Forum: Fairfax County General
17 years ago
You sir, are obviously one of these guys who live @ home with their mom, never has been remotely intimiate with a member of the opposite sex. Take all of your sexual angst and find an output for it sir. I love all of these people who hide on the internet and shout out insults and condem others as "morons" or "idiots". How about this, tell me where you live and you can say whatever you want to
Forum: Fairfax County General
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