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16 years ago
What do you charge Spunky? Let me guess, you probably baracade yourself in your living room, wearing your Tin Foil hat, looking to the sky for the black helicopters and wondering when the mothership will dock on earth and take you back to "Spunksalum 12" for a brief period of "Re-Neducation". I just happen to speak native Spunksalum. thevs--~ ack ack chick chick naeigh neight fornum rah.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
This is the same guy in Drag I say beat the shit out of two illegals trying to jack him at the merrifield post office. it was the funniest thing ever. I think the two fu*ktards actually thought that the dude was girl til his ham hands laid the beat down on their "Me know nothing" ass!
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
yes, kerry took it in 2004 if i am not mistaken.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Barrack Obama's mother's, friend's mother's, neighbor's cousin, step brother's business associate 6th removed once on the father's side once stole a packet of rubberbands from work and didnt replace it. This is the kind of anarchy you want in the highest office?
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16 years ago
Exactly. But now is when you will see all of the bullshi* conspiracy theories come out from the GOP. How the Dems rigged the Palin finding, they are involved in voter fraud? Seems to me the Dems were being ridiculed in 2000 when it was apparent that there was foul play in Fla. Personally I love the fact the GOP is imploding and McCain is starting to crack along with his crowds. I though "that
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16 years ago
Here is the thing. The GOP know that the are going to lose the White House. They are trying andything and everything to hurt the Dems. This voter fraud that FOX NEWS is bullsh**ing about is another case of them trying to come up with excuses as to why they will lose. Just think, wasn't it 8 years age GOP and GOP apologists were saying that same thing about Al Gore? Let's just calrify, Al Gore
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16 years ago
While I am voting for Barrack, I will say that this SAT thing is crap. I will also say that I am an idiot, but saying that, I have a good job, graduated with honors from college, and make a good salary and I totally screwed off on my SAT's. I would hate to see what my score was! Why? Because in HS tests such as these kids do not take seriously. Unless you are one of these over achiever's or A
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16 years ago
Track, you and me both!!! Everytime he said that it was akin to mails across a chalkboard. One thing McCain might want to do the next time: (1) When talking to your African-American counterpart. Do not refer to him as "That one". (2) Do not look at a African-American audience mbr who asked about the economy and say to them, "Before all this happened, you probably had never heard of Fannie Mea
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16 years ago
yes but the person who "hung" himself, that was at nfcu
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
To: A Regular Poster From: Someone Who Doesnt Give a Shit You need to crawl out from your bomb shelter, "Blast From The Past", realize this is the 21st century. You're lucky the only thing these teachers are doing is a tongue piercing. Maybe you should have your husband pierce you somewhere then maybe you won't have such a stick up your ass (or maybe you will! WHOOPS!)
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Tilt was the GOBOTS of arcades in the day!!!
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Keep speaking the truth Spunkster! By the way Conspiracy theories or not I love hearing that shit regardless because its just interesting.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
How do you all know Spunky is a guy. Could be a girl and some of you losers are wasting the one chance you have at getting laid with something other then your hand while you watch your asian neighbors ANIME movies.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Why did he tap Palin? Cause is a senial old bastard, who in his grand wisdom thought by selecting a cute, young woman it would sway all the Hilary votes to his side. What he did not count on, was the fact everyone sees that Mcc*nt has a personality you could stuff meat with, while Obama is charasmatic and speaks on the issues and does not just sling mud or try to distract you from the issues. W
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16 years ago
YOu want to see a train wreck, re-watch yesterday's skins/dallas game. I think the Cowboys offense and defense sums up Train Wreck quite nicely.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
And the T.O. implosion begins. IT is a good thing that bunch of "mary's" have the Bengals coming to town next week. If they had to play us or a real team you would see T.O.'s teeth explode. Man up you big bald headed sissy! You got yo ass shut down by Springs, and then Rogers and secondary proceeded to beat your dummy ass around the field. What's the definition for "Over Rater" = The 2008 Dal
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Hey douchebag "Registered Voters". When you're out whoring yourself and your kids in 4 years, if McShame and Tramp Pallin get in office then remember what you said, because if the MCCain/Whore ticket get in office this country will have stopped circling the drain and officially gone down it, you dumb conservative c**ksmoker!
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16 years ago
This girl sounds like the woman in "Waiting", the one who had a nice taste of Dane Cook's pubes!
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16 years ago
that actually is really sad, I miss ugly!
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16 years ago
The Dark Knight was perfect (save two things, The Joker leaving the penthouse, and sometimes Batman's voice was hard to understand). I am sure there are many people we all would love to show the Joker's magic trick too - ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
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16 years ago
some spanish guys probably shot some other spanisg guys, but I am sure it was some 5'7" spanish guy who was wearing jeans that inappropriately touched a female.
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16 years ago
going to the post at the top of the page. So by that rational, you're saying she cheated and deserved what she got? WOW!! No wonder the middle east is the shithole of the planet. You Afghan's and middle east men in general need to understand something. This country is what you called a civilized society. You cannot rape women just because you see them on the street, you cannot touch underage ch
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
she rook rearry, rearry, ugry.......ahhhsooooo
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16 years ago
People with the name Vincenzo are 100% more likely to be douchebags when they grow up.
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16 years ago
well, then, you are an idiot...
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16 years ago
That place should be imploded! It is so scuzzy and disgusting!!!!!! I remember times as a kid running through the mall to TIME OUT. I do miss the hot girl who use to run the ORANGE JULIUS, damn she was fine! Now its a piece of shit, and has a weird smell.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Dr. Piscotti in Springfield off of Beluah Rd, he always has some hotties in there..
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
So what are we suppose to do? Tell our kids the world sucks, and that if you even step foot outside the door the sky is going to fall. Just make sure your kids know there are creeps in the world. If something like this happens scream their head off. That 14 year old obviously has deeper issues if she is going to go back to a hotel with some scuzzy looking gipsy.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
I think filming was complete that weekend, with pick-ups happening later this summer. But they are now filming in PA around STATE COLLEGE.
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16 years ago
Seriously, they were filming this weekend, but in VA. They were fimlming out at the Steven Hazy Air and Space Museum. Shai Labeef was there, with Megan "Hottest Girl on the planet" Fox, and John Turturro. The scene that takes place involved an Sr-71 Blackbird that transforms into Jetfire. Also, a 2008 Pontiac Solstice (Jazz), and a yellow camaro (Bumblebee) were all parked in the lot. Amazin
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