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16 years ago
God help the organization that hires your ass. At least they will be getting a bargain. You should put on your resume' that while they are just hiring you, they are getting 250 personality's for the price of one! Heels on Spunky = Cankles! More like canned hams stuffed in shoes!
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16 years ago
You really are in need of urgent care. I know all of this attention just feeds that massive ego of yours. Of course it's funny that anything related to you is fed more then your mouth your damn compulsive eater. But you are amusing, kine of like that village idiot, or Cuba Goooding Jr in "Radio". Honestly, in the movie TROPIC THUNDER, the other movie referenced "Simple Jack" was really taken
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16 years ago
What I was trying to do was lure you and finally get a picture of your hugeness. I guess my plan went awry. I think what we all can take away from this is that you are in fact a stalker. As I was more then willing to just let you and your cats live together is squaller, while you see terrorists outside your window. Why? You obviously monitor the PM's you send, even to those you do not care for
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
That's the standard line. But if she is, I feel bad now. No I will not let you put a wig on me. Or sit me in a corner putting make up on me like your serial killer tendencies would like, all the while saying "Pretttttttttty"
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
I have a feeling if anyone is living in their parent's basement and still using a dial up connection it's you Spunk. Saying that now, the reason you are picked on so much looney is that you call it upon yourself. Your delusions, assumptions, racial profiling of what you deem to be "illegal aliens" is like a tunring on your porch light in the middle of the sumnmer. It just attracts attention yo
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16 years ago
Ask your mom, I just left her house last night as she and your sister were both unsatisfactory and very pleasing at the sametime. Sorry for the California Potato chip I left on your "binky".
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16 years ago
If I am not mistaken, she was also talking about how looking at her white rabbit get's her off. Which leads me to quote one of the great film Principals of all time, Ed Rooney (Ferris Bueller), "sooooooooooooooo that's how it is in their family". Spunky, this is one time you do not want to follow the rabbit down the hole! Something tells me you don't need much prompting to "drink me", and don'
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16 years ago
The reason I, and most of the other's, on this site ridicule, it is because we just love you so much. I think I am ready to propose to your silly Mohammad Atta pie face loving self. I do not care that you have to weigh yourself on a track scale off of I-95, or that the smell between your legs rivals that of t he Potomac River on a mid-July day after a month of record humidity. You crazy kid, yo
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Don't you need to go and shave your back and straightened up your 'stache just a tad. Do you know what the difference between you and a fat brained ass is? no? Well the fat brained ass would...
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16 years ago
What's amazing is that they are winning and Semin, Fedorov, Green, and about 4 others are out. If they can just keep it up for another week til the big 3 come back they will be good. I figured they would let down tonight in Columbus, but I am not too worried. They are in 1st, and when they get everyone back they will just be that much better. Oh, and OVECHKIN went from 30th in scoring to 2nd in
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16 years ago
No, but I have had a 3some, but if you and me were to hook up it would be more like a 4-some cause you and your waistline count as 3!
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16 years ago
Spunky your fat ass should head over to the middle east, cows are sacred in that part of the world. You would be treated with a little more respect you hungry hefer!
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16 years ago
on Spunky's face...
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16 years ago
idiot! they do not just sell redskins tickets you mental case. You will never be in like flint..
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16 years ago
Spunky, what kind of car do you drive, Miss High and Mighty? Do you drive a Prius or some kind of eco friendly car? if not, shutty uppy you pie face.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Craigslist.org under tickets.
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
No but I am pretty sure your mom must have been on something. How else do you explain your delusions? Do you feel Aliens from the planet Erkslasm 12 have come down and abducted most of mankind with quasi-human replicants? I think you're the pie face!
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Spunky are you taking too many of your blue pills again? No wonder you're seeing Mohammad Atta on every corner. Your meds have you seeing frogs dancing on lily pads with top hats and canes. Does your lesbian lover know you're this crazy? Now I see why you were fired from that credit union. I am sure it was more then the reason you gave, you cackling old crow!
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16 years ago
SPUNKY = Proof that THE THREE STOOGES did in fact procreate WITH ONE ANOTHER!!!!!!!!
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16 years ago
I think all of Spunky's personalities fall into that range some where...
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Best Place to see movies: Regal Kingstowne 16 AMC Tysons Corner Fairfax Cinema Deluxe What is it that Fairfax Cinema Deulxe does not play a lot of Blockbusters at the their theater? This summer a lot of the big movies (Save THE DARK KNIGHT) were not that (Iron Man, etc..) Also, the new BOND movie is not there, but they still have NICK AND NORA'S INFINITE PLALIST. If you can get a ticket Cinem
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
someone forgot to do the "Spunky take" where its a grand plan by Mohammad Atta!
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
I predict Dallas 14 Redskins 10 and Spunky will claim that the illegals at 7-11 had something to do with the offensive line playing so poor!
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Woman seriously, were you dropped on your head as a kid? Do you see spots? does Elvis (or mohammad atta) speak to, does he tell you do to things? Like were a foil sailor hat to protect your head from the CIA probing your brainwaves?
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
I thought it was pretty funny. Maybe it is the CIA trying to pull you into a trap Spunk? or Mohammad atta! atta! Atta!
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Spunky I was at the 7-11 on Hummer Rd and Mohammad Atta was with a Hispanic guy. They threatened to dig up the Chemical Weapons I was burying in the area, and then a large credit union in Vienna for "off'ing" people that sniffing the smell from the 3 most polluted rivers in VA, and then had the nerve to tell me I was masquerading as Elliot in the morning and/or Lurch Poppa.... Spunk, you need
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Everyone is forgetting. The cop was speeding like a maniac in the middle of a bad ice storm. Why? To stop a fight one mile down the road between a group of kids who were just acting like dipshi*s. The officer is 22 years old so I am sure youth was a factor too, that and FFX County Cops are kinda dicks. Always around when you're going 30 in a 25, never around when a old lady is getting mugged in
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Yeah I was kind of freaked out about it. Thought maybe Spunky had sent it to me with a feature at running into one oft he 9/11 terrorists at POPEYES ordering a 4 piece.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Maybe Mohammad Atta was driving the car while picking up an illegal alien from the 7-11 while disguised as Elliott in the morning, and then covering up a mass conspiracy at a local credit union. Yeah Yeah that's it I tell rabbt, that's it...
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! If I am not mistaken you said "Someone is trying to impersonate THE SPUNK". Did you seriously just refer to yourself as "Spunk"? Oh Spunky you are a silly little goose. Word to the wise Spunk, match.com will help you work out those repressed feelings of sexual inadequacy. Or maybe your dad never rubbed cream on your bum and told you that you're special.
Forum: Fairfax County General
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