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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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Results 13981 - 14010 of 14019
13 years ago
I do, but I never listen
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Exactly what was her vulva doing so close to your orbital cavity in the first place? I would hope that incest is illegal in Virginia?
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Maybe the Redskins will draft Satan next year as a Field Goal Kicker?
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
The Lamb Center sounds like a really facsinating place, with a variety of interesting people . But I have questions: 1. Does The Lamb Center offer overnight facilities? 2. Are meals served? Hows the food? 3. Could I drop in for a visit? Is there an observation area? 4. Are mental health services available? Thank You
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Another empty Sombrero
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
I'd answer the question, but I doubt if you're for real.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
The problem with the KKK is they always target the wrong people. Instead of blowing up meeting places for negro terrorists , they bomb little girls in churches. Instead of lynching vicous jigaboo gang members , they hang farmers and working class darkies. When the Black Panthers were around, the Klan avoided them like the plauge. You never hear of Klan attacks on Crips or Bloods. Apparently, t
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
I vote for more coyotes and less Yuppies and illegal aliens
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Who says romance is dead?
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
JBalo don't lose that number...
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
I'd bang Snookie, but I'd also want to remove her vocal cords.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
IF they don't stink, I don't mind a bit of blubber.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Looks like things are returning to abnormal?
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
The corn thing can be baffling. I've seen kernels expelled a week after inital digestion. I do believe they can get stuck in there, but thank God for pyslium powder. Once a week a big dose sweeps my bowels clean . It's sometimes horrifing to see the sludge and other articles that gets eliminated.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
eddy munster Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I was told I must have a BMW if I am single. If > married with kids I must have a super size SUV > with a OBX sticker and those stickers of stick > people showing how many kids and animals we have. > I must also bore the living piss out of my co > workers with the exploits of my kids soccer team > o
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Mr. Misery Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm hurting myself with the juice. I can't > help it, taste so good but it just ends up hurting > me.......I always come back to it. I let it hurt > me......I need to get out of this abusive > relationship with orange juice I have Leave it and return to prune juice. Prune juice will NEVER hurt you.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Notice how all the dead people failed to respond?
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
The Japs haven't been the same since the A bombs in '45.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
She'll only kill to save her social life. The dog may be safe.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
It's not you...it's me.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Lance Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > So Addictive Lounge downtown Herndon Well, they ARE smoking cylinder shaped objects there, but it ain't tobacco.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
I am saddened to realize that these are not postings from true homeless mentally impared people.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
I tried to eat a duck, but she wouldn't keep her legs spread.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Anybody willing. Lips are lips.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Sherif sells drugs AND has a sister? I need a friend like that.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
eating sometimes Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Santini's and Jerry's both have New York pizza. LOL ..not really How come in NY no one advertises "Fairfax County Style Pizza"?
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
I just hope you get blowed by the third date.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
More of a emphisis on the cheese (REAL Mozzerella) and (fresh)tomato sauce in NY . Around here, a pizza is considered great according to the toppings
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
I saw one today on Blake Lane, small and young but otherwise healthy looking. I hope it avoids the heros that can't wait to kill something.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Would requesting that someone shove their moral compass be considered a sign of the loss of moral compass?
Forum: Fairfax County General
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