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9 years ago
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
I've seen it covered.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Koch stoolies.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Cornstarch and carageenan my ass. It's chocolate jizz.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Perhaps prudent investigation will determine the real killer... i mean dialer.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Chasty is tasty. From Girls Guide to Depravity.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
It's fun to stroke out a load as the train is going by.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Right, the fact that they were working in a clandestine site had NOTHING to do with it.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
The truth is that we (men) are opportunistic, and generally tend to enjoy the tits & ass that are in front of us at any given moment.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
on a tangent -- I have a tough time believing anyone needs to smuggle weed from VA to TX. That said, had that happened to me I'd have a tough time tossing it. Haven't used it 20 years, but I'm sure I know someone I could pass it off to and have a cut come back to me when it's all gone. Hard for me to toss valuables.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
I'd hit it. And she is funny and smart.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
That's amusing. This attack on Trump is coming directly from the GOP, and still there has to be some snarky dig against liberals. This is why we can't have nice things.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
With you. Don't be an enabler. Some people need hard lessons to learn good financial management strategies.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Swinglifestyle is probably your best bet, but be warned, they can be standoffish and clique-ish at first. Most will insist you show up at one of their lifestyle events to get to know people, that's a good way to weed out the bullshitters.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Y'all play way too close to the edge for my tastes. Last thing I want is to be bogged down in the criminal justice system.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Not into uncut.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
I'm generally against suicide, because I believe that everyone has something to offer, even those going through profound mental illness and pain and suffering. At the very least, you can serve by helping the medical and psychological community understand your illness. However, if you're going to go, and you're of a certain level of maturity (say, at least 25-30, having given life a chance), and
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Can someone point me to the original baby-raping post(s)? i keep seeing references to it but would to make my own informed opinion.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Bullshit twice.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
She's a pandering cuntbag.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
http://www.wkyt.com/home/headlines/UPDATE-Arrest-Made-in-the-Murder-of-7-Year-Old-Gabri-Doolin--352253571.html 7-year-old pee-wee cheerleader goes missing during game. Within 25 minutes of reporting her missing, she is found dead behind the school in a creek. Arrested today: 38-year-old father of five, went to high school with the girl's father, has kids participating in the game and cheering. C
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Just be glad he wasn't a Scientologist. They have bigger legal resources and aren't afraid to flex them.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Once again, why are you repeatedly reposting two-year-old information as if it's new? This is boring.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Dude shot his son???
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
As usual, someone's got an ax to grind. Pretty sure the subject already knows who it is, too. Competitor? Ex-wife? It's a short list, really, when you get down to it.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
No we can't, you deluded piece of assmonkery. No matter how loud you beat your drums, there is still at least half a population in this country that knows you, and others who speak like you, are completely full of shit.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Homo != pedo. I don't give a shit if a teacher goes home to a same-sex partner. If you're trying to imply that a homo is automatically a pedo, fuck you.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
I have a good friend down south doing this. She specializes in very specific fetishes. Limited audience but apparently when they find someone that works well with them they are very spendy.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
There are a wide range of prices out there. The price should reflect the quality. The problem is that there are some providers that grossly mischaracterize the quality. Which is why there are review sites.
Forum: Fairfax County General
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