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9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
In Norfolk Va 1966 I was the "new boy" in school and was pranked. Some guys told me to go up to a girl and ask her how was her sisters dancing lessons going. So I did egged on, and the girl acted super offended and said " My sister cant dance she lost her legs in a accident" My face turned bright red and they all good a good laugh at me. --------------------------------------------------------
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
You Asshole , its because we are the firstest with the mostest , and that's why we have not been roasted so far. Jesus like IRAN should be holding all the cards, Your sorry ass would be roasted like a rattle snake with a flame thrower a long time ago. Brain Dead Lib. Or Trolling For A sucker.Hey?? Screw Obamas lousy deal.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
Getting Late now.. I give in with rants. Some of the things have been pretty funny or sage I will say that "they pack heat but they never let "Susie" know there carrying." "if you want to see some crazy shit do a google image search for "everest corpses" "Unless you have a permit for every state then it is illegal to cross state lines with a firearm in most states. Everybody would know becaus
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
OP's story is exaggerated. OT pay in Fairfax does not count toward retirement and 20 years is a greatly reduced pension. But the gist may well be true. 20 years he may have been a LT. or maybe a Capt. and half the pay at retirement. Less medical bennies the county will give him a benefit of maybe 200 dollars a month and if he's got a family he pays about 1000 a month for Heath Ins. The Feds are t
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
Teachers are in VRS and FXCO System. Teachers can go to Va Beach to live and teach, go anywhere in Va under VRS.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
Pardon Me "US NAVY & USCG MASTER CHIEFS" And USAF ""CHIEF MASTER SERGEANTS" I think my point has been well taken. Arlington Sheriff "Two Stars" a county 1 5th of Fairfax Co. that's a disgrace" Let her know it so she can put the Eagle back on before it hits the fan. 2 Star General of Arlington Sheriffs Office. That's PITYFUL.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
I was up skyline 3 times in May hiking Marys Rock , Skyland area, Big Meadows. Up Marys Rock and Big Meadows I saw some thru hikers. As said in this thread by others non guns, too much weight to pack on the AT. I believe that. And of all the hikers I saw maybe one or two carried a gun. I did not. the bottom line is that people do carry CCW handguns on the AT , In the Skyline Drive and other are
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
Most of the people were in shock, they said they did not know what to do. it happened pretty quick really between the Rhode Island and NoMa stations on Red line. 3 minutes they say though it looks like the train would have done that stretch quicker. If it were a loved one with me a friend family I probably would have tried to kick his head off when he went down on the victim stabbing him. And yes
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
Right across the street from the Vienna Inn. Oh well been a while. Dont remember it there just somewhere nearby there.. And I enjoyed the Vienna Inn way back when as it seems everyone did and people traveled far to buy beer in kegs Drove round Vienna the other day had never seen the train depot Mill St looks about the same Sheets down at the end too. I though for a while they owned the gas stati
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
Good snake medicine Bond Arms Snake Slayer 45 colt/410 shotgun. Easy for ladies to tote with pink grips and furry pink holsters too. But they do kick like a mule
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
Yes about a million a year is what I have heard the county got in rent. After the Saudis turn in the key, I'll give the place 24 hours before the vandals break in and trash the place rendering it unfit for any use without a million dollar rehab. It would cost millions to tear it down but, the county will probably suck every one into a lazy "Win Win" sucker deal to sell it for a song instead of
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
Yes that Lowes was in Vienna . That was a good while back it seems now when they were not the name they are today. Hechinger had large stores where you could get all kinds of things, but none were as big as a Home Dept or Lowes today, Then Hechinger opened some very large stores Where the Giant Food is on Rt 50 in Fairfax, On Rt 1 at Hybla Valley Where the " International Food Store" don't know t
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
Knifes are very fickle weapons, Even a small little knife that the killer used has a blade 1 " wide, That's wider then a bullet track, a single stab can kill you the blade cutting a artery and you bleed to death. Many people cut feel ok then 5 minutes later they feel week then pass out, its like playing Russian Roulette dealing with some one with a knife. I have seen people cut by a person with a
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
It does not matter if DC allowed the right to self defense or not, as I am sure he would have shunned the idea of carrying a firearm, and even if he had it appears the attack was sudden and violent, but a law abiding person with a CCW permit right there next to them could have stopped it if they were armed just as a cop would have done. If a pistol was shoved into the face of the killer as he beg
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
I will say he took his chances with his weak Liberal punchable victim face on Metro and he would have been one of the first protesters if a DC Concealed Carry Law was passed by Congress that could have saved his life. But still I do feel bad about what happened to him. I wish it never happened , that he lived his life as he thought right and saw the many things in life that give us all joy. He
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/witnesses-to-a-stabbing-didnt-confront-killer-do-they-deserve-condemnation/2015/07/08/bc0c2f8e-25a4-11e5-b77f-eb13a215f593_story.html?hpid=z11 WaPost writer asks the question of readers. She makes you think "some one should have done something. But what? In Virginia someone with a CCW could have stopped it, but as she states with all the people in the train
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
Jackass Sheriff of San Francisco on TV wearing 4 stars on his shoulders trying to pass off blame on the pier shooting of a young woman by a illegal felon. A city half the size of Fairfax County that's San Francisco. The DC police chief with 5 stars and more ribbons then Audi Murphy the highest decorated soldier of WW2 who held the Medal Of Honor, and many more real awards instead of The "Great
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
>What do you do about the fence at the VA./NC. Line? ------------------------------------------------------- And the nine miles of parks where no private vehicles are allowed with Federal and State Park Cops. The OBX is way too popular and expensive for all the hassles of getting in and out. Sandbridge is much closer and has a great beach that costs 5 dollars a day for out of town folk. El Ch
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
I will also say that as a FFL dealer you could not make "private sales" all transactions had to be ran through the Federal books . I'm talking about a dealers personally owed guns, You had to put them into the in book received from yourself and log them in the outbook with the 4473 and its number. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/does-dealer-have-execute-atf-form-4473-take-weapon-out-dealer%E2%8
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
^^^ And that's why police depts. practice shooting at the 7 yard line 21 feet for the exact above reason. As well as even closer and farther. In the case of the DC Metro 4th of July Stabber, Even if he had been shot at 6 feet away he could have lunged and cut before he died unless it was a head shot. And if the bullets penetrated him others could have been shot also. A bad situation all the way
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
Yes The Red Line on Metro in DC the line that runs up to Rhode Island Ave and beyond. Celebrate your non existing rights to self defense as a liberal. There was a fellow matching your description up there on the 4th of July. Celebrating the "Diversity" of a unarmed "New Democratic World" In Broad Daylight! A "Wonderful Hillary World" where self defense does not exist. Maryland is a close second
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
What happened to the case against the officer who shot him.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
>Todays firearms have safety's to avoid that' Yes to a point on hitting the hammer on dropping the gun. You never know.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
The round in the chamber question was a big deal during the Zimmerman trial by the asshole prosecutor . How else will the gun fire? And all revolvers have rounds in the "chamber(s) if there loaded. If its a .Colt .45 single action some carried the 6th chamber empty and set it under the hammer to avoid a discharge by hitting the hammer. Todays firearms have safety's to avoid that' As far as unloa
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
The point is military service means Nothing today to be The President Of The United States. And the same goes for any other political job. John Kerry and John McCain are examples both lost the presidency , Both were highly decorated hero's of the Vietnam war, both had received the Silver Star and other awards and both ran against people who were not war vets or in Obamas case never served. The s
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
>Since you were an FFL, why don't you educate us how long records stay on the "Federal Books". Also, please explain what you mean by Federal Books. You do realize there is no "National Database" of guns right, and that the feds don't have a list of gun owners, right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Certainly. I don't know how long feds keep record
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
Ok I have researched and O'Meara Show Fan is right . I am a Stupid Fuck on the age 18 handgun issue. It does appear that a mom and pop or a hobo or Uncle Joe can sell a person who meets a states minimum age handgun ammo. In Virginia that age is 18. It differs state to state and many states have other rules. No fed license is needed to sell ammo as I did say. Wal Mart others have FFLs so that's
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
>There are plenty of home ffls in Fairfax that only do transfers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's a new area to me transfers only, but it makes sense. Its keeping the Federal paperwork trail so a gun is legally transferred on the Federal Books from one owner to another in a private sale so if something happens down the road the Feds will not co
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Double Action Jackson
Oh Young man "Show Fan" Your link does not work , mine above your post does to the BATF "showing" a FFL is not needed a "license" to sell ammo so there is no "licensed or unlicensed" Ammo sales. FEDERAL LAW IS AGE 21 TO BUY HANDGUN AMMO.PERIOD.
Forum: Fairfax County General
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