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9 years ago
Totally agree.
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9 years ago
Yes, Yucky24 you are very brave behind keyboard.
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9 years ago
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9 years ago
There is no difference. They first start out as delinquent faggots, then they turn into goths/emos. After a few misdemeanor charges......they turn into hipsters think that being a hipster will rectify thier past errors. But it doesn't... hipsters are all posers who were once delinquents,goths, and emos.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
I agree with everything you have just said Not Happening. Football is not happening anytime soon at George Mason University. Here is what I would like to say: It is much easier to obtain success with a Division I basketball program than a Division I football program. The cost of maintaining a basketball facility is much cheaper than a football stadium. On the plus side even when the basketball s
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
To be more specific in a lot of the hostage/prisoner execution videos whether its in Iraq or Syria, the victims lay down and do absolutely nothing. The victims usually have only thier hands tied up, only thier legs tied up, or all of thier limbs are perfectly free. The victims obey the orders given by thier captors and the captors kill them with no difficulty. None of them are pleading with t
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
I'm going to have to agree with the negative comments about Trey Taylor. Especially the one about him bullying/poking fun of students. I was a freshmen at Woodson back around 2009. Me and all the other freshmen were in the locker room changing into our P.E. uniform. Once we all finished changing we headed out and walked through the hallway on our way to the freshmen and sophmore shared main gym
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
yourmom, so based on what you are saying not even a four star recruit from Georgia Tech that Hewitt convinced to come to Fairfax will help to bring Mason basketball back to relevance. right?
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
The basketball program is what got George Mason the endowment money for new buildings, more student application, more students attending. All of this leads to the school making more money and increasing its recognition.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
So is there a future where Mason can get thier shit together with all the new recruits and one transfer coach Hewitt is getting to work in fall 2014? Or Is this whole 2006 final four accomplishment and the entire basketball program going to fall into obscurity real soon into the future?
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
George Mason shocked the college basketball world in 2006 as a underdog and unknown school from Fairfax, VA. George Mason was the first cinderella in a while to gain national attention. Memphis, Butler, VCU, and Wichita State followed soon after. Memphis gets ranked every now and then and have made consistent NCAA tournament appearances. Butler, VCU, and Wichita State have done the same. What t
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Boston Celtics, and Milwaukee Bucks are in complete rebuilding mode. Atlanta will slump a little. However will probably still make playoffs despite losing Josh Smith, as long as Lou Williams and Al Horton perform well. When the season starts in November will the Wizards finally start a successful journey into the playoffs?
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
So does Mason have a better chance making the NCAA in the 2013-2014 season or the 2014-2015 season?
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
If Hewitt does get fired for underperforming, who should get the head coaching job and turns things around if it is indeed heading downhill?
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
What about the transfer from Georgia Tech, Julian Royal and his chances of leading Mason into a deep run into the NCAA 2015? This guy's a four star recruit, going to be playing for Mason in the 2014-2015 season. Might be first ever Mason player to be drafted into NBA if he is as good as the recruiting evaluations say.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
I did just the ethernet cable it didn't work for the game. The game still has a live server availible. Do I have to use the disc for netwrok set up that was included when I bought the PS2 years ago?
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
A few years back before I got Fios, my modem needed the ethernet, and phone jack line to be connected. I would simply plug another ethernet cable to the modem and my PS2 slim, and then the get second phone jack line and plug into my PS2 slim (the other phone line jack would be plugged into the modem before I got FIos). Now that I got verizon Fios, the new modem no longer needs the phone jack line
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
How much of an impact will Jalen Jenkins, Marquis Moore, and Anali Okologi make? Is Paul Hewitt's 4 out, 1 motion offense to blame for finishing 5th or perhaps Ryan Pearson graduating was the reason? Usually the Atlantic 10 has three spots availible for NCAA Tournament. Perhaps Mason will make NIT? Good points though, despite having Nobel Peace prize winners, its the Final Four that really mad
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Removed his name. So mostly you all think this kid is probably up to no good correct?
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
I live on a cul de sac in a suburban neighborhood. On two days out of the seven days in the past week I noticed that around 8-10 a.m. there will be a car parked on the cul de sac street pavement in front of my house. It is not blocking my driveway, but it does not belong to any of my neighbors and its causing my wife and I a uneasy feeling. On the second day it happened I decided to walk out with
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
flarer: Do this instead. Get in your car and drive by your neighborhood street. Look for someone who is walking alone by themself a few blocks away from your home on the sidewalk or black pavement. Slow down your car and roll down your windows. Stick your head out,stare at that person like your really upset with them, and then flare your nostrils at that person. While your doing so slowly accele
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11 years ago
So I was suppose just let him stare and flare his nostrils at me and just walk away? So I should have just let the creep do that to me without a explanation during the first encounter?
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11 years ago
He was not coincidentally walking in the same direction as me he was CLEARLY following my every step. If he was clearly walking in the same direction then he wouldn't care that I started walking at a faster pace. But he did he immediately pedaled his bike faster so he could catch up to me, he did not want to lose sight of me. Thats why I hid in the bushes. No matter how much distance I tried to c
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
Rocco: To answer your question, the reason why I hid in the bush is because this guy was going to keep following me as long as he could see me walking down the neighborhood. I jogged to a elementary school and went to the bushes hoping I could throw him off and hopefully he would lose me, thus stop following me. Like I said earlier I was improvising the best I could to handle the situation, keep
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11 years ago
Do you think what he did was reasonable? Did I handle the situation poorly?
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11 years ago
I do regret not fighting this guy. I decided not to fight him for two reasons. First of all I did not know if he had a weapon during our second encounter. Second I hesitated on attacking this guy because I thought it would do more harm than good. This guy could have been a tattle teller and come up with a way for me to get in trouble with the police if I actually decided to get physical with him
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
I often like to take walks after dinner. My walking routine includes walking around streets and cul de sacs in my suburban neighborhood while on public way. I’ve had three incidents in the past with a guy in his twenties with tattoos on both arms and black plug earrings. The guy was probably around the age of 23-25 and most likely still lives with his parents. The guy pretty much looks like your
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11 years ago
Between just George Mason University and James Madison University which is better in these two categories. The first category being campus life. The second category being academics.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Remodeling contractors like the ones that do renovations for kitchens, bathrooms, etc. Are most of them self employed or working for a company? Whats thier salary range with 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15+ years of experience.
Forum: Fairfax County General
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