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12 years ago
I love when people new to the area shit on local restaurants because they choose to order shitty stuff that was just added to the menu.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
"Linear math" is not a thing. "Linear algebra" is not remotely concerned with the problem you describe, which is the solution of a *linear equation* and is a component of *elementary algebra*. Get your terminology right if you want to sound intelligent? Oh, and Romney's and Obama are both corporate shills. Probably why Petraeus wouldn't be Romney's VP.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
When Anita's son took over they changed the menu and a bunch of the staples got a lot worse, but they still make a really good tamale. Locals have been eating there for a while and know what to order. I think the Chantilly one has the best cooks right now.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Stonewall's army took heavy losses and the Union's didn't?
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
I understand protesting a law, ruling, etc. etc. ... but protesting a campaign rally? That's the whole point of being at the other guy's rally. Anyone protesting campaigning is basically protesting democracy, and Reps protesting Obama, or Dems protesting Romney on the campaign trail will both look like idiots. Just go support your guy and get over yourself...
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Dude, you sort of give away your age, between calling people "fag" and thinking it hurts their feelings, and doing the "I repeat what you say" joke which I think is popular in the seven-year-old crowd. Carry on.
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
david allen coe Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > fuck face. Save the sophomore-in-high-school insults for somebody who gives a shit. Hope CHS is treating you well.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Sorry for being annoying, I don't intend to reply to many more of his posts, if any at all. I've lurked on this site for a long fucking time and I'm really sick and tired of every other post being polluted with fifteen posts where 25% of the words are "nigger" and other slurs. It's bullshit.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
I honestly don't care if he likes it or not, I don't see anybody else calling him out, so I'll do it a few times. It's the same idiot and he should know that everybody here thinks he's a sack of shit.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
If you think Romney is small-government, I've got a bridge to sell you. Please.
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Please try harder and be more creative. Your pattern is obvious and transparent; you just post three to six messages with unimaginative anonymous handles and babble some incoherent bullshit. At the risk of overfeeding a troll, will you please go and learn new tricks?
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Once again you're completely transparent. I know I got your panties in a bunch by calling you out in the RG3 thread, but can't you at least be original with your bullshit? It would gratify all of us.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Again, we know you're the same guy, and you're not fooling anybody. You even use the same "clever" anonymous handles, and copy/paste parts of your messages. Grow up and get a real job, buddy.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
We know you're the same guy. Why do you sit around replying to your own threads like this? Go read a book or something? You're wasting electricity, and possibly, oxygen.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
> sissy white boy "skinsfan" wants to take away everyone's right to freely express their opinion. That's what liberals do. Oh, one last thing, you don't exercise your fucking rights on an internet forum you pea-brained fuck. There are no legal rights to free expression in that way here. If somebody running a website decides they don't want somebody pissing everybody off by throwing "nigger" a
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Also, I'm registered now, so good luck with the old post-as-same-anon-name-pretending-he's-racist joke.
Forum: Off-Topic
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