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12 years ago
Can some one just say it out loud. She went on vacation with her husband. Came back and the last person to see her alive was her controlling boyfriend, who has stopped answering investigators questions. Her purse, ID, keys were all found inside of her apartment. Do you really need to watch too many episodes of the First 48 to crack this one open ? The BF did it, the Sheriff's office knows it and
Forum: Loudoun
12 years ago
Nope, we were out in Loudoun all day as well. Didnt get internet back till 7 pm
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
WashingTone-Locian is a negative fuck. If he is not ranting against the Junkies its something else. Dont pay him any attention. I dare you to look for one positive post from him. You wont find it, cause he is a miserable little man.
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Washington Tone-Locian is a raging homosexual. He was fired by CBS for making a pass at a fellow employee. He was outed by managment and now trolls these threads he created to "get back" at those who are doing well like the Junkies and other JFK shows. Sad, just sad
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Dude you are a bitter bitch ! The Junkies are GREAT, and you seem personally angry that they have been successful. The ratings for their show have gone up and down over the years, so what? That is true for every show. I can’t get enough of their show and trust me they are not going anywhere. Stop your angry rants on here and DCRTV.com it’s pathetic
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Im really glad that we celebrate these guys doing there fucking jobs ! Fags, just cash your paychecks and shut the fuck up. Who gives a shit ?
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Now they have a place to jerk each other off, after they prey on the poor and weak, GREAT !!
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
I have Maxcare from Carmax, I have never had to use it, but if you have an issue that prevents you from safley operating the vehicle, the contract states that MaxCare will cover the cost of the repair 100%. Why would you have to pay the shop anything extra ?
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Ask for a little help / info and you get the FFX craziess. People she is 19 and made a mistake. Take it easy. There were 0 pople one the curb ! She did't kill anyone, just a DUI. She needs this to go away. Ken Fitazgerald seems like a good fit.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Wow, I take it you never drank and drove. I want to be like you! Get off your holier than thou crap buddy. She didn’t kill anyone, she jumped the curb in FFX city and they pulled her over. Big deal!!!!!!!! She is a kid. These cops are out to start trouble. College kids will be kids.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Good luck G !
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Appreciate it. She said she did the finger touch test, the leg lift test and the follow my pen test. She blew on the side of the road but the officer never told her what the reading was. At the station she was hiccupping (crying) to much to get a reading so he charged her with a refusal as well. Any info you have on this would be GREAT! Do you think she has a chance of beating the charge?? She is
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. The FFX cops were pretty rough with her (she still has bruises from the handcuffs) she is a good kid, she just made a typical college student mistake, that I know I made and many others have as well.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Fine, cleaned it up. Was more focused on getting some good feedback, not your stupid comments. I edited it to add content rick !
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Hello, my sister goes to GMU and she got a DUI. I picked her up from the jail and we called around for an attorney, but could not find anyone would answer our call on a Saturday. One attorney, recommended by her roommate, actually answered my call and met with us that day. His name is Ken Fitzgerald and he practices in FFX, but said he is all over NOVA. Anyone heard of him? My sister’s roommate a
Forum: Fairfax County General
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