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11 years ago
Shhhhh its a real hoax of a real news inside a hoaxed news reality death.
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11 years ago
http://en.mediamass.net/people/lou-reed/deathhoax.html ews of singer Lou Reed’s death spread quickly earlier this week causing concern among fans across the world. However the October 2013 report has now been confirmed as a complete hoax and just the latest in a string of fake celebrity death reports. Thankfully, the singer best known for his hit song Walk on the Wild Side is alive and well.
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11 years ago
And there's some evul mutherzzz who say its just a dirt nap....
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11 years ago
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Keef has been a mess since the 70's, he or the > band haven't put out shit since "Some Girls". > Heroin, pills and alcohol left this man a zombie. > > I'm too lazy to check but I thought Brian Jones > wrote "Satisfaction" and some of the 60's era > hits. May have been Jagger-Richards, I dunno. > >
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11 years ago
Ever since Keef fell out of a tree and knocked himself in the head he hasnt been with it. He has lost that nimbleness and agility in his fingers to actually play. But cut the man some slack. He woke up one night mumbled "I cant get no satisfaction" strummed a few chords and and went back to sleep and a classic rocker was born. Basically the dude writes better songs in his SLEEP than Ginger Bak
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11 years ago
Every single board member and executive involved in taking this decison should be required to work in one of the open stores helping their employees serve the customers See how they like having their thanksgiving disrupted and having to explain to their wives / husbands and kids / grand kids why they have to leave early and go to work
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11 years ago
I have more than a feeling this album will be great.
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11 years ago
Boehener was on TV saying shut it down Bachman was on TV calling for a shutdown Mcconnel was on TV calling for a shutdown Tea Party supporters were in DC holding signs saying "shut er down" and now.... that its happened ITS OBAMAS FAULT! how DARE HE SHUT DOWN A MEMORIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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11 years ago
All I know is I finally have him on my Fantasy football team and he is SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF MY CHANCES TO WIN. Ive had to start Joe Flacco!
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11 years ago
eesh Wrote: - > > > > Sure thing Mr. Paducah. When do you PCS from Ft. > Campbell? Im not in the military, Ive never been in the military, I have no idea who or what a Paducah is and no idea what a PC5 from Ft Campbell means. get a clue.
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11 years ago
eesh Wrote: > > Hi ferfux. At least you are using one of your > original names this time. Hi eesh. Keep swinging and missing. Like Charlie Brown SOME day you will kick that football.
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11 years ago
Happy Birthday Yoko. And your giant for an asian boobs.
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11 years ago
The Vets of yesteryear are vanishing quickly. Im sure with all their wisdom they think that the shennanigans and malarky of present day politicians arent a worthy legacy they fought for nor a world they want their Kids, grandkids and great grand kids to live in. Id be ashamed if I had shut down the government and then made a fancy political theater piece out of their bravery and heroism.
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11 years ago
Tea party believe that "if X is bad then Obama is responsible for X" sheesh.
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11 years ago
their running backs were more featured this past week. If Coach cant come up with a scheme to fit the talent of the players on the field maybe he isnt the mad scientist Football genius we all thought he was.
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11 years ago
nah. He's wrong. who cares if they are excellent musicians? They wrote some classic songs, they have that intangible something that Ginger and his buddies in Cream had but couldnt hold onto and keep going. Its just jealousy on his part that he isnt IN the Rolling stones.
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11 years ago
Well Well Well, the Caps beat the Habs! They staved off the old empty net 6 attackers threat and scratched out a 3-2 WIN! Looking good CAPS!
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11 years ago
WINNING! 4 in a row!
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11 years ago
I like how they Phonetically (FOE-NET-IK-AH-LEE) spell out the names for us.
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11 years ago
ARLINGTON, Va. – The Washington Capitals have acquired forwards Martin Erat (mahr-TIHN EE-rat) and Michael Latta (MIGH-kuhl LA-tuh) from the Nashville Predators in exchange for forward Filip Forsberg, vice president and general manager George McPhee announced today. Erat, 31, has recorded 21 points (four goals, 17 assists) and 26 penalty minutes in 36 games with Nashville this season. He ranked
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11 years ago
oh who cares, mind your own damn business. its called being self sufficient and self reliant. Or didnt they teach you that in Young Conservatives boot camp?
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11 years ago
Should we be worried that the Bruins now have Jagr? I mean the guy gave Philly all kinds of life last year and he is now on a Eastern conference team that the Caps could conceivably have to go through? I dont know that the caps would trade or make any moves at the deadline. I cant think of anyone the Caps would get or trade away to make a push. GMGM seems like he would stand pat and see what t
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11 years ago
Has Green redeemed himself by scoring two goals yet? If not for that Lucky first goal off chimera past Holtby this would have been a less nail biting game. Man that was awesome how the Caps pounced and score. Scored SCORED! Im digging the grit and determination of this team. It looked a lot more like they wanted it this time around. That Crash Net ridiculous loss in Philly is behind them. A
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11 years ago
Korea. Then china, then......sticks and stones.
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11 years ago
Im sure if you stick to the well trodden path you will be fine. Come on now. Its the Olympics and there are plenty of fun to be had. Maybe blag your way in as an Olympics trainer or sponsor and athlete. Or hell conceal and carry if you are THAT scared. It cant be that dangerous in the touristy areas.
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11 years ago
Drinking before noon. You sir. Have a Problem......Unless of course you never went to bed. then ENJOY!
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11 years ago
They are both to blame for their LOSS. Go ride a horse you withered old bag. on the other hand, did you see how many friggen kids and Grandkids they have? Holy joseph SMITH! They are trying to re-populate the US with WHITE people by Themselves! So much for White Folks being a minority. not if the mormans have anything to say about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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11 years ago
well there goes his Top secret clearance.
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11 years ago
Im sure that women have some qualities that men dont have and vice versa. its not gonna stop the debate but STILL come on! Its the yin and the yang and if the parts fit awwwww SHIT! we gonna do it now!?
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11 years ago
Every white person who voted for Barack Obama is an honorary Black person.
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