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11 years ago
Done Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > peekza Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Fan since 106.7 Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > I'm so sick of racist Dukes. I turn it off at > > the > > > first "The Blacks" remark, so I ra
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
This is all one guy posting back and forth trying to desperately drum up interest for this dead show.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
American Tourister Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >Serve underage. Overserve. Not have a manager in the house when the ABC stops by. Bingo.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
Four Hour Club Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Speaking of the ol' Five Head... Jesus, Oscar really need to shave it off. It's looking really pathetic now with that huge fucking forehead and spiking hair that doesnt start until the middle of the top of his head.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
wow! Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I just think it's in poor taste to do what you > guys are doing. Most of Chad's antics are not > kind, obviously, but you guys are no better. If > Chad shit on someone in the hospital on twitter, > you guys would be all over it. Away from the > internet, I'll bet you'd never behave this way in > front of
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
theshoot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Philip Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I don't hate Chad, or Oscar for that matter. I > > just don't think their show is funny, and I > don't > > listen to it. They're both WAY too old to be > > perpetuating that 20 something attitude they're > &
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
peekza Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ChadIsFat Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > peekza Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > > > > > > Let me repeat myself... > > > "You utter my name on the show in reference &g
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
peekza Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Let me repeat myself... > "You utter my name on the show in reference to > this forum and I never post on this thread > again...Best offer you'll ever get Fun Drabb" Why? Doesn't that sound like you just want attention? I don't know, these kinda of quotes confuse me. If you only want the show to be be
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Four Hour Club Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Oscar fancies himself a stylish man, he should let > Dukes know that terrible pubish neckbeard just > draws attention to his chins. You think spineless Oscar would ever speak up against Chad?
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Hey Apple Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >You have the > Tech 411 podcaster in your house daily; why not > discuss possible upgrades with him first? Granted, > Oscar didn't know what a dongle is, and couldn't > recall what Steve Ballmer does for a living, but > he's light years ahead of those other guys when it > comes to Apple products. Look
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
a Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Mongo the Lloyd Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > That's not a hipster hat. That is the hat that > a > > wrestler he is acting like now wears. > > > Unfortunately to most adults that don't give a > fuck about wrestling it is very much a hipster > hat.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
He critizes a guy for having 'fuck me' eyes, then proceeds to take the exact same type of picture. Only he is fat as shit and is goal is to only be borderline morbidly obese.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
I always thought it was funny how much Chad pushed Oscar being from such a rich and wealthy background (and Oscar acting like he was as well). Then you see his parents house that Chad keeps describing as a palace and won't stop talking about how much money they have and it's simply a normal single family home with some fairly tacky interior decorating. I always thought Oscar had grown up in som
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Did they have another RROD recently? Maybe Chad could tell me how no one wants to buy GTA or something.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
LOL LOOK HOW REDNECK I AM Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ChadIsFat Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I remember when Chad was seriously talking > about > > how GTA had run its course and no one in the > world > > would ever want to play that franchise again. > > This is coming from a ma
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
I remember when Chad was seriously talking about how GTA had run its course and no one in the world would ever want to play that franchise again. This is coming from a man (used loosely) who is, according to himself, a very knowledgeable person when it comes to video games. Now analysts are saying GTA V should cross one billion dollars in sales in 6 months. I also thought it was funny when Cha
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Mongo the Lloyd Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Phantom Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > So did A Night For Americans 2 not sell so > well? > > He said there were 150 tickets available last > > week. > > > On the surface that sounds impressive, until you > realize the venue holds 20
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
People will remember this thread as being far more entertaining than the crap the show has become.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Bigot Dukes Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > jhopkins Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I know we like to make fun of Dukes here, but > > after skimming the free show this week, wow > Oscar > > is an idiot. > > > > Dear god, he is a dumb human > > > Oscar admits when he says
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
jhopkins Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I know we like to make fun of Dukes here, but > after skimming the free show this week, wow Oscar > is an idiot. > > Dear god, he is a dumb human No shit... it isn't like that hasn't bene pointed out before. But at least he doesn't go OUT OF HIS WAY to shit on his people.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
ennjx Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > WEIRD Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > If you don't like BOAD anymore, don't > > listen. Easy as that > > > They are busy masturbating on each other - leave > them to their lifeless existences. The peanut gallery?
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
It was more like the 1:40 mark.... but he lays into Chad pretty good and in a very honest way.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
ElliotInTheMorningFanatic Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Does anyone know what was said on that Sadly > Lacking Radio show about the whole Dukes/Gary > situation? Hey "theshoot" did you listen to it? Nobody bought it. Nobody knows! Hell, he is defending Gary and even Gary has to pay to listen to his own defense!
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
I don't get the Dave Hughes thing but I know nothing about him.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
peekza Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ChadIsFat Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > If anyone buys that guy's defense of Gary, > please > > let us know what he says. > > I can't imagine anybody is buying it...It isn't > going to be another Gary interview, just that > Dumbass and one of HIS p
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Binge Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I don't know why WeightNot is using O'Meara as > their spokesman. He has failed every single time > he has been on the program. What is this, his > seventh time on the program? Can you imagine if > he was one of the people who had to pay the > thousands to do the program? Makes me think the > whole thi
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
If anyone buys that guy's defense of Gary, please let us know what he says.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
fuck boad Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > every week people call into the show, say they are > big fans, and ask Chad why he blocked them on > facebook or twitter. every fucking week. > > on the latest show, chad invited that black guy > who drove drab to the airport 5-6 years ago to > talk about his job in the military. It was a > 20-min
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
Is that guys 'defense' of gary up yet? Have any of his 46 twitter friends bought it? Did he make Gary buy his own defense?
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
I do think it's jsut one person with a LOT of time on their hands. If they aren't already part of Chad's bunch of losers, then they should be!
Forum: Fairfax County General
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