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10 years ago
concerned ffxu poster
dirt Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > WOW. So many of you are the same person. > > All posting within seconds of yourself. +1
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14 years ago
concerned ffxu poster
She DeviI Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No. That's what I was thinking. As you can see, he has already replied with more than one troll nic in this thread.
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14 years ago
concerned ffxu poster
This is a bit of a conflict for me as this user doesn't appear to contribute much other than argue and talk to himself.
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14 years ago
concerned ffxu poster
WashingTone-Locian wrote: ------------------------------ That America isn't slipping away. It never existed. It was a facade that hid alcoholism, homosexuality, backroom abortions, child molestation, racism, domestic violence and the nihilistic self-destruction that comes with suburban existence. Here you can see that he thinks homosexuality is on the same level as child molestation. Didn't
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14 years ago
concerned ffxu poster
pgens said: ban everyone who was not a registered user before 2009, and back up the date until the site is once again both useful and entertaining.
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
concerned ffxu poster
Agree with OP. I say anyone that hasn't been here since late 2006 is suspect. In the old days the regs wouldn't have put up with the likes of 496, Harry Tuttle, Gonads and Strife, ej/eesh, bloody blisters and many more. It's time to take back the board for the old school members.
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
concerned ffxu poster
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
concerned ffxu poster
it's an eesh alias. you can tell from the way they +1 "their" statements.
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
concerned ffxu poster
He hasn't figured out how to use the quote button, plus he needs to be banned as he is part of the troll clique.
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
concerned ffxu poster
let's make this site clean as a whistle and ban all of the trolls so we can get this site like it was in the old days (2006, 2007 timeframe). besides ej/eesh/prada (troll ringleader) Cary needs to be aware of the others that pound the threads and suck the life out of this site: alias thepackleader bloody blisters washingtonelocian (he's gone the way of Vince) mr misery 496 harry tuttle/
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