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15 years ago
The difference has been blurred for some time. Not back when these two country clasics were recorded though:
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15 years ago
Can Congress, in accordance with our Constitution, require us to buy health insurance, and penalize us if we refuse? Even though the Constitution delegates the federal government certain powers, the others being retained by the States (via the 10th Amendment)? A columnist at the Washington Post says it's a no-brainer: "In the 1942 case of Wickard v. Filburn, the justices ruled that even though
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15 years ago
Wahhh Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > . Wahhh - funniest post on FFXU this week! You should get a certificate of some sort.
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15 years ago
4. IF ...
KIPLING: IF you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise: If you can dream - and not make
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15 years ago
bern Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > WashingTone-Locian Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > bern Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > WashingTone-Locian Wrote: > > > > > > -------------------------------------------------- &
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
WashingTone-Locian Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Diamonds are a rip-off. Get your girl a $2,500 > ring and tell her you are spending the rest of the > money on a kick-ass honeymoon. Oh for damn sure! Check out this place: http://www.postranchinn.com/ The wife and I spent our "delayed" honeymoon there for a few days in June (between stays in SF an
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
... insightful. ... profound. ... food for thought even.
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15 years ago
wasted Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What a waste of political capital (not to mention > time and resources) for this Administration. I > though Rahm was smarter than this. It wouldn't > appear so. Exactly. My post above. Hmmmm ..... sad really.
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15 years ago
Registered Voter Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I am guessing this will be why Rio gets the > Olympics. I could be wrong for sure - but I still > think there are folks that want to "punish" the US > in the international community and I don't know > that Obama has done enough in their eyes to fix > things. They probably don't want to come from &g
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15 years ago
Near the end of Book IV of Marcus Aurelius' Meditations: "lways observe how ephemeral and worthless are things human, and what was yesterday a little mucus tomorrow will be a mummy or ashes. Pass then through this little space of time in the way of nature, and end your journey in contentment, just as an olive falls off when it is ripe, blessing nature who produced it, and thanking the tree on wh
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15 years ago
I'll bet President and Michelle Obama have not yet thought about a mascot for the 2016 Olympics. I suggest the following as possibilities:
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15 years ago
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
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15 years ago
WashingTone-Locian Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >> Pipe tobacco Can't say I've seen much pipe smoking much anywhere, any more; not since college days long ago, anyway. Suppose they still sell pipe tobacco in tobacco/cigar stores?
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15 years ago
picnicking at local vineyard finding “gold” in a used book store Viewing the Pacific from Big Sur ZX-11 in the countryside Laguna Seca raceway big snow storm shutting down everything canoeing in WV
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15 years ago
eesh Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Fucking Vince's daughters. There we go. Have you seen 'em, btw?
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15 years ago
Registered Voter Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yep, I want to see the Democrats stand up and > shove their plan down our throats. Come on - bring > it. > > As Grassley said the other day, there are a number > of amendments that now need to be reviewed and > processed. Is there some rush that we weren't > aware of 10 years ago (or longer)
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15 years ago
The tone of this thread ("things I love" ... ha) - thus far - is unFFXU-like. Well done, WT-L. Btw, lawn mowing while with one of those zero-turn machines with a Guinness extra stout in the cupholder and enjoying a cigar or two, is a two-hour oasis.
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15 years ago
Looks like "we" are too caught up in healthcare and acorn debates to focus on other stuff right now. Well, healthcare, anyway. There will be people to take care of those flood victims. Good people always come through, you know, who don't need to be cheered on to do their stuff. It'll be available online.
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
Lurker. Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The roadblocks are to deter DUI's, not catch > people. If people know they exist they are more > careful. That's why high profile and volume areas > are used. Cops drink too, they don't want to > catch people for a couple of drinks unless they > are slam hammered and a harm to others. I'm sympathetic to
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
MrMephisto Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Religion is completely outlawed. No ifs, ands, or > buts. Anyone caught practicing one of these > intolerant religions and not being an enlightened > atheist will be put into a re-education camp, or > summarily executed. > > all cars operate similar to the ones seen in Flinstones > cartoons. E
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15 years ago
MrMephisto Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Wait, they're using robots now? > > I really need to start watching more football. Haha. Mephisto's second mocking remark directed toward football fans (i.e., the first being his wisecrack last week that the Rams will crush the Skins 318-3 (or some such prediction). Got to admire that, though. Although en
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15 years ago
Stopping "motorists" without suspicion of having done anything wrong - regardless that they stop ALL "motorists" that come through the checkpoint - doesn't sit right with me. Seems like a violation of civil liberties.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
hope it helps Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ask the judge if you can do the drivers safety > course and have the charge dropped. If you are 17, I don't think you will be appearing in the reglar General District Court. The summons should show the Juvenile Court box checked. At least that's the way it worked with my son for two tickets when he was 17. F
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
pgens Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Everyone was fine. Damn it. We were hoping for something.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
I wonder what Freemasons do at their twice-monthly meetings. Sounds like it might be something like Fred Flintstone at Water Buffalo meetings or Homer Simpson going to Moe’s, i.e., getting away from the wife once in awhile. From wikipedia: Obligations are those elements of ritual in which a candidate swears to abide by the rules of the fraternity and to keep the secrets of Freemasonry, which a
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15 years ago
I took a tour of the George Washington Masonic Temple this afternoon. Nine floors, but they showed us the 4th floor, 8th and 9th floors. After asking questions of the tour guide and a professor from GMU, both of whom are Masons, I still am unsure the purpose of being a Mason. In a nutshell, they say it's all about individual improvement; it's not a religion - all religions have affiliated lodge
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15 years ago
MrMephisto Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The Rams will crush the Skins, 314 to 8. haha. Mephisto, would we be correct in interpreting your post as message-laden, perhaps dismissive?
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15 years ago
Rams 24-13. Still concerned about JC @ QB. If he connects on a couple long balls, with turnovers (if any) being a wash, maybe skins could win a close one, like 21-19 or something.
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15 years ago
I've lived in Fairfax County (and have voted in every election - whether federal, state, or local) since 1973 and do not recall the public ever having voted down either a school bond or a park bond; they typically prevail by as much as 70-80% of the vote. Same will happen this year. Not that it matters here, but I have not voted "yes" on any school or park bond. ... and I do have two kids who
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
Some refer to it as pathological narcissism, or narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). See http://www.faithfreedom.org/obama.html “Pathological narcissism, is not akin to typical narcissism—someone with a hedonistic or self-centered sense of self —but rather someone with a very weak sense of self. Obama’s narcissism is pathological. “Narcissists seek power. That is the whole purpose of thei
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