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15 years ago
Immediate Family (there are a couple of cousins and in-laws I won't be taking a bullet for). Freedom (It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees). A Moral Imperative (I would like to think - or hope so, anyway - that I would be like those people in Europe who sheltered Jews during the Holocaust. Of course, you really don't know what you will do until you are faced with that decisi
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
Yadda Yadda Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Afghanistan is Obama's Vietnam. His troop > escalation is increasing troop death. No reporting > on death numbers though. The complicity of the > news media keeps the bad news at bay but the > parallels to Vietnam are too may. Indigenous > fighters, difficult terrain, guerilla warfare. > > The U
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15 years ago
Registered Voter Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Nuclear power is not considered a fossil fuel. NG > is, but it burns 50% cleaner than coal - why not > embrace that in the short term? There are plenty > of sun-based technologies that are coming up to > speed right now - why not fund them with these > billions of dollars so they can start mass >
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15 years ago
It's fitting to post this one final time. Mike predicting his future...
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15 years ago
I'll call him "Pinchy."
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15 years ago
Tape Measurer Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > WashingToneLocian(2) Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Bush is about 5'10". I've seen him up close and > > he's probably a bit shorter than me. > > Bush is taller than 5'10" I have met him on > multiple occasions and have had my photo taken > with
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15 years ago
Lady Baltimore Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I remember Mike saying on one of the shows (two or > three weeks ago) how it bothered him to be > referred to as a "sidekick." > > Too bad he couldn't or wouldn't accept the fact > that that was what he was good at. Not everyone > is good "management material," and in the same > way, not ever
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
FurfaxTownie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > One rumor i heard is that the junkies are > reworking thier contract and will continue to be > on after the flip and that they are probably the > only show to do so. Now, how much a CBS contract > is worth, i have no clue. It seems like radio > contracts are broken all the time on behalf of the >
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
Bush is about 5'10". I've seen him up close and he's probably a bit shorter than me. As for Obama, does this finally put to rest the rumors that he is secretly gay?
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15 years ago
Just think of all the North Koreans who died in the 1950s thinking they were creating a Communist utopia. Suckers.
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15 years ago
Radio Ralph Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > This is like going to a new clinic for a > testicle exam and finding out your physician will > be Dr. Megan Fox. > In that instance, my final words would be, "Thanks for the exam, Doctor. And sorry about your lab coat."
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
Brett Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Has anyone here seen and understand this movie? I > thought some of the Beatles tunes, particularly > "All My Loving" and "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" were > performed uniquely and quite well. But I don't > quite understand the poignancy behind the Beatles > songs or the larger meaning of the movie. Anyone > w
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15 years ago
Alias Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Washington, are you serious with this stupid > thread? > > You sound like a lonely old woman, living in some > godforsaken town, watching soap operas and heating > up 'hot pockets' in a broken toaster oven. Go > outside and take a walk. > > I'm serious. You sound freakin gay. Do you follow t
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
Chica Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I got a postcard today saying they are taking > reservations starting today, even though the > official opening isn't until July 13. So if you > are really interested in getting in, call and get > in before the crowd on the 13th. oh...and be sure > to post a review! > > I will give them a few weeks
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
In Aweo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Damn, ToneLoco, You are one amazing guy. Not only > are you able to post to this forum day in and day > out but you are also a crack investigative > reporter. How do you do it? How are you able to > hold your job, post on this form and also go out > to interview a friend of Palin's son? It's friggin
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
So McNair probably gave her a rash of shit for the DUI and said, "I can't deal with you anymore. You are going to ruin my image." And then she did...literally and figuratively.
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15 years ago
I was right. Mike was wrong. My work here is done.
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15 years ago
It's starting to sound like a murder-suicide, with the chick pulling the trigger and then offing herself. Maybe he was breaking it off with her and she went nuts... http://www.efitnessnow.com/news/2009/07/05/former-nfl-quarterback-steve-mcnair-and-a-20-year-old-woman-found-shot-dead/
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
Naru Hodo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How sad. The show has become EXACTLY what the Don > & Mike show used to make fun of. > What a waste. Then Mike will complain, "This is a dying breed of radio." Sorry, pal, but your brand of radio bears no relation to Howard Stern, O&A or Donnie G.
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
Sarah Palin is an erratic quitter. Her stated reason for quitting isn't to run for President. It's because of all of the criticism. Basically, being governor of Alaska is "too hard." THAT is not a formula for being President. Sarah Palin is now in the political wilderness. I hope she runs in 2012 because when she fails to get the nomination, she will insure that about 20% of the Party won't supp
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
Made in the USA Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > With so much "Midget Mania" on this forum, I > thought I'd start a thread for folks wanting to > share their memories of Midgetville or stories > they've heard over the years. Here's mine: > > Dean "Midgo" Darling > 1928-2004 > > Last Midgetville Little Person Standing. > May he rest i
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
Naru Hodo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How has O'Meara been since the call? Does it > appear that he's putting even less effort into the > show or is that too hard to tell since he barely > puts any into it now. I listened to a couple of segments this past week because of all of the rumors. Rob(b) was playing whole chunks of "Onion News Radio" for
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15 years ago
Judge Crater Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > She is just quitting so she can become a buzz babe > full time. She would be a huge improvement over the toothless hogs they have now.
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15 years ago
Somebody noted that Mike was off the show for a segment or two a few weeks back, and then came back "shaken" from a call. I listened to the segment. Rob(b) and Buzz were doing the segment. Mike walked in and said he had to take a call. Rob(b) asked if it was a good call and Mike said, "no." It happened around the time the Post started pushing the sports-flip rumors. My personal take on it was th
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15 years ago
What Republicans are saying... "You need to be in the Lower 48 to be credible politically," a senior adviser to several Republican Presidents noted. But quitting mid-term with a rambling rant is not the way to get there. "She proved she couldn't play in the big leagues last fall and now she's proven it again," one of the party's most prominent kingmakers said. "If you can't even handle a g
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15 years ago
Has anyone taken the time to visit Meade's new site? The one he made the special announcement for to drive traffic to? Here it is... Welcome to Meade Skelton's future website. This website is currently under construction. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have the website up, soon. If you've been redirected from meadeskelton.com, we rejoice to see you were aimed here properly, as t
Forum: Off-Topic
15 years ago
We've heard these rumors before. But, unlike last time, Mike didn't go on the air and try to dispell them before going on vacation. And ever since the day of "the call," I haven't heard him say anything about his show not going away, even when he brags about being in 11th place. I listened to the podcast and in the last part of the last segment, it sounds like he chokes up when signing off. Of c
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15 years ago
Mark off another 2012 contender. Even Alaskans are pissed off at Palin's bizarre, quitter attitude.... http://www.adn.com/palin/story/852787.html "Maybe there is a personal reason of some sort," Roy (a GOP consultant)said. "But barring that, if it's a political move geared at 2012, it's one of the most politically tone-deaf moves in years. Two and a half years as governor doesn't mean you shou
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15 years ago
Sounds like it might be a bit too exotic for Clifton. We'll see.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
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