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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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7 years ago
I keep trying & I don't know why Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I know this area is sort of shielded, because of > all of the government work, but not everyone works > for the government. Is anyone else struggling to > make ends meet? I can barely afford to rent in > this area, let alone buy anything. > > The only reason that I keep on
Forum: Fairfax County General
7 years ago
Mr. Reality Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Dear Liberal Snowflake, > > Grow up, stop whining, and take responsibility for > your failures. > > You're welcome. > > Sincerely, > Mr. Reality =========================== OMG! Unbelievable! What a rude post!
Forum: Fairfax County General
7 years ago
Re: ear piercing program this morning ... I didn't hear it, but LARRY's afternoon show is no better. Maybe WMAL got new management and they're moving in another direction. With all the commercials, they're totally useless. I can't wait to turn OFF my radio in the mornings and it's not Mary's fault. She's got to do what her boss tells her to do and I believe management told her to "dummy-down"
Forum: Fairfax County General
7 years ago
To poster, "the new america", Oh! I guess you didn't get the memo. If you're caucasian, you should've moved to D.C. 8 years ago. (Please note: "past tense" = in other words, you missed the boat!) DC Regentrification is about to END and the days of "chocolate city" are over. The "lower classes" (and masses, i.e., immigrants) are in VA and MD. If you're still in VA .. well, yep, you're stuck; u
Forum: Fairfax County General
7 years ago
"GRIM"! "GRIM" is the word that describes the guy who is on now. Man! Is he bad! And poor Mary seems to have lost her spirit. Maybe the job isn't paying much. I saw it advertised on INDEED.com several months ago, so I knew someone was gonna get the chop.
Forum: Fairfax County General
7 years ago
I thought Brian Wilson & Mary Walter were a good match. I don't like the "drip" she's paired with now. What was WMAL management thinking!!? Ugh!
Forum: Fairfax County General
7 years ago
You called the cops and they've been quiet ever since. Mission accomplished! I've done the same. Funny story .. the woman (my neighbor) complained TO ME that "someone" called the police about their noise. Well, (I'm thinking to myself) you should've told your immature husband who is 15 years younger than you that July 4th is celebrated ONCE a year. It is not an ongoing holiday. Her boytoy wa
Forum: Fairfax County General
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