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2 years ago
It is the reason Falls Church removed George Mason and Thomas Jefferson from school names
Forum: Fairfax County General
2 years ago
The Gypsies are out in full force today in Annandale and N Springfield. I confronted one just outside the CVS on Little River Trnpike. She flicked me off. They dont give a fu$k and prey upon nice peoples naivite
Forum: Fairfax County General
2 years ago
The gypsies are out in full force in Annandale and N Springfield. I confronted one at the CVS on Little River Trnpike. She flicked me off. They don't give a fu@k and prey on nice people's naivite
Forum: Off-Topic
2 years ago
They are out in force around Annandale and N Springfield today. I chewed out the girl sitting with a sign right outside of CVS on Little River Trnpike. Some dude had just handed her$5. I told him she was a Gypsie scammer. I told her I knew what she was doing and she said so what and flicked me off. These gypsies just don't give a fu&k and prey on good people's naiveity
Forum: Off-Topic
3 years ago
There might not be a bigger Cuck than Oswald
Forum: Fairfax County General
3 years ago
They had good roast beef sandwhiches, similar to Arbies. There was one on RT 1 in the MV area. It became a Taco Bell in 1994 ish.
Forum: Fairfax County General
3 years ago
Yeah they're not enforcing speeding and reckless driving much at all, it seems. Every other car seems to have a "Caution New Driver' sticker as well. Many of them go way too slow and cant stay in their lane. They act like drunk drivers
Forum: Fairfax County General
3 years ago
Loudoun went from conservative leaning to more liberal than Fairfax County in like 15 years. The county govt wanted the $$ developers waved in front of them and so they reaped what they showed. I can't imagine being a long time resident of that County seeing how far the pendulum has swung.
Forum: Fairfax County General
3 years ago
Il Porto on King St. In Alexandria is pretty good.
Forum: Fairfax County General
3 years ago
SJWs are not satiated by changing names of schools named after Confederates and Segegationists. Slaveholding Founding Fathers are next. Falls Church SB already voted to change the name of George Mason HS and Thomas Jefferson ES. The nitwits in charge don't seem to understand that these founding fathers created a Constitution that set in motion the future end to slavery and segregation. Targeting
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
I checked it out. I may do some betting on Tennis. Thanks for the 411.
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
DanKnows As a graduate of MV Highschool I can assure you that what you just wrote is complete BS. Oh and no blacks went to MV until the mid 1960s and it was an improvement over the segregated schools they attended before then. Civil rights activists fought for the right of blacks to attend FCPS now those given the right to attend should be paid reparations for having to attend? Lol.
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
9B7T6 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Most of the cars like this seem to have these > bumper stickers: > > Biden/Harris > Ready for Hillary > Warren > Various rainbow themes Also "Coexist"
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
FCPS teachers haven't spent a day in the classroom tn 10 months. They are lucky to have their jobs. They really shouldn't be complaining about lack of a raise at this point.
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
I am a delivery driver. I drove most of the day. Only one problem all day was when a di&k in an SUV wouldn't let me merge at the Springfield interchange. I did well for the day as many drivers stayed home. The roads in most spots weren't even covered with snow. OP is a ninny.
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
Probably not. But even though I use my real name I'm not worried because nothing I've posted is radical- just common sense.
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
Don't group the 70 plus million Trump voters in with the tiny minority that stormed the Capitol
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
My dad served 23 years as a FCPS Teacher. They gave him credit for Military service so it was like he did 25 yrs. When he died I believe his FCPS retirement was around $50 K per year. This was in 2013.He got SS and a small Federal pension from his service at the CIA before he became a Teacher. It seems like the FCPS part was 50 K
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
No Truer Words Have Been Posted Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Its amazing that such patriotically true political > commentary would be found on this obsure website I > came across. I commend the writer as I have seen > greater works here such as this post then upon the > huge Facebook or any other site . I asked the > question the writer posed
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
The ANTIFA and BLM leadership espouse an ideology that wants to destroy the foundation of our political and economic system. So yes the Portland riots represent something even worse than what the misguided loons did yesterday at the Capitol.
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
Certainly you have a point about overall worse driving during COVID.
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
To me it's a toss up between Hispanic immigrants and Korean women.
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
Is behind the wheel drivers ed even required for immigrants? It doesn't seem like it based on my observations
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
I am waiting for these carpetbagging SJWs to try to change the name of Leesburg. When some knowledgeable citizen reminds them it is not named after RE Lee they'll probably still insist that it be renamed because people (other ignorant carpetbagging SJWs) will think it was named after him.
Forum: Fairfax County General
4 years ago
That's MEMCO is a Home Depot now. Circle Towers in the background.
Forum: Fairfax County General
5 years ago
Limited competition. No other cable TV competitor allowed. Only Verizon FIOS.
Forum: Fairfax County General
5 years ago
Northern VA was lost to the Dems way before Trump
Forum: Fairfax County General
5 years ago
55 or 60 mph speed limits on Interstates are fine. The problem is not the speed limit or the oil companies. The problem is narsistic a$$holes who think they own the road. It's also hilarious watching these gas guzzler SUVs flyng down the left lane at 80 plus mph. The driver's must have small penis syndrome.
Forum: Fairfax County General
5 years ago
Yep. They didn't broadcast it but it was obvious. Now, it's official.
Forum: Fairfax County General
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